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Terrorist Attacks in France


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It's very obvious to me, corboblanc, that you are unfamiliar with the right-wing religious fanatics in this country. They are not throwing bombs, for the most part, nor blowing up infrastructure, but they are no less dangerous. They claim to be "Christian", but in no way resemble Christ by their actions. They don't spread His love, they spread their own hatred and whine when everyone else doesn't embrace their small-mindedness. They have forgotten Jesus' own words and supplanted them with the ideology of St. Paul, a wealthy hypocrite. For you, however, to attack us verbally as an entire nation is as hateful and ludicrous as you accuse us of being. We are not all, not even NEARLY all, like what you describe. Most of us see the real truth, but it is going to take us many long years of painful change to get back to being what we once were, an honorable nation intent on doing good whenever possible. Before that change can begin, however, we need to find enough people who are willing to begin that revolution, people who will fight tooth and nail to make progress once more to a place of goodness and who refuse to be silenced.

My thanks to Foamy for at least not trying to make it appear that mass media is liberal. The truth is there IS no liberal media, other than a lone XM radio channel. That's it. One voice crying in the wilderness. To the right-wing extremists, any media outlet that doesn't swallow in its entirety the notion that we are still the greatest nation on the earth and that opinions don't constitute news or truth... those outlets get falsely branded as liberal. Question the truth about what a conservative says and you are automatically a liberal rather than someone who isn't willing to settle for half-truths or outright lies or opinion as fact.

j'avoue que j'y est été très fort et je m'en excuse. je sais que beaucoup d'américains sont des gens bien.  personnellement, je ne crois en aucune religion, et c'est tant mieux!!!

I admit that I was very strong and I apologize. I know many Americans are good people. I personally do not believe in any religion, and that's good !!!

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Foamy, I agree with you. The terrorists do not respect weakness. They will kill us if we don't kill them first. Even Al Qaeda had a game plan. Get the US and western countries out of the gulf or middle east. ISIS is only interested in mayhem and death. They are cult that believes this is the end of days and that they are the ones to bring it about!

There is no talking with people like that. We must exterminate them like rats (hopefully not like cockroaches as they have and will outlive humans). Totally and completely.

But we mustn't lose our essence as a free democracy in doing so. We cannot lump all american moslems into a group for us to hate or kill. And refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq, we created the problem in the first place with GWB's insane war in Iraq. They are  families, ordinary people. They are not terrorists. The terrorists that struck in Paris and Brussels were not refugees.

We must settle the civil war in Syria and then eliminate ISIS. Then we need an Israeli/Palestinian peace agreement. And watch Iran like a hawk.

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On 11/20/2015 at 10:30 PM, corboblanc said:

c'est exactement la différence entre l'Europe et ce pays parasite qui détruit le monde pour faire bouffer ses milliers d'obèses débilisés et imbéciles, que sont les états unis!! l'intelligence, c'est la seule chose qui vous manque pour être parfait!!! vous n'êtes qu'une bande  fachos, de racistes et de suprématistes de la race blanche, et on a l'impression de nager en plein ku klux klan!!!! dire qu'il faut vous obéir en europe, cela fait mal au cul!!! vivement que poutine ne paye plus vos bons au trésor, qu'il possède à 80%, pour que les Etats-Unis s'écroulent en moins d'une semaine!!! cela nous permettrait de ne plus avoir à supporter les débilités indescriptibles des fachos patriotes américains, aussi cons et dépourvus de cerveau, qu'une limace de mer!!!! vous n'êtes qu'un ramassis de pauvre gars endoctrinés!!! merci à tous!!!

what exactly is the difference between Europe and the countries parasite that destroys the world to eat her débilisés obese and thousands of idiots that are the united states !! intelligence, it is the only thing missing to be perfect for you !!! you are a band fascists, racists and white supremacists of, and printing was swimming ku klux klan open !!!! that we must obey you in Europe, it hurts the ass !!! Putin strongly that no longer pay your good treasure, it has 80% for the US collapse in less than a week !!! it would allow us not to have to endure the unspeakable debilitated American patriots fascists, too stupid and lacking brain, a sea slug !!!! you are a bunch of brainwashed poor guys !!! thank you to all !!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :headache: :headache: :doh:

I  just have one thing to say Corbo, remember Normandy Beach, the band fascists, racists and white supremacists of, and printing was swimming ku klux klan, saved you grandparent ass so you could live as free country again, and say the uniformed opinionated statements above. How soon we forget the sacrifice all of the Americas made to help rid the real evil dictator the world has known. If we do nothing, this very well could be what happens again,  and this time we won't rebuild Europe, you the Europeans will have to do it yourself. GOOD LUCK !!!!!

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