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Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #14

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I tried different capture settings, but then they weren't compatable with my gif making stuff, and so has took a while to figure them out.

I am sure some will appreciate content a little older as they may have missed it.

It's nice to have pics (gifs) in the picture thread for a change :)

So it is clear, I am not upset by any comments, Not trying to be defensive just posting my reasons.

Just as a sidenote, what is preferrable, 1 gif per post or a post with lots of gifs?

I am doing 1 per post as when someone quotes then they are quoting for the gif they want to refer to, whereas I have seen before someone quotes a multi pic post and they leave in all the pics.

Obsessive...... all these gifs are from 1 half hour video from the other night, they had a real fun session.

I don't have any objection to what your posting. They are great captured gifs.

I just found it odd that such an amount would be posted in a short amount of time from the same person. You don't see that to often on the threads.

If that's the way you like posting then have at it.  Happy Posting.

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