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:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Ok thank you no problem.....I think that Stncld was a bit late in posting that one,,,,usually I post pictures that may also be a day or too late,because I sometimes forget to post them on the exact same day that it happened.So most of the times you can't go by the photos as being what's happening in that moment. :hi: :hi: :hi:

M y mistake Euromike -  it all stems from the problem of not knowing when a picture was taken ! I saw Kami all dressed up again in the same outfit and thought it was a CURRENT picture and not one from 2 days ago !  Since I am not a Premium Member, I rely on pictures taken by

you and the others plus their comments.  I guess I will just look at pics and not comment ................but one thing is for sure - these 2 girls have

lost some appeal due to RLC's stupid policy of no free cameras !  Keep up your good work please ! Or maybe it is CC policy of splitting pics

and comments that is to blame !  Believe me, that policy will cause many more errors among members !

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On ‎2016‎-‎02‎-‎08 at 8:06 AM, slider_69 said:

M y mistake Euromike -  it all stems from the problem of not knowing when a picture was taken ! I saw Kami all dressed up again in the same outfit and thought it was a CURRENT picture and not one from 2 days ago !  Since I am not a Premium Member, I rely on pictures taken by

you and the others plus their comments.  I guess I will just look at pics and not comment ................but one thing is for sure - these 2 girls have

lost some appeal due to RLC's stupid policy of no free cameras !  Keep up your good work please ! Or maybe it is CC policy of splitting pics

and comments that is to blame !  Believe me, that policy will cause many more errors among members !

:yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby: :yeahbaby:

At first, many thanks for the fantastic pictures with Kamila and Kristy!

If it's possible, it would be very kind of you to post movies...

Warm regards



Corboblanc my friend,,,,,,Everyone who bitches about this apartment always start out by saying that it is too soon to make any judgements about this apartment,yet right after they say that,that's exactly what they do,they make up theories and speculations about what happens in this apartment.

I said it before and I will say it again,Kamila and Kristy don't have to do anything that they don't want to do.

None of us here has seen the contract that they signed with RLC,So "NONE OF US" can say to anyone on CC what Kamila and Kristy are supposed to do.

I'm pretty sure that RLC knew what type of life that they live,and what type of schedules that they have,and also that they would be gone for days at a time,if it was a problem for RLC then maybe they wouldn't have brought them back.

Kristy has been gone for over 3 days now,but how do we not know that she had didn't already have plans to go somewhere before the apartment came back online.

We have to stop telling the rest of CC what we think that these ladies should do,,,we are not their God,we can't just snap our fingers and make them do whatever we want.

And about the $45 dollars a month,,,,I'm going to say it again,,,,,we were paying $45/month before the apartment came online,RLC didn't charge us anything extra so talking about not getting your $45 dollars worth wouldn't be practical here my friend.

If they are not home,then we should all just watch the other apartments until they get back,,we are just being way too demanding of these ladies.

I'm not arguing with you my friend Corboblanc we just have a simple disagreement here,so no hard feelings ok :hi: :hi: :hi: :woohoo: :lmao:

Like I said,We don't know what their contracts says so none of us have the knowledge or the right to speak about what they have to do.

None of us know anything about their schedules or personal lives so none of can speak about why they leave for days at a time.

I love them too and wished they were here all the time,but I have to use common sense and figure out that they have to live their lives instead of being locked inside of a house 24/7 just so that we can stare at them.

They are young girls,and just like the young girls I know in real life,they usually just come home to eat,sleep,change clothes and be gone again,Nobody bitches about other couples leaving for days at a time,Nelly did it recently and nobody said anything.

This is just my own personal opinion

Thanks Corboblanc. :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi: :yes: :yes: :lmao:

Great post, euromike. I was thinking of posting something very similar. Here's my idea of how people can keep things in perspective. Maybe it will help.

