Aka Norafan77 Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 Nothing happened. You didn't miss anything. Nothing new there then. Oh well, same old same old
Sulzer Posted January 18, 2016 Posted January 18, 2016 I wonder if Ilona is working on getting a new girl to come she seems very busy on the laptop. She doesn't want to be alone either for some reason and is in Layla's bed with her.
van the man Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 I know young people live their lives online via numerous social media sites but I find it hard to understand what would hold the interest of a vibrant young girl to the extent that she would spend all day every day on her laptop or phone. Surely such a beautiful girl should be out in the real world living a real life rather than sitting in a chair in the corner of a small apartment especially when that apartment is situated in such a vibrant city as Barcelona. One day in the future Ilona will wake up as a middle aged woman who will likely be fat bellied with a saggy ass and cellulite filled legs. She will wonder where her life has gone. I find watching her with increasing sadness. She has taken an adventurous step in leaving her homeland for a life in a new country but has then chosen to remain a prisoner in her adopted apartment rather than see and visit the country she is visiting. Unfortunately Ilona is just one example of a generation of young people whose life is being blighted by social media/laptops and mobile phones rather than their life being enhanced by new technology!!!
corboblanc Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 I know young people live their lives online via numerous social media sites but I find it hard to understand what would hold the interest of a vibrant young girl to the extent that she would spend all day every day on her laptop or phone. Surely such a beautiful girl should be out in the real world living a real life rather than sitting in a chair in the corner of a small apartment especially when that apartment is situated in such a vibrant city as Barcelona. One day in the future Ilona will wake up as a middle aged woman who will likely be fat bellied with a saggy ass and cellulite filled legs. She will wonder where her life has gone. I find watching her with increasing sadness. She has taken an adventurous step in leaving her homeland for a life in a new country but has then chosen to remain a prisoner in her adopted apartment rather than see and visit the country she is visiting. Unfortunately Ilona is just one example of a generation of young people whose life is being blighted by social media/laptops and mobile phones rather than their life being enhanced by new technology!!! cher ami, vous avez raison que ilona est trop souvent sur son ordinateur et ne profite pas des endroits ou elle se trouve, mais je le répète, ilona ne s'amuse pas sur les réseaux sociaux: elle travaille!!! dear friend, you are right that ilona too often on his computer and did not take advantage of places where it is, but I repeat, is not amused ilona on social networks: it works !!!
daily Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 Le problème c'est que le jour ou elle se rendra compte que la vrai vie ce n' est pas seulement voyager ,gagner de l' argent en travaillant autant il sera trop tard La vrai vie c' est de pouvoir etre près de sa famille souvent ,sortir pour voir ses amis ,commencer à penser à fonder une famille, avoir une vie stable en quelque sorte , malheureusement elle va le regretter un jour et elle se dira dommage de ne pas avoir profiter de mes séjours dans tous les pays que j' ai pu fréquenté
Sulzer Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 Well all that computing is making Ilona horny. She is getting off in the bathtub again. She has been a lot more horny over the last few days than any of the time she has been here.
mid4hiking Posted January 19, 2016 Author Posted January 19, 2016 buck naked downstairs :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby:
francis costelo Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 I know young people live their lives online via numerous social media sites but I find it hard to understand what would hold the interest of a vibrant young girl to the extent that she would spend all day every day on her laptop or phone. Surely such a beautiful girl should be out in the real world living a real life rather than sitting in a chair in the corner of a small apartment especially when that apartment is situated in such a vibrant city as Barcelona. One day in the future Ilona will wake up as a middle aged woman who will likely be fat bellied with a saggy ass and cellulite filled legs. She will wonder where her life has gone. I find watching her with increasing sadness. She has taken an adventurous step in leaving her homeland for a life in a new country but has then chosen to remain a prisoner in her adopted apartment rather than see and visit the country she is visiting. Unfortunately Ilona is just one example of a generation of young people whose life is being blighted by social media/laptops and mobile phones rather than their life being enhanced by new technology!!! Did any of you ever think that maybe , just maybe she spends so much time on her laptop because she is enrolled in online schooling? I know from experience it can take up 10 to 12 hours plus a day depending on class enrollment etc. I have also noticed sometimes she has papers with notes written she refers back to. Just a thought...
henriPas Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 Le problème c'est que le jour ou elle se rendra compte que la vrai vie ce n' est pas seulement voyager ,gagner de l' argent en travaillant autant il sera trop tard La vrai vie c' est de pouvoir etre près de sa famille souvent ,sortir pour voir ses amis ,commencer à penser à fonder une famille, avoir une vie stable en quelque sorte , malheureusement elle va le regretter un jour et elle se dira dommage de ne pas avoir profiter de mes séjours dans tous les pays que j' ai pu fréquenté En plus, sa vraie vie, on ne la connait pas... Ce n'est pas parce qu'un ou deux mythos racontent des trucs qu'on doit les croire. personne ne sait. Certains parlent de leur compte VK ou facebook. Bidon. personne n'a d'infos... :shithappens:
horseshoejerry Posted January 19, 2016 Posted January 19, 2016 Did any of you ever think that maybe , just maybe she spends so much time on her laptop because she is enrolled in online schooling? I know from experience it can take up 10 to 12 hours plus a day depending on class enrollment etc. I have also noticed sometimes she has papers with notes written she refers back to. Just a thought... Or she could be writing code. Just a thought. ???
smurfy08 Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 En plus, sa vraie vie, on ne la connait pas... Ce n'est pas parce qu'un ou deux mythos racontent des trucs qu'on doit les croire. personne ne sait. Certains parlent de leur compte VK ou facebook. Bidon. personne n'a d'infos... :shithappens: C'est une bonne chose de ne pas croire tout ce qui se raconte ici. Aussi ce qui est encore mieux c'est de chercher, trier et vérifier par soi-même ce qui se dit. On a parfois de très bonnes surprises.
horseshoejerry Posted January 20, 2016 Posted January 20, 2016 There is packing being done in Ilona's room. Leaving or trip? edit- Actually packing being done in both rooms now.
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