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First Time 3ed Person at L&P Apartment????

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happy to see her friend is over but what are they are t6alking about?

They drink beer and talk about all sorts women's silly things. Are gossiping about mutual friends, remember the old days. Discussing Guest's boyfriend, whom she left, because he beat her.

Lovely women's talk. Not a single rude word from Leora, which so much in the speech of the residents of other apartments. Interesting Siberian dialect.

In short: women are gossiping.

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Yury, in the US we men call that a Hen Party, the roosters are gone and the hens will gossip :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes! Exactly!  :lmao:

In Russia they say "wash up the bones".

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Not quite like a British Hen Party but then Britons are notorious around the world for their parties ... which is actually pretty bad for our international reputation. A tremendous about of alcohol will be consumed and God help any man who crosses their path.

Anyway it's great to see Leora with a friend. She has been on the phone (to her I presume) so much in the last few weeks.

Yury, in the US we men call that a Hen Party, the roosters are gone and the hens will gossip :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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you are absolutely right buddy, those are from August 19th

je suis sidéré, je n'étais pas au courant!!! si quelqu'un a cette douche svp???!!!!

I'm flabbergasted, I was not aware !!! if anyone has this shower please ??? !!!! :yikes: :yikes: :-[ :-[

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