Sulzer Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 My bad. Must have happened right inbetween the times i viewed damn.
Thestarider Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 If I didn't have this big mirror on my dresser that I can watch tv and work on the computer I would have missed it to. :woohoo: :woohoo:
mr1010 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Thesta, I can't pm any more now, did 5 in last hour. I don't get it how can I not be a paid member? I paid at the beginning. Now I paid again. Still don't see attachment center, doesn't list me as a paid member.
Thestarider Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 after you pay you have to go back to the same page you pay on and at the bottom you have give your e-mail and username I think, it's at the very bottom of the page, if you don't complete this step, it won't show you as a paid member and you won't have the attachment center on the title bar at the top in blue !!!!
mr1010 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Thes, this is fucked up. I paid at the beginning. Then I paid again by credit card now, but it says it will take like 12 hours to list me correctly. Can anyone post the pics in regular threads? Otherwise, forget about it. Sometimes technology eats at my last fucking nerve!
snaky Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 A ti yo no te falte al respeto, pero ahora me voy a cagar en todos tus putos muertos, payaso, que parece ser que tu opinion es la unica valida en este foro, desgraciado, marikona, clon de Kiko Botika, the "go fuck yourself" part referred to you calling those that don't see this apartment as a scam "blind" and other things. If you call it scam after it's been online two days only, then you yourself are no other then payaso perro. The rest of it referred to the flag you display in your profile. Do you think that everyone is stupid here and no one will be able to find out what that flag means?
snaky Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 You have to give snaky some leeway. I wrote some time ago regarding how he had been badly affected by the loss of his girlfriend, Anna Conda. Apparently she had a 'crush' on someone else! :haha: :haha: Pffft, I fed that bitch to the super shark after she cheated on me with Fatboy. She even told me he had no problem taking it up the ass :haha:
botika216 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Botika, the "go fuck yourself" part referred to you calling those that don't see this apartment as a scam "blind" and other things. If you call it scam after it's been online two days only, then you yourself are no other then payaso perro. The rest of it referred to the flag you display in your profile. Do you think that everyone is stupid here and no one will be able to find out what that flag means? Te pido disculpas por el insulto, y en cuanto a la bandera, que tiene de malo poner la bandera del pais en el has nacido?
corboblanc Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 je sais que cet appartement est très récent, mais pour le moment, il est surtout très vide!!! si les filles maintiennent ce rythme de vie, il n'y aura personne la plupart du temps. pour le moment, quand elles sortent, ce n'est pas pour la soirée, mais pour 3 jours, et apparemment kristy elle aussi à désertée l'appartement!!! je comprends certains ici, qui disent que c'est leur vraie vie, mais je dois rappeler que dans tous contrats, il y a des avantages, mais aussi des obligations. ce sont les abonnés qui payent le loyer, et qui offrent aux filles la possibilité d'habiter dans un appartement luxueux. mais les abonnés ne payent pas pour du vide!!! je ne demande pas aux filles de changer leur vie, mais d'être présentent plus de 15 minutes en 4 jours!!! je me demande si cet appartement est véritablement leur domicile, ou un simple "pied à terre" occasionnel?!! j'adore kristy et kami, et j'espère vraiment que cela va changer, car pour le moment, cet appartement n'existe pas!!!! I know that this apartment is very new, but for now, it is mostly very empty !!! if girls maintain this rhythm of life, no one will most of the time. yet, when they go out, this is not for the evening, but for three days, and apparently kristy also deserted to the apartment !!! I understand some here who say that this is their real life, but I have to remember that in all contracts, there are benefits, but also obligations. These are subscribers who pay rent and to provide girls the opportunity to live in a luxurious apartment. but the customers are not charged for the empty !!! I do not ask girls to change their lives, but have to be more than 15 minutes in 4 days !!! I wonder if this apartment is truly their home, or a simple "dismount" occasional? !! I love kristy and kami, and I really hope that this will change, because currently, the apartment does not exist !!!! :idk: :scratchchin: :-\
slider_69 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Thanks StnCld. - Simply breathtaking!! Kami seems to be leaving again, dressed exactly as she was the previous night ! Don't know what's going on or where she goes ! I thought I would never say this , but K&K are becoming boring . Apparently they don't like the apartment or its location or who knows what ! They are constantly gone who knows where ? A date, a job, or whatever.......but Kami is dressed in the same clothes as 2 days ago and she is preparing to leave again. Maybe she has a date with PUTIN...............he is listed as a "follower " on her VK account ?
