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Where are the Girls and What are they doing now ? ~ Part #1

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44 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

On a couple other posts it was noted that he's an only child.  Chances are he wasn't raised to know how to be affectionate toward others.

The whole approach goes much further and its alleged inability to show affectionation is just a part of it. Mainly, it delivers one fundamental conclusion: He is not the right BF for kamila. 

I bet that this conclusion would be the result for all guy she would come up with, because some of the users here fell themself protective about her. Best case, like a dad or a grandfather would do (like Ridgerunner says some time ago). Worst case, as some jealous person would do. I think, both groups can be found in this forum.


47 minutes ago, bookmaster8 said:


The "affection" he shows her is a joke. I know plenty of people who are nothing but pure, platonic friends who show far more affection and give far more hugging and kissing than Dima does to Kamila.

And, let's not forget, Kamila is no run of the mill half-decent looking waitress. She is an incredibly beautiful young woman who I'm sure is desired by a great number of guys who would "jump through hoops" to have the chance to date her. 

To me, I just don't think that it is in Dima's nature to be very affectionate. Even if they agreed to never have sex in the apartment, I will never believe that that would include not showing affection and "fooling around" a little. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would have a hard time believing that any man could sleep in Kamila's bed and act like she isn't even there over 90% of the time. The "snuggles and kisses" that you refer to only last a split second and don't seem to be the actions of someone who loves another.

He's just not an affectionate person by nature. I think that Kristy is right about not threatening to break up with him because he will alter his actions in order to keep her. Kamila would never be sure whether he was sincere about wanting to change or not.

Just my opinion. But, to be honest, I feel pretty confident about this. If you really love someone, you don't ignore their needs.



Even in the best scenarios, this apartment is just a limited version of reality. ... If Kamila and BF hide there sex, it is easy to conclude that they could also hide everything that goes farther as "snuggles and kisses for a split of a second". To conclude from this that he has a problem is like to conclude that they do not have sex at all. ... It is most likely not the case. .... Do not get me wrong, there is the posibility that all your conclusions are correct. But there is no prove and just very little indications so far.

Now let us asume that you are right with your conclusion. In this case it would be probably the best to consider one of kitek posts first: 

9 hours ago, kitek said:

Kami said before that what she likes about Dima is that he does not insist on frequent sex as other guys. :angel:

If both would be true, they seems to be a good fit for each other. ... Then I would say that a good BF can not being characterized in his willingness to do everything like it would please kamila. Most girls lost there interrest in such guys very fast, because there are not respected anymore. ... As every couple, they need to finde a way in between both extrem. ... I hope for them they do this in there "REAL LIFE" outside of this apartment. ... For us i hope, that RLC will not go on with this apartment concept for ever. 


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1 hour ago, MrBox said:

The whole approach goes much further and its alleged inability to show affectionation is just a part of it. Mainly, it delivers one fundamental conclusion: He is not the right BF for kamila. 

I bet that this conclusion would be the result for all guy she would come up with, because some of the users here fell themself protective about her. Best case, like a dad or a grandfather would do (like Ridgerunner says some time ago). Worst case, as some jealous person would do. I think, both groups can be found in this forum.



Even in the best scenarios, this apartment is just a limited version of reality. ... If Kamila and BF hide there sex, it is easy to conclude that they could also hide everything that goes farther as "snuggles and kisses for a split of a second". To conclude from this that he has a problem is like to conclude that they do not have sex at all. ... It is most likely not the case. .... Do not get me wrong, there is the posibility that all your conclusions are correct. But there is no prove and just very little indications so far.

Now let us asume that you are right with your conclusion. In this case it would be probably the best to consider one of kitek posts first: 

If both would be true, they seems to be a good fit for each other. ... Then I would say that a good BF can not being characterized in his willingness to do everything like it would please kamila. Most girls lost there interrest in such guys very fast, because there are not respected anymore. ... As every couple, they need to finde a way in between both extrem. ... I hope for them they do this in there "REAL LIFE" outside of this apartment. ... For us i hope, that RLC will not go on with this apartment concept for ever. 


It doesn't really matter what the conclusion is. There must be something about the guy she likes or she would have ditched his ass long ago.

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Yesterday Kami cast an angry look at the cam from the couch in the living, saying like "you are really mean with my bf". That is the point Kami, stop inviting him, we will stop saying weird things about him and if Kristy is sure not to see him again in the appartment, your relations with her will go back to normal loving.

I can put it in google russian :

Вчера Ками бросил сердитый взгляд на кулачке с дивана в гостиной, говоря, как "вы действительно имеете в виду с моей БФ". То есть точка Ками, остановка пригласить его, мы будем перестать говорить странные вещи о нем, и если Kristy уверен, чтобы не видеть его снова в квартире, ваши отношения с ней будет вернуться к нормальной жизни любящего.

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2 hours ago, Beldonn1 said:

Yesterday Kami cast an angry look at the cam from the couch in the living, saying like "you are really mean with my bf". That is the point Kami, stop inviting him, we will stop saying weird things about him and if Kristy is sure not to see him again in the appartment, your relations with her will go back to normal loving.

