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Pictures Split #1 Part #1

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On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎24 at 8:29 AM, BBsq69 said:

Ilona's thinking about her pussy and how a tongue could be used to pleasure her. Unfortunately her tongue won't reach but she might know somebody who could help out.


Ilona's thinking about her pussy and how a tongue could be used to pleasure her. Unfortunately her tongue won't reach but she might know somebody who could help out.  Oh my pussy looks good , maybe Irma

will lick it . :yeahbaby:


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It doesn't seem like the Pictures Split #6 thread will allow quotes, so I'm posting a reply here.

upndown said:

"I think this highlights the difference between the genuine Irma, and the fake Ilona,

who I'm now getting a little pissed off with. Not because she won't do anything further,

but because she thinks she can do whatever she wants to the other girls, but they should

not have the audacity to touch her in a similar fashion."

IMHO, this post hits the nail right on the head. I think Ilona is cute and I enjoy seeing her little "shows". But, she seems to be a female version of Lev - a "user". She happily takes whatever she wants but never freely "gives".

She always just butts in on whatever the other girls are doing and expects them to just drop everything (even if they are involved in another conversation) and pay attention to her. I haven't seen her even once seem to care about what the others want. The only thing she seems to be aware of is herself and her needs.

She may be able to get away with that right now because she's cute. But, if she doesn't change, she could find herself old and alone. You don't make good friends by treating people that way.

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On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎24 at 3:48 AM, BBsq69 said:

Ilona seemed to find something very amusing about Irma's panties. She almost cupped (with her hand) Irma's pussy and then kept pointing at it causing Irma to protect it.

All I could think was "INSERT HERE!"


She was making fun of the fact that those particular red panties didn't fit snugly in the crotch. It almost looked like they were made for a man or a trannie.  :yes:

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Ilona est dans la salle de lavage. Et ce depuis environs 20mn. Il est grand temps que RLC mette une caméra dans cette pièce pour enfin voir ce qui s'y passe...Pourquoi se cacher là, alors qu'elle et les autres filles se montrent ailleurs?? RLC a mis une caméra sur la terrasse, c'est bien (à notre demande), alors maintenant, une autre caméra dans la salle de lavage, ou "laundry room". merci.

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  I can't believe we are not seeing any type of action between the girls on Christmas Eve !!! :( :( :( :( :(

  Where the hell is Santa Claus ..........LOL  ?

Aren't they Russian so don't we have to wait a couple of weeks. Personally I'd like it tomorrow they wore those bows and got to unwrap each other in front of the Xmas tree. Now that would be wonderful ... provided they don't do it while I'm cooking the dinner or presents are being given out. Imagine the conversation

"I just need to pop upstairs for my presents ... They're all the way from Russia ... but are in Spain and are small, medium and large whichever way you measure them ... anyway I must go!"

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I'm right here,I'm busy right now having Irma and Anna sucking on my Candy Kane :haha: :haha: :haha:

As many of you have clearly noticed all day,without Irma being in the apartment what do you get,.....Ilona in the laundry room doing God knows what,and when she finally comes out we get to watch her on her phone or laptop again yippie!! I'm not even gonna try and guess what she does in that laundry room,but whatever it is it's clearly something that she doesn't want us to hear or see.

  I can't believe we are not seeing any type of action between the girls on Christmas Eve !!! :( :( :( :( :(

  Where the hell is Santa Claus ..........LOL  ?

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