miscvoyeur Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Wanking in the bathroom and filming with the phone :wtf: So what if they jerk off. Phil used to jerk off all the time and no one cared then. Gavin films more things with his phone than anybody else and no one cares.
Houlii Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 In my opinion, I don't think not having sex is the issue with the complaints about these guys. Personally I enjoy the chemistry that goes on when everything is working. There is no flirting or playfulness going on maybe as a result the rejection by the girls has already taken place and you have 3 guys wondering from apartment to apartment not really fitting in anywhere. Granted the girls are rejecting and ignoring them but if there is no attraction, there is no attraction. Maybe time will change things.. who knows.
Unsichtbarer Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Christy looks unhappy. I hope they don't want her to do something with one of the new guys.
Houlii Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 Well another thing is maybe too many people have been brought in at once. Seems to work better when one at a time appears. Petra is trying hard to help them fit in. Still doesn't seem to like Messa 2 putting his hands on her..lol
snaky Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 TVER With out Petra (Didn't see her) + Akira and charlie went out 2 1/2 hour ago. aprx. One hour after that 2 muppets and christy went out. Now only christy is back. If you notice Christy return nicely dressed. I suppose there was something happened outside maybe meeting . And it didn't go well. Maybe that's the reason why she is crying. Why the hell is it that every time someone goes out dressed nicely it always has to be a meeting?
mr1010 Posted December 17, 2015 Author Posted December 17, 2015 It seems we have two camps here forming. One are people that don't care about sex on VV and just want what VV deigns to give them and are patient, and the other are people who like relationships but want sex as well and we are more critical and not as patient. I am clearly in the second camp. In my view we pay $30 a month to see some sex or sexy behavior. Let's not be prudes. I wouldn't spend $30 a month to separately watch survivor or big brother on tv. I expect to see a voyeur sex site. That is how VV advertises it, that is how they market it. Of course, I want chemistry between the people. Expect for Julia and Gavin, no one is a "pro". They get upset, they laugh, they cry, they yell, they want sex with this person but not with that person, etc. In other words they are human beings. We want them to have sex and we see it, but only with whom they want, when they want (but not never!). I want to see shows (by the way anyone having sex on camera where they know people are watching is always performing), but tasteful and fun. I am ok with these guys staying for now only for one reason. As long as Christy and the others are made happier by their presence. Christy seems to be relaxing a little and may even like non-laptop guy a bit. But, laptop guy gets on hers and everyone else's nerves. And nothing seems to be changing in the coffee kltach apartment, Voro. Will they ever perform there again? I don't blame Julia and Gavin in a way. If I got an apartment like that, could bring all my friends over and don't have to perform, would I? VV is making it a little too easy on them. The others in Tver are always performing, Christy performs. But they don't have to?
spielo Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 There isn't a single thing wrong with the new guys. The only reason you people call them names is because they're not having sex with any of the girls... It is almost not understandable, how the 3 guys are damned and Natasha(Natalia was used by Julia) is put up to heaven. Her merits for the action with Akira while being totally drunken are not enough for the rest of her life. Just my thoughts.
mr1010 Posted December 17, 2015 Author Posted December 17, 2015 By the way, I called them nicknames at the beginning, long before I knew they weren't having sex with the girls. I called the darkhaired guy Messa 2 before Natasha went with him to Tver that first night and she could have had sex with him that night. Natasha wasn't attracted to him unfortunately. I called laptop guy that because that first night he obnoxiously monopolized the room all night and Christy and natasha wanted to go to bed already. And how about last night when he just lied down on Christy's bed while she was there? Was that socially acceptable behavior? And don't forget, it is not just the guys I nicknamed. I call Natasha the ice princess because if she doesn't like you she is cold as ice to you. At least Christy tries to be sociable. Natasha is like the least sociable person there. Some of you think this is just about sex. It is not. And non-laptop guy and Messa 2 I don't mind as much anymore. But, where is this all going? VV is going to be a platonic site? I can watch some regular tv reality shows for that and not pay $30.
Unsichtbarer Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 I agree with you, mr1010, Sir. And hey, you can call me "Kraut" if you wish :P (Did you know, that only a few people in Germany really enjoy "Sauerkraut"? (I'm one of them, by the way)).
mr1010 Posted December 17, 2015 Author Posted December 17, 2015 It doesn't bother me so much that Natasha had sex her first night, we shouldn't be moralistic about girls having sex the first night they meet someone, if Ivo or a guy did it we wouldn't be thinking that way. But... I agree with you about it being with Akira, spielo. That resulted in Akira being forced out. I always loved Charlie! But, I don't just blame Natasha for it. VV and Tver pushed them together to have sex. Ivo and Petra are also to blame, they pushed him to be attracted to her, Natasha took over from there. Ironic since Natasha is basically an ice princess, cold as ice to anyone she doesn't want or know. And I actually liked Akira also, especially with Charlie. VV brought on so many changes, a lot did not work out. julia and Gavin are still up in the air with me. They are better than the chaos of Christy, Nastya and Messa, but they basically do whatever they want even though they are actually doing a job when they are at VV. I saw how they made fun of their pornos one day with Natasha. It kind of shows how they approach their jobs. They are more or less playing with us a little, either doing nothing or doing porno shows. How about more regularly doing normal sex?
mr1010 Posted December 17, 2015 Author Posted December 17, 2015 Hey, Kraut! You sure it's ok if I call you that? You're a good guy. I always appreciated your basic calm but rational nature. I am not as calm a person as you, I think. I am passionate and try to be funny with my comments and not just angry. I was going to ask you what unsichtbarer means in German. You and cassy and tallguy and several others are good people and I enjoy all the comments you all make. I like that everyone is different here and brings a different approach to life to this forum. You are not judgmental and I appreciate that. I also do like to learn about other cultures and countries and so it is nice to know a German.
sat11 Posted December 17, 2015 Posted December 17, 2015 the only way this apartment is going to change is by get all of them out and start again and again until they get it right other wise this will the normal three hours of this two hours of this :headache:
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