I can put it in google russian :

Вчера Ками бросил сердитый взгляд на кулачке с дивана в гостиной, говоря, как "вы действительно имеете в виду с моей БФ". То есть точка Ками, остановка пригласить его, мы будем перестать говорить странные вещи о нем, и если Kristy уверен, чтобы не видеть его снова в квартире, ваши отношения с ней будет вернуться к нормальной жизни любящего.

 Kami says she likes her boyfriend because he does not constantly want sex............!   Well she seems to apparently love and desire sex because she masturbates almost daily .  Maybe he is just the wrong GENDER for Kami !  I still believe that if Kami really let herself go, she would be with Kristy ; however, she realizes that there is no real future life in just her and Kristy ; therefore, she is first seeking fame and a normal relationship with a rich guy.  

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I read this morning in the New York Review of books this part about a book :

Pomerantsev spent that glittering decade of mismanagement in Moscow, and he became the chronicler of others’ hopes and losses. His book presents itself as the memoir of a young artist with a film he wants to make but cannot. It would be about the suicides of Russian fashion models, the beautiful girls who seemed to do so well in post-Soviet Russia but then took their own lives by jumping from buildings. He describes “a generation of orphaned, high-heeled girls” seeking security, and not finding it, from older men who grew wealthy during the 2000s.


That's not new about this kind of girl, but it seems that in Russia it is worst than elsewhere.


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2 hours ago, Beldonn1 said:

I read this morning in the New York Review of books this part about a book :

Pomerantsev spent that glittering decade of mismanagement in Moscow, and he became the chronicler of others’ hopes and losses. His book presents itself as the memoir of a young artist with a film he wants to make but cannot. It would be about the suicides of Russian fashion models, the beautiful girls who seemed to do so well in post-Soviet Russia but then took their own lives by jumping from buildings. He describes “a generation of orphaned, high-heeled girls” seeking security, and not finding it, from older men who grew wealthy during the 2000s.


That's not new about this kind of girl, but it seems that in Russia it is worst than elsewhere.


The nation that was to be a classless society seems to be the most class conscious nation in the world. LMAO

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9 hours ago, bookmaster8 said:

I'm sorry to be so late in posting a reply, but my time is really limited right now. I know you're trying to give Dima the benefit of the doubt, but I just don't buy it. 

The "affection" he shows her is a joke. I know plenty of people who are nothing but pure, platonic friends who show far more affection and give far more hugging and kissing than Dima does to Kamila.

And, let's not forget, Kamila is no run of the mill half-decent looking waitress. She is an incredibly beautiful young woman who I'm sure is desired by a great number of guys who would "jump through hoops" to have the chance to date her. 

To me, I just don't think that it is in Dima's nature to be very affectionate. Even if they agreed to never have sex in the apartment, I will never believe that that would include not showing affection and "fooling around" a little. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would have a hard time believing that any man could sleep in Kamila's bed and act like she isn't even there over 90% of the time. The "snuggles and kisses" that you refer to only last a split second and don't seem to be the actions of someone who loves another.

He's just not an affectionate person by nature. I think that Kristy is right about not threatening to break up with him because he will alter his actions in order to keep her. Kamila would never be sure whether he was sincere about wanting to change or not.

Just my opinion. But, to be honest, I feel pretty confident about this. If you really love someone, you don't ignore their needs.


Reread Kitek's translation posted on March 14 and then compare that with the behavior you see between Kami and b/f in the apartment.Very predictive of how they are presently behaving.

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8 hours ago, MrBox said:

The whole approach goes much further and its alleged inability to show affectionation is just a part of it. Mainly, it delivers one fundamental conclusion: He is not the right BF for kamila. 

I bet that this conclusion would be the result for all guy she would come up with, because some of the users here fell themself protective about her. Best case, like a dad or a grandfather would do (like Ridgerunner says some time ago). Worst case, as some jealous person would do. I think, both groups can be found in this forum.



Even in the best scenarios, this apartment is just a limited version of reality. ... If Kamila and BF hide there sex, it is easy to conclude that they could also hide everything that goes farther as "snuggles and kisses for a split of a second". To conclude from this that he has a problem is like to conclude that they do not have sex at all. ... It is most likely not the case. .... Do not get me wrong, there is the posibility that all your conclusions are correct. But there is no prove and just very little indications so far.

Now let us asume that you are right with your conclusion. In this case it would be probably the best to consider one of kitek posts first: 

If both would be true, they seems to be a good fit for each other. ... Then I would say that a good BF can not being characterized in his willingness to do everything like it would please kamila. Most girls lost there interrest in such guys very fast, because there are not respected anymore. ... As every couple, they need to finde a way in between both extrem. ... I hope for them they do this in there "REAL LIFE" outside of this apartment. ... For us i hope, that RLC will not go on with this apartment concept for ever. 


They may also hide their arguments and fights from RLC viewers.

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7 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

It doesn't really matter what the conclusion is. There must be something about the guy she likes or she would have ditched his ass long ago.

Appears to me they get along fine as long as they don't spend an extended period of time alone together.That might make for a strange marriage though. lol

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9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Sure glad I bought a premium membership from RLC so I could watch the K&K apartment.I just love staring at empty rooms. 

Apart from their trip to Thailand, this apartment is almost never empty for so long. I would however gladly have more downtime like this in the future if this means that they spend more time together in the apartment instead of having rotating shifts to always have one girl present. 

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