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Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures and Videos ~ February 03,2016. to February 29,2016.

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Take away and Kristy has a friend Over

Thank You Kristy for showing real life  :) :) :) :) :) 8) 8)

Very nice. :) ... Still to early for a real opinion, but friends are a very positive sign. ... It looks as if the girls are inhabit a real shared apartment.  :)

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I think it's my internet. I have been getting a lot of the ole spinning circle today. but for the last week or so it has been a great. especially with K&K apartment, but today man it's like watching still captures and the sound is in and out as well.

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Thesta, book, what's up tonight at k & K? Kristy had a friend over? A guy or a girl?

I see she is either painting or making a scrapbook.

Has Kami been around or went out?

Book, pm me about the writing when you get a chance.

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Well that was an interesting fucking read, and here I thought I would be able to read about the Kami and Kristy both being home together since the very night they appeared on RLC again. Wow five pages over answering the fucking door, nothing about the discussion they had on bed before Kami went out, nothing about the fact that Kami is not eating much, nothing about the phone conversation that Kristy had with someone while being the bath for about an hour, and of course no speculation as to where Kami goes late at night, or that she is still having a lot trouble sleeping. No, just page after page about answering the fucking door. WOW I'm glad she did decided to put on clothes before she answered the door. I am surprised that no one posted more pics of the baths they took, which to me was far more erotic than the Barcelona Strip Club, or the fact that Barcelona strip club opened it's doors almost the same time as Kami climbed into bed, competition of course there is. On one hand you have two incredible beautiful women going about their daily lives, and sharing with it us. then you have Ilona's sorority house on steroids. RLC wants you to choose, so far the Barcelona strip club seems to winning. So to the venomous snake who sent me some advice, just which wall should this little ole fly land on?

Lol, as long as you don't land on any shit you'll be alright! :D

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I think it's my internet. I have been getting a lot of the ole spinning circle today. but for the last week or so it has been a great. especially with K&K apartment, but today man it's like watching still captures and the sound is in and out as well.

non, cela ne vient pas de ton ordinateur, nous sommes nombreux à avoir le même problème. l'image se bloque sans arrêt et la transition entre les salles est très longue!!!

no, it does not come from your computer, many of us have the same problem. the picture freezes all the time and the transition between rooms is very long !!! :bang head:

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Kristy and her friend have been working all night on the scrapbook. Her friend, who is cute, rests on the couch. Will she stay over in the guest room. I'd like to see a third girl in the apartment. It would spice things up. And then they could compete with Barcelona girls.

Does Kami go out every night? Like to see her have her bf or a friend over too.

At least it now finally feels like real life.

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Kristy and her friend have been working all night on the scrapbook. Her friend, who is cute, rests on the couch. Will she stay over in the guest room. I'd like to see a third girl in the apartment. It would spice things up. And then they could compete with Barcelona girls.

Does Kami go out every night? Like to see her have her bf or a friend over too.

At least it now finally feels like real life.

If she does stay over, they will be sleeping all day....................it's dawn in Moscow now !!!
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