Let's pretend that RLC had sent out an email right before or right after they put the apartment on line that said the following:

"Because we love our customers and want to keep everybody happy, we've decided to do something we've never done before. Since so many people have told us that they love Kamila and Kristy and would love to have us bring them back, we are happy to announce that we have reached an agreement with them to do just that.

We have given them a beautiful new apartment to use as their "home base" and they have kindly agreed to allow us to share in their lives. There will be no charge for this new bonus and we can't guarantee how often they will be "home" because they both live very busy lives modeling and traveling the world over.

But, you can now rest assured that, when they are home, you will be able to see them living their exciting lives in their own unique way. It may not be the ideal situation, but we think it's far better than never getting to see them at all. We hope you agree."

If RLC had done something like that to announce their return, do you think that would have made a difference? Or, would everybody still be angry and griping about RLC and the girls themselves?


Just came home, and the first thing I saw was Kamila kissing a man good bye, and right after undressed to her underware.

Anybody know what happened before?

If you just came home at saw that now, then you must have been dreaming. It didn't happen. She has been home since yesterday alone as far as I know.  ;D


Just came home, and the first thing I saw was Kamila kissing a man good bye, and right after undressed to her underware.

Anybody know what happened before?

From what I saw even if I was busy doing something else. She was eating in the kitchen and watching a movie on her computer. She took a bath earlier and was only wearing her underware. Someone knocked or rang I guess (I did not have sound). She quickly put some clothes to open the door. As soon as the guy left she undressed again to her underware.


je sais que cet appartement est très récent, mais pour le moment, il est surtout très vide!!! si les filles maintiennent ce rythme de vie, il n'y aura personne la plupart du temps. pour le moment, quand elles sortent, ce n'est pas pour la soirée, mais pour 3 jours, et apparemment kristy elle aussi à désertée l'appartement!!! je comprends certains ici, qui disent que c'est leur vraie vie, mais je dois rappeler que dans tous contrats, il y a des avantages, mais aussi des obligations. ce sont les abonnés qui payent le loyer, et qui offrent aux filles la possibilité d'habiter dans un appartement luxueux. mais les abonnés ne payent pas pour du vide!!! je ne demande pas aux filles de changer leur vie, mais d'être présentent plus de 15 minutes en 4 jours!!! je me demande si cet appartement est véritablement leur domicile, ou un simple "pied à terre" occasionnel?!! j'adore kristy et kami, et j'espère vraiment que cela va changer, car pour le moment, cet appartement n'existe pas!!!!

il y a de grande chance pour qu'elles aient un "second pied à terre",avant qu'elles viennent dans cette appartement,elles habitaient surement dans leur propre appartement auparavent et elles l'ont peut-être garder pour y revenir quand elles veulent pour avoir plus d'intimiter avec leur petit copain mais c'est sûr que si çà continue comme çà,ce sera très vite lassant.

à mon avis,cet appartement sera vraiment interessant si leur petit copains viennent et dorment ici le week-end par exemple.


I will say Kami looks goooood, in just her scanty undies!!

I think Kami is  starting to "entertain" us a little. The bate last night, the scanty dress now. She is slowly screwing up her courage to show us more. I liiikee!!!!!

But where is my love Kristy? I miss her and their interactions!


Denver Broncos! Peyton Manning wins perhaps last game!

I picked the Panthers by two touchdowns. Good thing I am not now playing Powerball!

How is everyone today?

Fucking snow is back, by popular demand! Oh joy! Just got rid of 30 inches from 2 weeks ago.


If you just came home at saw that now, then you must have been dreaming. It didn't happen. She has been home since yesterday alone as far as I know.  ;D

Well, I turned on cam 4, and she kissed a man goodbye on the cheek, he was in a black wintercoat, and was carrying things, and left.

Didn't as if she had sex or anything, kinda know that won't happend from her on camera.

Don't be so judgemental if you didn't see it yourself, it was about 18.40 her time.

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