Thestarider Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Always being the observant one it appears to me the girls K&K have been in this apartment for some time now together. How long I have no idea. But looking at the bedrooms they do have each one their personal styles already Kristy the flamboyant one, whimsical, with signs of her quirky style all over the bedroom. Kami's room is much more sophisticated, elegant, and classical in style. The common areas such as the kitchen has a little of both see the chia pet growing it's hair(Kristy) and the place mat with mickey and mini mouse(Kami). Wish I could see what is in the window sill. The bathroom is just full of ladies things, although I think Kristy wishes there was a shower with the tub, as where Kami is just fine with the tub, she like to take baths, and is not near as tall as Kristy and easily fits under the hand held shower head. Oh do we have great camera angles in the bathroom, by far the best of any apartment on RLC if you ask me. The camera in the restroom should be moved to Kami's room so we have better view of her closet and mirror when she gets dressed. It is wasted in the restroom. The living room is plain and cozy and suits them both well with a large soft sofa for both of them to cuddle on, The coffee table will get lots of use by Kristy just like the one in Barcelona, she is kinda a floor person. The magazine rack is full of magazines i wouldn't think normal if they had just moved in. The guest room and guys who dream of third girl , not gonna happen unless it is just that a guest. They seem to use this room more for storage and the laundry drying area. All in all I think they have been there for some time because of their routines are very well adapted to the apartment from the little bit I have been able to watch so far. They both look quite comfortable there, I posted when I first saw them that I thought maybe Kristy hasn't been thee for very long. I have changed my opinion now. I look forward to getting use to their routines so I will know when to watch and when not to waste my time. They will not be the confined 24/7 to the apartment. As a matter of fact, I believe what Mikey posted about when they will be home, to eat, and to sleep, and get cleaned up. Limited amount of just screw off time. We have already seen that Kami will be painting, and Kristy will be doing the zen thing. Now lets just all be little ole flies on the wall and get know them for who they really are, in real life. To beautiful young ladies willing to let us into their world if only just to watch. That is all !!!!! Oh yes I forgot to say one thing, Kristy my love.... I love your stars all over your bed, I'm sure going to hop on for the ride. I know you did that just for me :kiss:
euromike69 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Up mine huh Harley fat boy, you can fucking stop pretending now, the entire CC knows that you are non other than Dfccap himself, yes everybody harkeyfatboy is just Dfccap using a different account, I'm about to go to the after party, and I saw your up yours post on my phone, when I get back home from having a life then I will say more, but safety first, no texting and drinking while driving folks lmaoo! Once again folks Harleyfatboy is Dfccap,,,, yeah up yours now bitch, if you never fucked with me I would have never outed you. :BS: :nana: :lmao: i wasn't here for k and k and i say up yours micky. they never should have brought them back, they are nothing special like you make them out to be. if every time they are gone and you feel it's ok then they don't belong in this situation. these girls are a dime a dozen and are nothing special what so ever! have another beer or two or three or a case if you need it. as a new member here i'm quite tired of your rants and high and mighty attitude. get a life man and stop with all the bull crap. just because someone doesn't feel the same way you do, doesn't make them wrong. get off your high horse (and a lot of you others) and come back to reality. reading that rant or what ever you want to call it is sickening. if you are the type of person others have to deal with then i'm sorry i joined this forum. 1
mr1010 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Havingablast, I have just one thing to say to you and it begins with fuck and ends with you. That what I get for opening up, aholes will jump on you!!!!!!! You know what, I don't care. I have been a good citizen here, have stopped a lot of fights and helped lots of people. But there are always haters!!!! Anyone else want to jump on?
mr1010 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Thesta, you are the man. Always putting things in perspective. And spot on with your analysis. And now I feel better because I think I understand where the girls are at. We couldn't tell in the cramped apartment in Barcelona. Their styles are just so unique to them. I still love my quirky, silly, thoughtful Kristy. She worries about her friend Kami getting too skinny. She seems to reflect on things using meditation. I remember a story from Barcelona where Kami was telling her how she wanted to find a man who made some money and could keep her well. Kristy said she didn't need that. How Kristy one time told Kami how she wanted to fuck a guy and he didn't have any time, so she offered to suck him off right there in the club bathroom.How one time she threw a little fit and told the guy, take me to the hotel now! These are some of the things I love about Kristy. I feel better now thanks to my friend Thesta. I will love whatever Kristy or Kami does here. If they want to show us more, of course I will be eternally grateful.
