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Where are the girls-what are they doing?

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Well right now Nora is on couch watching her tv program Kami is at table eating and watching her program on computer with earphones.  Kristy is outside on balcony eating her salads.  Since yesterday, Kami and Kristy have not been so close as before physically

c'est fois ci c'est vrai, kristy mange des moules sur le balcon!!!!!! :D :D :D

it's time it's true, kristy eat mussels on the balcony !!!!!! : D: D: D

Si besoin j'ai la frite pour accompagner :p

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I'm familiar with the effects on the body of many drugs, but I am not familiar with the effects of ectasy.Does anyone on this forum know the effects of ectasy?

Yes I do and no none of them have exhibited any signs of taking ecstasy or any other drug for that matter.

What are the physical effects.
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I'm familiar with the effects on the body of many drugs, but I am not familiar with the effects of ectasy.Does anyone on this forum know the effects of ectasy?

Yes I do and no none of them have exhibited any signs of taking ecstasy or any other drug for that matter.

What are the physical effects.

Loner-suggest you Google effects of ectasy and read all about it!  This is about the girls thread, not a medical information site
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