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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ January 01,2016. to April 30,2016.

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I don't understand what's the benefits for RLC for such many cats and dogs. Always keep movement in the house and activate cameras yes but what's the point of that...

i've wondered the same thing and have come to the conclusion that it's just to keep people occupied and visiting the apartments to show there is some activity throughout the day.

Did either of you stop and think for one second?

Perhaps it is due to some people actually liking to have pets in their everyday life -----

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Did either of you stop and think for one second?

Perhaps it is due to some people actually liking to have pets in their everyday life -----

pour certains locataires, oui!!! comme leora, Katrina et sabrina, nina et kira, katka et lenka, mais pour d'autres participants, les animaux sont apparus alors qu'ils n'en avaient pas en entrant dans l'appartement. et cela a parfois été une horreur, comme le pauvre chiot apparu chez katya et ruslan, qui était martyrisé!!! les abonnés ont tellement criés, que le chiot à disparu!!! il y a certainement une volonté de rlc, d'avoir des animaux dans les appartements. je pense que carla et mario vivaient très bien sans chat.....

for some tenants, yes !!! as leora, Katrina and Sabrina, nina and kira, katka and lenka, but for other participants, the animals appeared when they did not enter the apartment. and has sometimes been a horror, as the poor puppy appeared at Katya and ruslan, who was martyred !!! subscribers have shouted so that the puppy disappeared !!! there is certainly a desire to rlc, to have animals in the apartments. I think Carla and Mario were living very well without cat .....

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