havingablast Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Havingablast, I have just one thing to say to you and it begins with fuck and ends with you. That what I get for opening up, aholes will jump on you!!!!!!! You know what, I don't care. I have been a good citizen here, have stopped a lot of fights and helped lots of people. But there are always haters!!!! Anyone else want to jump on? Yep, you need help. For some reason you see me as hating you. That is strange because I offered you my sympathy, not hate. To prove it, all you have to do is PM me your bank account details and I will [ totally out of the goodness of my heart ] forward you the funds to fill your next order of prozac --- but ---- promise me you won't take the prozac and viagra at the same time ok.
euromike69 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Lmaoo!!! You see Mr.1010 this the kind of stuff I like to see you say about the ladies,,,,all the uncalled for negative stuff is getting really tiresome to the point where I had to bring back the old bullshit detector Mikey back,,,,,,,,Anyway me and my boys got kicked out of the after party because we got into a huge fight,we had to hightail it outta there because they called the cops,so I guess the after party is at my house now :woohoo: :woohoo: Anyway all I ask is for us folks to stop demanding and having too high of an expectation from these girls or anyone else on RLC for that matter,,,,none of us was sitting in the room when they signed their contract,so none of us knows what they were asked to do,,,,And my common sense tells me that RLC cannot demand anything from these ladies either,and neither should anyone of us,all it takes is for one person to say one negative thing about something that he/she doesn't like about the ladies,and just like a wildfire in drought ridden California that shit spreads quickly,and before you know it,it's person after person piling on nonstop on top of these two women who are thousands of miles away and can't even defend themselves,think if these ladies were your sister,daughter or nieces and you saw a bunch of strangers day after day just ridiculing them over some stupid shit as leaving the house and gone too long or not showing skin or masturbating uncovered,,,,,,,,If kamila or Kristy did something like masturbate uncovered one day,I would be a very happy guy,but why should I wake up everyday to shout at my computer screen and hurl insults at them on CC because they didn't do exactly what my perverted brain wished they would do. Thesta, you are the man. Always putting things in perspective. And spot on with your analysis. And now I feel better because I think I understand where the girls are at. We couldn't tell in the cramped apartment in Barcelona. Their styles are just so unique to them. I still love my quirky, silly, thoughtful Kristy. She worries about her friend Kami getting too skinny. She seems to reflect on things using meditation. I remember a story from Barcelona where Kami was telling her how she wanted to find a man who made some money and could keep her well. Kristy said she didn't need that. How Kristy one time told Kami how she wanted to fuck a guy and he didn't have any time, so she offered to suck him off right there in the club bathroom.How one time she threw a little fit and told the guy, take me to the hotel now! These are some of the things I love about Kristy. I feel better now thanks to my friend Thesta. I will love whatever Kristy or Kami does here. If they want to show us more, of course I will be eternally grateful. 1
bookmaster8 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 I still have a lot to read, so this comment is not in response to any specific post. I may or may not respond to some of the posts on the previous pages after I read them. It depends on whether I think I can offer something constructive or whether I would just be pouring gasoline on the fire of complaints. But, just in glancing quickly at the recent posts, I can see that people are complaining like crazy. I just want to say a couple things which might help calm a poster or two down in some way. First, the new K&K apartment has only been online for 3 days and the girls have only been home and awake at the same time for a small number of hours - less than half a day. So, I'm not sure how so many people can be so upset about the behavior of the girls without more information to work with. In quickly scanning the previous 2 or 3 pages, the word "tease" jumped out at me a couple times. My question is, how can either of the girls be guilty of "teasing" when they haven't even been home for more than a day and haven't been together for more than 5 or 6 hours? If you want to get mad at RLC for opening the K&K apartment too soon because the girls aren't there, that's one thing. But, how the girls can be blamed for anything at this point is beyond me. I don't get it. How could they do anything wrong if they weren't even home? The other thought I wanted to just throw out for people to consider is that these girls are working models and maybe even taking classes at a local university or something. This is their "home base", so to speak. It is not a vacation apartment. I've never seen anyone ranting about any of the other non-Barcelona tenants for going to work or school. Please take a moment to put things in perspective. You might find that you were overreacting a little bit because you were expecting something very different than what this is - which is Kamila and Kristy's current "home". Thanks for taking the time to read this. If I've offended someone by this post, I apologize. That was not my intent.
somni01 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 Hello. Book Master. I think you see that something is wrong. Do you think you do to look your best for the school and university that you even (sometimes different to moves until it please? And do you think that you also sweatpants to college going? And where the university is because open on weekends and school?
