havingablast Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 Just watched some meat head pushing a girl around in the bedroom while 2 other girls were in the bed. Poor skinny chick was trembling while the arsehole pushed and pointed. I can only hope that he is the first casualty of the Russian road accident list for 2016. Fucking scumbag!!!!!
joesthrowaway0 Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 I know right? I think her and him are the guests of N&B. It started out in the hall. The girl was (I think) trying to leave because she had her boots and jacket on and Bodgan was blocking her for about 20 minutes. Wasnt being a dick about it or anything. Then I see that they are on the floor and Bogdan is holder her and she is crying. Assuming, finally convinced to stay. Then the dude, come over and helps her up. I am meanwhile reading this fourm and watching blurred thumbnails of Anna and Irma NOT doing anything. Next thing I see is that dick dragging her back inside N&B's, pulling her jacket off and dragging her to the bedroom and getting up in her face and pointing too all while whomever is sleeping in there. She is still sitting on the floor crying (guessing) all while Efim (assuming) has his drunk ass passed out on the couch and his girlfriend petting his arm and talking to him like it is going to make it better. I HAVE BEEN ON THAT COUCH DRUNK. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! All while everyone else is in the kitchen having a good time including that prick and Nelly is passed the fuck out on the same couch.
noddis Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 So.. the girl went to bed earlier tonight together with another girl (just sleeping) she rejoined the party after about 10-15min and stayed for a however many hours. in the meantime a 3rd girl went to bed (so now there were 2 in the bed) and the trio on the passed out on the couch. so the girl took a pillow and tried to sleep on the living room floor and gave up quickly and proceeded to try and leave, whereas bogdan stopped her and the "meathead" took her to the room and gestured to the bed in what I can only assume was telling her there was room for one more (which there imo was). she sticks around for a few minutes, going on the balcony to smoke, before trying to leave again and this time the meathead practacly drags her back and pulls her back to the room and getting up in her face etc and sat in the room crying for however long before going back the kitchen and is now sitting in the far end "behind" the refrigerator. None of the other people at the party reacted to holding her back in the hallway (either time, even once with bodgan helping) so my guess is that she was really tired and didnt find a place to sleep and wanted to go home... and maybe they live far away and the plan was for them to sleep over but she was to drunk and/or tired to think about that. Hard to say from outside without even speaking russian. while typing this it seems they have made her a makeshift bed at the end of the kitchen and shes calm. Edit: Reading over it, it seemed like I was defending the guy, and I just wanted to say im not, I also thought it was to rought. Just wanted to try explain for the rest of you and voice my trying to make sense of it all.
moos54 Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 elle avais l'air un peu soûle surtout et elle a du coup fait une crise de nerf a cause de efim qui etait sur le canapé tout aussi bourrer elle a l'air d'avoir du caractère finalement, bogdan a essayé de la calmer sans que son copain ou une autre personne n'interviennent mais quand il a dû le faire, il s'est pas mal emporté pour tenté de la calmer elle a dessoûler sur le canapé de la cuisine finalement enfin c'est ce que j'ai cru comprendre en suivant les événements
See Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 It looked rather unpleasant, especially when I have seen them a very loving and peaceful couple before the incident and thereafter. She barely made it a fit of anger, but just completely right mind, and his wife's best interests. She was drunk and hysterical, tried to leave. First Bogdan was holding her, and then her husband. She also tried to leave without anyone noticing. He did not use a lot of physical violence only pushed, but shouted loud and angry voice. When she got cried and calmed down, she washed her face, came back into the living room and all was well again.
corboblanc Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 si à chaque fois qu'un couple s'engueule, vous souhaitez au gars d'avoir un accident de voiture, sans avoir rien comprit à ce qu'ils disent et ce qui s'est réellement passer, il ne doit plus y avoir beaucoup d'hommes dans votre entourage!!!! cette fille était saoul et a emmerder le monde!!! Bogdan à tenté de la calmer, pour qu'elle ne parte pas, à peine habillée et saoul, dans les rues gelées de la ville!!! cela n'a pas marcher jusqu'à ce que son copain ai dû élever le ton et lui faire comprendre qu'il était hors de question qu'elle quitte l'appartement dans cet état!!! if every time a couple yells, the guy you want to have a car accident, without having anything to understand what they say and what really happen, there must be many more men around you !!!! this girl was drunk and piss the world !!! Bogdan tried to calm her, so she would not go, barely dressed and drunk, in the frozen streets of the city !!! it did not walk until her boyfriend had to raise the tone and make him understand that it was no way she leaves the apartment in this state !!!
Chicago515 Posted January 1, 2016 Posted January 1, 2016 The party keeps on going on and on and on. Nelly hasn't changed clothes since yesterday and now someone new shows up and her, Elim and his GF do a couple of shots with the new guy. Bogdan is sleeping on the couch while Nelly is partying. He may miss out on a good thing if he doesn't wake up soon.
InvisibleCircus Posted January 2, 2016 Posted January 2, 2016 si à chaque fois qu'un couple s'engueule, vous souhaitez au gars d'avoir un accident de voiture, sans avoir rien comprit à ce qu'ils disent et ce qui s'est réellement passer, il ne doit plus y avoir beaucoup d'hommes dans votre entourage!!!! cette fille était saoul et a emmerder le monde!!! Bogdan à tenté de la calmer, pour qu'elle ne parte pas, à peine habillée et saoul, dans les rues gelées de la ville!!! cela n'a pas marcher jusqu'à ce que son copain ai dû élever le ton et lui faire comprendre qu'il était hors de question qu'elle quitte l'appartement dans cet état!!! if every time a couple yells, the guy you want to have a car accident, without having anything to understand what they say and what really happen, there must be many more men around you !!!! this girl was drunk and piss the world !!! Bogdan tried to calm her, so she would not go, barely dressed and drunk, in the frozen streets of the city !!! it did not walk until her boyfriend had to raise the tone and make him understand that it was no way she leaves the apartment in this state !!! Wise Corboblanc strikes again! Good to know there are still lucid people in here.
Foamy T. Squirrel Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 I hesitate to rush to judgement. The reasons for restraining her could be very legitimate and in her best interests, especially if she was planning to drive herself home.
Chip2020 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Today at about noon their time, I noticed that Bogdan has his right hand all wrapped up in a bandage. Anyone know what happened to him?
BBsq69 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Well actually I think I know and it's very innocent and nothing to worry about. She sneezes in there. Why she can't have box of tissues outside I don't know or maybe Nelly has some weird phobia about sneezing or using a handkerchief in public like the Japanese do?
StnCld316 Posted January 3, 2016 Posted January 3, 2016 Today at about noon their time, I noticed that Bogdan has his right hand all wrapped up in a bandage. Anyone know what happened to him? I would not know. It must have happened yesterday as he was fine when they had their New Years Party.
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