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New apartment coming??

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si je comprends bien la situation, ce couple à vécu 2 semaines gratuitement hors caméras pour s'habituer à l'appartement, puis, quand rlc a branché les cams, ils ont fait du sexe presque aussitôt, et ont quittés l'appartement avec toutes leurs affaires, quelques minutes après!!! c'est bien cela??!!!

I understand the situation, this couple lived two weeks off free cameras to get used to the apartment, then when rlc plugged cams, they made sex almost immediately and left the apartment with all their business, within minutes !!! is that right ?? !!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think they did leave their bedroom closet is empty

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si je comprends bien la situation, ce couple à vécu 2 semaines gratuitement hors caméras pour s'habituer à l'appartement, puis, quand rlc a branché les cams, ils ont fait du sexe presque aussitôt, et ont quittés l'appartement avec toutes leurs affaires, quelques minutes après!!! c'est bien cela??!!!

I understand the situation, this couple lived two weeks off free cameras to get used to the apartment, then when rlc plugged cams, they made sex almost immediately and left the apartment with all their business, within minutes !!! is that right ?? !!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I think they did leave their bedroom closet is empty

I haven't seen any credible evidence anyone has been living there for 2 weeks. That was just a theory thrown out there by someone. All we saw were glimpses of people in the kitchen. The closets appeared to look empty yesterday as well. I did see them bringing things in still yesterday. Having said that however the apartment looks amazingly clean or sparse today. I guess we will have to wait and see what is going on.

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en fait, ils sont juste venus baiser devant les caméras, puis sont parti comme des voleurs!!! beau passage madalena et joao!!! un couple qui n'aura même pas eu le temps d'avoir sa rubrique sur CC!!!

in fact, they just came for sex before the cameras, and then marched as thieves !!! beautiful passage madalena and joao !!! a couple who will not even had time to have his column on CC !!! :D :D ;D

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Fastest, shortest, stay ever!  Good for you RLC shit-heads! Excellent pre-screening of a new couple to come grace your site!  What are requirmnts?  1dick, 1willing female, 1 fuck, one goodbye?

And by the way, you need to get the idiot Yarik to move the speakers from blocking the cameras!

Rant over.

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