euromike69 Posted February 8, 2016 Posted February 8, 2016 Corboblanc my friend,,,,,,Everyone who bitches about this apartment always start out by saying that it is too soon to make any judgements about this apartment,yet right after they say that,that's exactly what they do,they make up theories and speculations about what happens in this apartment. I said it before and I will say it again,Kamila and Kristy don't have to do anything that they don't want to do. None of us here has seen the contract that they signed with RLC,So "NONE OF US" can say to anyone on CC what Kamila and Kristy are supposed to do. I'm pretty sure that RLC knew what type of life that they live,and what type of schedules that they have,and also that they would be gone for days at a time,if it was a problem for RLC then maybe they wouldn't have brought them back. Kristy has been gone for over 3 days now,but how do we not know that she had didn't already have plans to go somewhere before the apartment came back online. We have to stop telling the rest of CC what we think that these ladies should do,,,we are not their God,we can't just snap our fingers and make them do whatever we want. And about the $45 dollars a month,,,,I'm going to say it again,,,,,we were paying $45/month before the apartment came online,RLC didn't charge us anything extra so talking about not getting your $45 dollars worth wouldn't be practical here my friend. If they are not home,then we should all just watch the other apartments until they get back,,we are just being way too demanding of these ladies. I'm not arguing with you my friend Corboblanc we just have a simple disagreement here,so no hard feelings ok :hi: :hi: :hi: :woohoo: :lmao: Like I said,We don't know what their contracts says so none of us have the knowledge or the right to speak about what they have to do. None of us know anything about their schedules or personal lives so none of can speak about why they leave for days at a time. I love them too and wished they were here all the time,but I have to use common sense and figure out that they have to live their lives instead of being locked inside of a house 24/7 just so that we can stare at them. They are young girls,and just like the young girls I know in real life,they usually just come home to eat,sleep,change clothes and be gone again,Nobody bitches about other couples leaving for days at a time,Nelly did it recently and nobody said anything. This is just my own personal opinion Thanks Corboblanc. :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :yes: :yes: :lmao: je sais que cet appartement est très récent, mais pour le moment, il est surtout très vide!!! si les filles maintiennent ce rythme de vie, il n'y aura personne la plupart du temps. pour le moment, quand elles sortent, ce n'est pas pour la soirée, mais pour 3 jours, et apparemment kristy elle aussi à désertée l'appartement!!! je comprends certains ici, qui disent que c'est leur vraie vie, mais je dois rappeler que dans tous contrats, il y a des avantages, mais aussi des obligations. ce sont les abonnés qui payent le loyer, et qui offrent aux filles la possibilité d'habiter dans un appartement luxueux. mais les abonnés ne payent pas pour du vide!!! je ne demande pas aux filles de changer leur vie, mais d'être présentent plus de 15 minutes en 4 jours!!! je me demande si cet appartement est véritablement leur domicile, ou un simple "pied à terre" occasionnel?!! j'adore kristy et kami, et j'espère vraiment que cela va changer, car pour le moment, cet appartement n'existe pas!!!! I know that this apartment is very new, but for now, it is mostly very empty !!! if girls maintain this rhythm of life, no one will most of the time. yet, when they go out, this is not for the evening, but for three days, and apparently kristy also deserted to the apartment !!! I understand some here who say that this is their real life, but I have to remember that in all contracts, there are benefits, but also obligations. These are subscribers who pay rent and to provide girls the opportunity to live in a luxurious apartment. but the customers are not charged for the empty !!! I do not ask girls to change their lives, but have to be more than 15 minutes in 4 days !!! I wonder if this apartment is truly their home, or a simple "dismount" occasional? !! I love kristy and kami, and I really hope that this will change, because currently, the apartment does not exist !!!! :idk: :scratchchin: :-\ 1
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