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He'll be back. Trolls gonna troll.

Besides, his above post is a trolling masterpiece. I think CamCaps is where they come to refine their craft.

I had one the other day went after me for some reason and then the person deleted their account.

The trolls always come back. The system gets in their blood and they can't stay away.

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I'll try to stuff this into a thimble as best I can.

1969 in the middle of January in Manistique, Upper Peninsula. 

I actually heard the sheets on my bed crack from the moisture content that certain materials retain through humidity.  Now that's fucking cold!   

It was the first night there at Dennis Manning's father's cabin, where Dennis and I were to stay a few days and do a little hunting.  The cabin had been vacant for months.  And if it were not for that wonderful pot belly stove I would probably still be there, perfectly preserved, like some great mastodon.

"Oh you'll love it Nage,.. You'll be fifty miles away from the nearest phone". 

He wasn't lying.    Dark, and cold like you can't hardly imagine.  No moon, no stars, and no city lights to cast a glow over this secluded cabin that lay there nestled in the woods and right on the shore of frozen Lake Michigan.  And outside of Antarctica, or perhaps the North Pole where Santa Claus resides, you couldn't get any more remote than this.  I remembered thinking, that a man could kill a person there and simply walk away without ever having to fear being detected.  It was that secluded.

Dennis kept telling me about this old Indian he wanted me to meet.  "You'll really like this guy, he's got some great stories." 

So on the third day we treaded about three miles in the cold, only to discover that he was curled up on the floor, frozen stiff.  Probably a heart attack, but who knows? 

Dennis gently kicked him a couple of times, and when he didn't stir, only said,.. "That's too bad, he had some really neat stories to tell."    What could you do?  There wasn't anyway to let anyone else know.  So we just lumbered on back to our now nice warm cabin. 

That night, Dennis' car threw a rod, and in the end, we had to walk about eight miles in pitch darkness across Lake Michigan, in order to catch a ride from these girls that we met up there.  They told us a couple of days earlier that they were leaving that morning, so we had to walk this perilous walk that night. 

Bitter cold and eerie as hell.  The ice would sometimes groan like a dinosaur as it rubbed against itself, or sometimes would snap with a loud bang.  And the wind was constant and relentless.  And not just some slight mild breeze either, but more in the range of mother fucker!    But what can you do? 

I remembered telling Dennis, knowing that it was far too cold to do any talking,.. "Just make a grunt or noise every now and then so that we both won't just veer off and lose each other."

Oh what I would have given for a sled and a few Huskies back then.

Well, when we finally made it to this tiny little star like light which hung there in the horizon and which was the motel where these girls were staying at, we had to thaw out for quite a long while before we could finally get our jaws to free up and tell them both just how much we really loved them.

:hugnkiss:  Ahhh, save us, save us!

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Hey Squirrel, what's ya writing?    Let me guess.  It's a romanticized account of Mohammed back in his day, with depictions of fluffy goats and camels and things of that type.  And about that wonderful day when he met his first love at a petting zoo.  Am I right? 

You know a book like that could get you a lot of free publicity, and some personal notoriety as well.  And if push comes to shove, you can always come hide out with me over here in the lone star state for a while.  ;)

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No. It's about a small group of guys who get busted for breaking CC rules, and are sentenced to spend 3 months living with their favorite RLC women whilst the RLC husbands and boyfriends are sent on an all-expenses paid vacation in Alaska to fish and hunt wild beavers.

Once there, the CC convicts realize that all the RLC girls are FSB agents who try to tease top-secret CC information from them, brutally torturing them with seductive underwear, constant primping, and endless cell phone conversations to their secret lovers who hang out at Tver's apartment.

The object of the novel is to promise lots of action, and deliver only blue balls in return.  :lmao:

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