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Pictures Split #1 Part #1

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Où est passée la Belle et sensuelle ILONA?? Elle ne montre plus rien, ne danse plus, n'est plus intéressante, même très ennuyeuse avec son ordi !!!Ilona, si tu lis ce message, car on sait que tu viens sur ce site, soit tu reprends ta nature sensuelle, en satisfaisant la clientèle RLC, soit tu ne sers plus à rien, et tu pars...1 mois aujourd'hui que tu es là, et tu as complètement changé!!

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Où est passée la Belle et sensuelle ILONA?? Elle ne montre plus rien, ne danse plus, n'est plus intéressante, même très ennuyeuse avec son ordi !!!Ilona, si tu lis ce message, car on sait que tu viens sur ce site, soit tu reprends ta nature sensuelle, en satisfaisant la clientèle RLC, soit tu ne sers plus à rien, et tu pars...1 mois aujourd'hui que tu es là, et tu as complètement changé!!

et que dire de irma qui en 24h à completement changer de comportement aussi!

y-a forcement quelqu'un derrière tout çà et ce changement soudain

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i like ilona but she spends to much time on her laptop she beginning to get boring.

Bearing (Baring is a more appropriate spelling) in mind what she did before with a couple of long periods of nudity on the couch and that first night with Irma, her lack of appearances over the last 48 hours have been really disappointing. She goes to bed at 4 or later then gets up. She comes down a number of times but nearly always covered up as opposed to her early performances and if you are lucky she will roll on the couch for a couple of minutes otherwise she will go straight back upstairs. Sometime she comes down ti turn on TV just to drown out the conversation on the balcony. She does spend some time cooking so she will eat in the lR but as soon as she's finished it's back upstairs to the laptop or out for several hours. I noticed despite the apparent closeness displayed at Irma's arrival they came home at different times which either meant they made their separate ways or Irma was trying to persuade some to come in or just having some fun outside.

Ilona is a very sexy girl but I fear from a free cammer's point of view that unless there's some drink in the house we may have seen the best of her already. If she's going to spend all day upstairs she should at least have the good grace (yes I know she doesn't have to) to bate for the Premium guys. 

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      wwowowo pyote fool popss  kis you    :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby:

On ‎2015‎-‎12‎-‎17 at 1:03 PM, sourdoug said:

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