euromike69 Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 You see how he's fucking disrespecting this website "CC",yet he is here everyday spouting the same shit,,,,everybody who is a veteran of CC,knows that there is only one other person on here that talks like this on a daily basis,and his name starts with "D" and ends with DFCcap,it's so weird how DfCcap so happened to disappear the same time Harley showed up huh. Calling someone you never met in person a prostitute,,,,I know a lot of CC members who are ladies on here wished that they could slap the shit outta this asshole for demeaning two ladies who are thousands of miles away and can't defend themselves against a woman hater,,,,,,I guess he wouldn't have no problem with anyone of us calling his daughter who we don't know derogatory names like that. It's not about intimidating anyone,it's about speaking the truth........But I guess the truth was like a 12" Dildo stuck up your asshole it made you butt-hurt like a motherfucker :haha: :haha: :haha: Notice when I made my comment I never once called out anyone's name,,,,,I did it on purpose because I knew the Culprits would get mad and respond,And boy did I catch a live one fluttering on the end of my fishing line :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: So "Harleyfatboy" A.K.A "DF-CRap",,,,I mean "DfCcap" please do us a favor and keep your word and stay away from us and RLC. :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: you know what, to heck with them being at home in their own environment, that just gives them and the people that subscribe to real life cam a reason to say it's ok. these girls should have never been brought back in my opinion and why do you apologize to him, he is nothing special. he has obviously been drinking and has nothing worth listening to to say. he will not intimidate me like he has with some of you. this site is a joke just like these two girls are. they are nothing but a couple of high class prostitutes in my opinion. go back and read what kitek said about their talk and you will see what i'm talking about. 1
MrBox Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 IT'S A SATURDAY NIGHT AND IT'S THE WEEKEND AND WHAT DO WE HAVE A BUNCH OF GROWN MEN DOING,THAT'S RIGHT BITCHING AND WHINING FOR THE 4TH STRAIGHT FUCKING YEAR OF RLC,,,AND YES THIS TIME I'M WRITING IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE I'M FUCKING SHOUTING THIS TIME. FIRST THINGS FIRST,THIS IS NOT BARCELONA,KAMILA AND KRISTY ARE BACK HOME IN THEIR HOMELAND "MOTHER RUSSIA". THEY DID IN BARCELONA THE EXACT SAME SHIT THAT I OR ANYONE OF YOU GUYS WHO ACTUALLY GET TO LEAVE THE CAVE YOUR STUCK IN AND GO OUTSIDE AND LIVE A LITTLE,,,,,,THEY HAVE FUN AND DO STUFF THAT THEY WOULDN'T DO NORMALLY WHEN THEY ARE AT HOME..THEY WERE WORKING YES,BUT IT WAS STILL A VACATION AWAY FROM THE COLD WEATHER OF THEIR HOME COUNTRY. ... It is way too early to have this discussion, since the two are not even there for a week. But you seem to be really dedicated so I make an exception. .... FIRST THINGS FIRST, please, look in the mirror. ... How do you spend your time? ??? ... YES, you mainly talking about yourself, expect that you seams to enjoy the empty apartments more like others. ;) ... So please, be a little less condescending. :-\ Until now, there were two types of apartments in RLC: The couple apartments with "real" life (normaly including good times and bad times, friends, sex, ...) and the girls apartment with more "real" life (normaly including good times and bad times, friends, sex under the duvet movements that looks like masturbation but do not need to be, ...). So far it is not clear to me how the K&K apartment works. It is good that the girls have a real life. This should not annoy any one. But if this apartment boils down to a show (including fake interaction and fake masturbation) with the real life is taking place at their BF places, we would have the same result as with Sara. :( No one needs a large wardrobe in which the residents only stop by briefly to get new clothes. ... This apartment could be the best ever or it could be struggling with C&J about which is the most pointless one.
Frankster Posted February 7, 2016 Posted February 7, 2016 It just seems people can't stop complaining. They complain when they're not there, and they comlaine when they're there (Ilona). I agree something feels different, but as Mikey said, it's seems more of a permanent home, and not a vacation as Barcelona was From what people has posted from following their social media, they have been around each other for a while. And Kamila don't respond the same to Kristys fun in the same joy this time, they only need some time to adjust again. And for Kamila leaving in sweatpants might mean that her boyfriend/girlfriend in real life is near by (those who report from social media always reported she had a girlfriend). And the last thing that seems really different, and from all experiances won't be a good thing for fun, is that Kristy is praying alot before going to sleep. I watched them too much last time, and she NEVER did that then. When a girl go from being religious to breaking off from that, you won't find anything sluttier. But going the other way often make them really boring. Of these two, Kristy is my favorite because of her personallity. We just have to give them a little more than two days to say if it's a good or bad thing their back.
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