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New Girl is Ilona Split#1

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On Ilonas make-up bag, it seems to be written a message: "My boyfriend is out of..." after off I can't read, but maybe twin or something.

It used to be all clear before, when I saw her wash it a few days ago.

I can see it stands "Town!" now.

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By the way, Ilona has been there two and a half weeks. No periods during that time, and she looks little bit painful now :(

She did have a period. I remember because I thought "well, there goes any chance of seeing her kitty for another several days". I think it was a little over 1 week ago or so.

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She did have a period. I remember because I thought "well, there goes any chance of seeing her kitty for another several days". I think it was a little over 1 week ago or so.

You may be right. Now I noticed that there was a time when she used the downstairs toilet.

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I have a question regarding Illona's room. How come when the sun comes up, the nightvision stays on, unlike in both Sara's and White's room? Illona is wearing eye shades so that the sunlight doesn't mess up her sleep but the nightvision suggests that the window is covered with something to block out the sun.

That room was not like that when the previous girls stayed in it. Any ideas as to why the change?

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I have a question regarding Illona's room. How come when the sun comes up, the nightvision stays on, unlike in both Sara's and White's room? Illona is wearing eye shades so that the sunlight doesn't mess up her sleep but the nightvision suggests that the window is covered with something to block out the sun.

That room was not like that when the previous girls stayed in it. Any ideas as to why the change?

I remember seeing blinds in the room when I was a paying member.  I don't know if she has lowered them or if there has been a building or wall built outside that is keeping it darker longer but if I was a betting man, I would bet blinds!!

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