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Kamila & Kristy ~ General Chat for this Apartment May 01,2016. to May 31,2016.

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il y a 12 minutes, alanohio a dit :

Dites-vous ce que Corbo, je ne veux pas continuer cette discussion à l'aise non plus, et il ne semble pas que nous sommes tous plus si sûr qui a dit quoi ou ce commentaire nous avons pissé au sujet.

Entendons de laisser celui-ci aller, et si le problème vient de nouveau, laisse essayer de clarifier ce que l'on veut dire avant de sauter hors de la poignée. La langue est une partie du problème - je sais que je parfois du mal à comprendre le vrai sens lorsque plusieurs phrases sont différentes entre nous. Je pense aussi, comme je l'ai déjà dit, la tendance de l'Amérique à la pré-étiquette toute jeune fille dans cette profession comme «poubelle» tend à nous mettre sur la défensive avec les filles. un poste avait dit que «escorte» est une possibilité de la façon dont ils font de l'argent, je ne pense pas que je l'aurais réagi comme je l'ai fait parce qu'elle a été soulevée comme une possibilité - et non un fait. Je suis sûr que certaines des filles dans ces appartements mènent une vie que nous ne voulons pas que nos filles à mener - mais je suis aussi sûr que toutes ces filles ont des limites de ce qu'ils feraient pour survivre. Nous devrions accepter ces idées sans porter de jugement à leur sujet.

je suis d'accord avec vous......

I agree with you......

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12 minutes ago, vortios said:

Thanks for being so polyglot, but for that matter, you could also put it in Spanish:lightbulb:, the two most spoken language in the world after Chinese, or Russian, as our hosts RLC are Russian.:biggrin:

Me Pardone, mi amigo.

Realmente no importa si las chicas están teniendo relaciones sexuales por dinero o no. No me importa si las chicas son agentes de espionaje. Barcelona es un punto caliente para tal actividad. No es mi trabajo, y no es la suya, tampoco. Ellos hacen lo que hacen; usted debe ser capaz de observar y hacer comentarios, y si no te gusta los comentarios, debe permitirse una interrupción, o responder usando las reglas del griego clásico de la lógica.

Me importa cuando nuestros miembros reciben todo el puto nerviosa sobre disparate absoluto y tomar en serio esta mierda foro. Publica tolerlently y citar su razonamiento y fuentes.

Relax bros.Thank usted.
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5 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Me Pardone, mi amigo.

Realmente no importa si las chicas están teniendo relaciones sexuales por dinero o no. No me importa si las chicas son agentes de espionaje. Barcelona es un punto caliente para tal actividad. No es mi trabajo, y no es la suya, tampoco. Ellos hacen lo que hacen; usted debe ser capaz de observar y hacer comentarios, y si no te gusta los comentarios, debe permitirse una interrupción, o responder usando las reglas del griego clásico de la lógica.

Me importa cuando nuestros miembros reciben todo el puto nerviosa sobre disparate absoluto y tomar en serio esta mierda foro. Publica tolerlently y citar su razonamiento y fuentes.

Relax bros.Thank usted.

I love it LMAO Foamy , by the way Foamy thanks for teaching me Google image it help me lot like the one I post in old site After I post I checked the picture it was false   DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON VETERANS... I tryed to delete it I couldn't 

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In Russian & Ukrainian:

Спасибо нашим любимым дамам УКР. Мы заботимся о вас и желаю, чтобы вы жить долго и процветать, как свободный, успешных женщин. Вы все очень красиво и уникально. Спасибо за обмен этой небольшой части вашей жизни с нами.

Спасибі нашим улюбленим жінкам УКР. Ми дбаємо про вас і бажаю, щоб ви жити довго і процвітати, як вільний, успішних жінок. Ви все дуже красиво і унікально. Спасибі за обмін цієї невеликої частини вашого життя з нами.


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3 hours ago, alanohio said:

Tell you what Corbo, I don't want to continue this uncomfortable discussion either, and it does appear we are all not so sure anymore who said what or what comment we got pissed about.

Let's agree to let this one go, and if the issue comes up again, lets try and clarify what one means before we jump off the handle. Language is part of the problem - I know I struggle sometimes to understand the true meaning when various phrases are different between us. I also think, like I said before, America's tendency to pre-label any girl in this profession as "trash" tends to put us on the defensive with the girls. Had a post said that "escorting" is one possibility of how they make money, I don't think I would have reacted like I did because it was raised as a possibility - not a fact. I am sure some of the girls in these apartments lead lives we would not want our daughters to lead - but I'm also sure all these girls have different limits of what they would do to survive. We should accept those ideas without being judgemental about them.

You are right about judging them.  We know nothing about their lives prior to coming here (well most don't).  And we can argue on what is good or bad but it is their life and they need to live it.  Live and let live - forgive and be forgiven.  

You are also right about America tends to see things more conservative than some in Europe.  Maybe that is good or maybe bad.  But it does then to cause confusion when discussing matters here, especially when we have to use translation software which is not where it needs to be yet in terms of accuracy.  

Further, typing is different than discussing in person.  Much is lost in the way things are phrased.  I think in person many people may disagree but respect is shown and understanding is gained.  Very hard when typing short phases. 


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Guest beaver67
2 hours ago, albacore said:

You are right about judging them.  We know nothing about their lives prior to coming here (well most don't).  And we can argue on what is go or bad but it is their life and they need to live it.  Live and let live - forgive and be forgiven.  

You are also right about America tends to see things more conservative than some in Europe.  Maybe that is good or maybe bad.  But it does then to cause confusion when discussing matters here, especially when we have to use translation software which is not where it needs to be yet in terms of accuracy.  

Further, typing is different than discussing in person.  Much is lost in the way things are phrased.  I think in person many people may disagree but respect is shown and understanding is gained.  Very hard when typing short phases. 


well said albacore- thank you

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16 minutes ago, Julian Lan said:

Because it was about Kristy touching herself in the bath of course!!  Did you have to even ask Harley? LOL

I guess according to you, I didn't.   I guess you will continue to pay as long as she continues to play under the blanket of the water where you really can't see shit anyway!    She knows what to do to keep you coming back and she will continue to do just that!    Let her bate on top of her covers, hell....the cameras appear far enough away that your not going to see anything anyway....she would be safe!

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