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Carla & Mario Pictures - Split #1 Part#1

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All this guy does is either lay on his back and snooze or be a boy toy for Carla.

This dude is running a close second to Stepan as being the laziest guy on RLC.

Open Sesamy!  :)

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C'mon, you got your share, sucker. Let her be if she wants to masturbate right there right now!  8)

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He has done that a couple of other times.  Interfere when she wants to rub one out.
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"mario" seems rather young, and i wonder how these tenants are procured. ad in the local newspaper one wonders, exhibitionists wanted, no experience necessary, just have sex in front of multiple cameras.

They certainly don't have to pass any rigorous screening process to qualify.

I bet they'd even give the job to someone from the Special Olympics as long as they fuck and suck a dick RLC is happy.

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2000 mexican pesos ($ 123) for just a blowjob? Holy cow!

In Europe you get a blowjob for just € 10-15 and a whole fucking session for around € 25.

No wonder that the mexican economy is such a mess ;D

How about Greece? I know it's still in Europe...for now  ;D

But I have a feeling foreign currency can command a lot of "respect" in Greece now days.

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"mario" seems rather young, and i wonder how these tenants are procured. ad in the local newspaper one wonders, exhibitionists wanted, no experience necessary, just have sex in front of multiple cameras.

They certainly don't have to pass any rigorous screening process to qualify.

I bet they'd even give the job to someone from the Special Olympics as long as they fuck and suck a dick RLC is happy.

Apparently, "sucking a dick" is no longer a job requirement at RLC, and judging from the fan clubs for Nina & Kira apartment and Nora's monastery, that's a skill no longer in demand by the viewing audience...
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c'est les points que tu vois apparaître sur les vidéos, mais je soupçonne rlc d'avoir installé un nouveau moyen d'identification...sur les photos de kamila qui m'ont fait bannir, il n'y avait ni filagrammes, ni numéros, et pourtant!!!

it's the points that you see appear on the videos, but I suspect rlc have installed a new means of identification on ... kamila pictures that made me banish, there was no filagrammes, or numbers, yet !!! :-\

Je confirme RLC a trouver un moyen invisible de nous trouver, je me suis fais bannir :(

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