euromike69 Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 RLC might as well close this apartment down if this is the kind of bullshit that they are offering,I'm on my way home and saw this gay bruno mars looking dude just pouting and texting like a little ass girl,usually it's the girl that stays on their phones,I see her trying desperately to get his attention and he's just texting away,why the fuck did she even bring him here if he didn't want to be here,they have a new apartment,they brought back jenny,and now this new chick,and still none of it can compare to Kristy by herself,it's a damn shame. And he needs to take off his girlfriends jeans and give it back to her,I wear fitted jeans,Not tight ass girl pants. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
InvisibleCircus Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 ... i'm so confused as to what is happening right now on that couch...
happyone Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 ... i'm so confused as to what is happening right now on that couch... Nothing-he wore himself out on the cell phone
Guest know Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 ... i'm so confused as to what is happening right now on that couch... In order to win money
corboblanc Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 RLC might as well close this apartment down if this is the kind of bullshit that they are offering,I'm on my way home and saw this gay bruno mars looking dude just pouting and texting like a little ass girl,usually it's the girl that stays on their phones,I see her trying desperately to get his attention and he's just texting away,why the fuck did she even bring him here if he didn't want to be here,they have a new apartment,they brought back jenny,and now this new chick,and still none of it can compare to Kristy by herself,it's a damn shame. And he needs to take off his girlfriends jeans and give it back to her,I wear fitted jeans,Not tight ass girl pants. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). il est comme la plupart des jeune actuels, efféminé!!!! c'est le résultat de 10 ans de promotion de l'homosexualité, de la féminisation et des travlos, heu pardon, des " transgenres"!!! en France, les gens ont votés pour cela, et en Europe, encore plus!!! ce jeune est donc normal, c'est votre fils ou celui que vous espérez avoir demain......!!!! he is like most of today's young, effeminate !!!! it is the result of 10 years of promoting homosexuality, and the feminization Travlos, er sorry, the "transgender" !!! in France, people have voted for it, and Europe, more !!! this young is normal, this is your son or that you hope to have tomorrow ...... !!!! 8) 8) 8)
Guest know Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 Alo Camellia y Christine te necesitamos aquí
bookmaster8 Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 il lui a mit la main au fesses dans la chambre, elle l'a immédiatement retirée...i n'y a plus rien à attendre!!! heureusement qu'il y a de l'ambiance chez Nelly et Bogdan!!! Is Nelly sleeping at Dasha's? What's going on? ???
euromike69 Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 It's ok to dress nice and have a certain look,but me and any girl that I'm dating should never be shopping in the same part of the store,these younger teenage guys these days are getting a lot more feminine with the way they dress and act,and this guy right here,if you're already there with your girl then who the hell else could you be on your phone texting,and when I wear any jeans I need my nuts to have room to move and breath,i don't need them tangled up in no tight ass pants,I bet that she probably wore his jeans by mistake thinking that they belonged to her. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D And on another note KRISTY WE MISS YOU,I KNOW THAT YOU MAY NEVER COME BACK BUT IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU DID.WE GOT SPOILED BY YOU AND KAMILA AND NOW EVERYTHING ELSE LOOKS MEHHH!! ;D ;D ;D il est comme la plupart des jeune actuels, efféminé!!!! c'est le résultat de 10 ans de promotion de l'homosexualité, de la féminisation et des travlos, heu pardon, des " transgenres"!!! en France, les gens ont votés pour cela, et en Europe, encore plus!!! ce jeune est donc normal, c'est votre fils ou celui que vous espérez avoir demain......!!!! he is like most of today's young, effeminate !!!! it is the result of 10 years of promoting homosexuality, and the feminization Travlos, er sorry, the "transgender" !!! in France, people have voted for it, and Europe, more !!! this young is normal, this is your son or that you hope to have tomorrow ...... !!!! 8) 8) 8)
euromike69 Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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