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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ February 03,2016. to February 29,2016.

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Yeah, I agree, Mikey. Glad I stayed patient. I guess I was just afraid they would always be out and never together. That isn't the case now. And bringing over friends really makes it seem real.

You know what I really want now, mikey? I wish we knew what they were talking to each other about when they talk in the bathroom. Maybe someone here knows enough Russian so we get a clue. I thought back in the K & K barcelona days that we had people who can translate russian.

Wait, doesn't Kitek know some russian?

I would really feel like a true voyeur if we actually had some clue what they talk about. I have the feeling some of it is quite juicy!

Back awhile ago someone informed on a thread how to understand what they are saying.  It was something like  upload the video portion to YouTube,  and convert the audio to English on the close captioning  then replay it.  I don't know the exact thread it was on and there is just way to many threads to go and look for one thing but that's as close to thinking of what was put out at that time.
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  I don't know about all you other members, but as for me the Kami and Kristy apartment has become totally boring !  Maybe it's the fact that

  we are in the middle of winter or the fact that the Moscow time zone is so out of sync with the USA.............or possibly the fact that

  nothing is going on, unless you consider watching them bathe every day ( which is nice ) ; but my interest is fading fast !  Moscow just can't

  compete with the Barcelona experience in my view !  ( Just an opinion ) !

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  I don't know about all you other members, but as for me the Kami and Kristy apartment has become totally boring !  Maybe it's the fact that

  we are in the middle of winter or the fact that the Moscow time zone is so out of sync with the USA.............or possibly the fact that

  nothing is going on, unless you consider watching them bathe every day ( which is nice ) ; but my interest is fading fast !  Moscow just can't

  compete with the Barcelona experience in my view !  ( Just an opinion ) !

Indeed, now that they are back home both girls have different time tables, friends and hobbies. Both girls are not together in the house most of the time. Moreover Kami has a bf (it's not a secret anymore) and obviously she likes spending some time with him. Now what makes RLC interesting outside of sex is the relationship between people. What made the Barcelona experience so good was the interaction between K & K. Regarding Kami, I hope that her bf will come around soon so we can enjoy at least a bit their relationship. (Even if they don't want to share their intimate life with us yet). It's still early, things can become great or totally boring. A positive point is that Kristy came back home last night with a friend. Suddenly things got more interesting even if they did not do much. Let's stay positive for now.

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In my opinion , this apartament is losing fast inteest , after we were glad to have the Barcelona grils again , now in Russia its land their knowledge nearby , with a large apartmemt , nothing happens , the grils so out most of the time,including weekends , when we could previde that are promoted  partys with your friends , anything goes in the apartment.

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salut  je peux mettre des lien pour que vous voyer  des photos de kamila  qui est model photos  ?

Tu y fais exprès ou pas ? Tu t'étais déjà fait remarquer en postant des photos d'Irma. Tu m'avais même contacté en pm. Je t'avais expliqué qu'on avait pas le droit de poster en public des photos personnelles. Tu avais posté quand même !

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Kami was on the phone speaking basic english, talking to someone to find a job. She said she finished her studies and was doing some modelling. She wishes to travel, not to work in an office, could maybe do some PR work, enjoys shopping with her friends, like skying and doing some fitness. Well, she should stay some time in UK to learn well english and where there is an huge russian colony, I mean London. Who would refuse a job to such a sweet and nice person ? Wish you well Kamila.

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Smurfy, I said the exact same thing you did. Stay positive. I would love to see more of their friends over at the apartment.

I am now worried about Kami finding a job that takes her abroad a lot. Not for Kami, I think it would be great for her and I wish her the best in life. But what will happen to this apartment if she does? Better if she gets something there in Mosow, but modeling will probably take her elsewhere.

Well I'm glad someone heard her talking. I didn't know she knew much English.

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