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Terrorist Attacks in France


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I'm glad someone here gets the meaning behind this whole situation besides me. Today, France, Tomorrow, Spain, Monday, England, Tuesday, Sweden/Norway/Finland.

These cockroaches are running rampant throughout the world and need to fully be exterminated.

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Google translate doesn't work with these people. Neither does the Bing translator. Neither does diplomacy.

As far as terrorists are concerned, in the hay-days of the British Empire, insurgents were lashed to a cannon and blown apart IN PUBLIC. It was messy, but they got the message.The Brits knew how to speak the language of the these people.

We unfortunately want to "win" the hearts and minds of these people, when we should be conquering their will to resist instead.

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une chose est certaine, concernant les milliers de migrants qui envahissent l'Europe actuellement, c'est que nous ne pouvons pas leur tirer dessus!!! la seule possibilité de stopper le flux continu de migrants, c'est de rétablir le calme chez eux!!! il n'y a aucun autre moyen de faire.....

one thing is certain concerning thousands of migrants who invade Europe now is that we can not shoot them !!! the only way to stop the continuing flow of migrants is to restore calm at home !!! there is no other way to do ..... :idk:

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No. You cannot shoot them. Your governments made you give up your right to self protection and the people caved in to their governments and gave them all of their weapons. Now instead of acting like the idiots in the U.S and shooting and killing with guns, in Europe they build bombs and toss them into the buildings.

Either way, we all lose.

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une chose est certaine, concernant les milliers de migrants qui envahissent l'Europe actuellement, c'est que nous ne pouvons pas leur tirer dessus!!! la seule possibilité de stopper le flux continu de migrants, c'est de rétablir le calme chez eux!!! il n'y a aucun autre moyen de faire.....

one thing is certain concerning thousands of migrants who invade Europe now is that we can not shoot them !!! the only way to stop the continuing flow of migrants is to restore calm at home !!! there is no other way to do ..... :idk:

On the radio today, somebody said the only way is for Islam to go through a Reformation like Christianity did. Except that it needs the opposite because they need a Pope to tell them what they are doing and what they believe is against Islam. Everywhere in Europe and North America is under threat from these people because certain mosques/schools, mainly funded by Saudi Arabia, teach a version of Islam which teaches that anything out of the West is evil.

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I'm glad someone here gets the meaning behind this whole situation besides me. Today, France, Tomorrow, Spain, Monday, England, Tuesday, Sweden/Norway/Finland.

These cockroaches are running rampant throughout the world and need to fully be exterminated.

Your forgot to add the USA to that list.  Odumbo wants to import 10,000 , some of which I believe are already here, and over the next several years...maybe bring in more.  :screwy:

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You do understand that the terrorists that have smuggled themselves into Europe with the refugees are not refugees right?!

ISIS has made it intolerable in Syria and Iraq for ordinary people to live their lives without fear of being killed, so these ordinary people leave their homes and flood to Europe.  This has given the terrorists the perfect opportunity to smuggle themselves through, hiding among the victims they created like the cowards they are.

If as you suggest, we start shooting refugees, how does that make us better than any terrorist?  It makes us at best the same as them, but most probably it makes us worse as these refugees have nothing and need help - yet you say they need to be exterminated.  Either we show we are better than them or we stop pretending that we're different.

As Corboblanc says, the only way to stop this is to restore their homes and livelihoods - we in the West are as guilty as anyone for fucking up the Mid East.

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You do understand that the terrorists that have smuggled themselves into Europe with the refugees are not refugees right?!

ISIS has made it intolerable in Syria and Iraq for ordinary people to live their lives without fear of being killed, so these ordinary people leave their homes and flood to Europe.  This has given the terrorists the perfect opportunity to smuggle themselves through, hiding among the victims they created like the cowards they are.

If as you suggest, we start shooting refugees, how does that make us better than any terrorist?  It makes us at best the same as them, but most probably it makes us worse as these refugees have nothing and need help - yet you say they need to be exterminated.  Either we show we are better than them or we stop pretending that we're different.

As Corboblanc says, the only way to stop this is to restore their homes and livelihoods - we in the West are as guilty as anyone for fucking up the Mid East.

absolument!!! la différence d'idéologie entre un Français et un américain, c'est qu'un américain vit loin du monde arabe, alors que nous, nous vivons avec eux aux quotidien!!!! certains sont des connards, d'autres sont des gens normaux, qui ont parfois beaucoup plus d'honneur, de respect et de bon sens, que certains occidentaux!!!

absolutely!!! the difference in ideology between a French and an American is an American living away from the Arab world, while we, we live with them in everyday !!!! some are assholes, others are normal people, who sometimes much more honor, respect and common sense, some Western !!! :screwy:

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Respecting your right to your religious beliefs as a human individual is contingent upon you respecting the rights of other individuals.

I have worked with many Muslims here in America, and I have the utmost respect for them, their demeanor and skills. No doubt the majority of refugees flocking to Europe are good, decent kind people who have no religious problem with abiding with common civil laws.

Many of my ancestors came to America in the 1600's with muskets and swords at their backs, and it was because of their religion. Once here, they quickly learned that religious bigotry was useless here: they needed diverse people in order to survive. Here, religious diversity was tolerated, and when the founders wrote the Constitution, the right to choose a religion became the sole jurisdiction of the individual, not the state, nor a pope, or another human. It works. North America was a refuge from the horrible religious wars of Europe.

I have no problems with Islam. I don't like the preponderance of circular reasoning in the Koran (my version of logic is in the Western Civilization's use of Ancient Greek logic), but as long as they don't want to kill others (gee, I'm more Christian than I thought!) and want to live their lives, I'm cool with that.

Kill the fucking terrorists and those who support them. Dump the weakness and mercy crap: they don't understand it and don't respect it. They don't believe individuals have any rights; they follow who ever has the most force, and the more violent, the better. Such war-lord thinking is barbaric, non-productive, does not contribute to the survival of our species, and should be discarded by effective means.

Meaning, conquer them.

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