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Server Restore


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I had to perform a server restore on Saturday June 6th. This brought the site back to May 30th. Anything posted in between that time was lost. I am unsure of what exactly caused the issue, but I am still investigating. Please let me know if you encounter any errors or issues. I am working on getting the Paid Membership group updated.

Thank You,


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A quick scan of some threads and looks like all will be well in the Paid Member department in due time. I'd be curious to know what caused the crash. Privately, if you feel that is the right way. A few of us have our thoughts.

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a lot of work for you, administrator !!! I really thought that we had lost our favorite forum !!! ??? :-\ :)

There was a notice from Admin posted an hour or so before the system crashed stating that the system will be restored to May 30 and if you wished anything to be backed up to get it before the restore.

But not everyone had seen it as the system crashed before anyone had a chance to get anything saved.

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