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Where are the Girls and What are They Doing Now ? ~ Part #3

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Well after I just cleaned myself up and collected my thoughts again,,,wow what a night huh guys,,,and by the way,where is kamila?,,I wasn't home when she left the apt.

And how did this all go down,,because I came home just when he was putting the condom on for the first round.


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1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

Talk about the ultimate perfect timing,,,I just got home,,opened my front door and walked by computer screen,,I woke it up,,,only to see this dude,,putting a condom on,,and about to fuck Kristy,,damn,,,it happened just like I always imagined her doing it,,,fast and furious lol

Thesta..if you are sleeping buddy and missed this,,you are gonna be pissed.

LOL I'm sure you are blowing it totally out of proportion as usual!


55 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Don't worry guys,,,the usual assholes will be hear tomorrow,,,,listen for their usual bullshit scripted words like,,,,FAKE,SCRIPTED,NOT REAL LIFE,,AN RLC ORCHESTRATED EVENT,,,,NEVER REALLY FUCKED,,,,KRISTY IS ACTING,,,,ETC ETC,,,YOU ALL KNOW THIS STORY BY NOW,,,THEY MUST BE SLEEPING,,,SO LET'S SEE WHAT THEY SAY WHEN THEY WAKE UP LMAOOOOO!!!:biggrin::biggrin:

Just like the same desperate assholes that keep posting shit to fit their huge imagination and blowing everything way out of proportion when they are actually watching the action or lack there of.....you mean those assholes!   I've been around enough to know that the way you describe things that happen vary rarely happen the way you say they do!!

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56 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

It appears to me that this relationship begins and ends with sex.Not much depth to it.I think Kristy is trying to make something out of nothing.

Kristy is a girl with no self confidence and whatever the guys name is she is with is only with her for a piece of ass.   If that is the dude that has the grungy hair, she deserves what she gets.........she could do way better but she doesn't know how yet!

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48 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Guys I would be a huge hypocrite if I blame Kristy for doing stupid shit like this,,,,because believe it or not,,Mikey was pussy whipped too,,,it seemed like it was just 2 years and 4 score ago,,that I was repeatedly going back to the same girl who treated me like shit,,called the cops on me numerous times,,saying I held her at gun point,,,yeah having swat show up at your house is not fun,,,,,she did numerous shit to me over the years and I kept on going back.


It all makes total sense now LMAO

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Just now, playa999uk said:

Enjoy the Video in the VDU section

Before I download it,  answer me one question.   Is it really worth my hard drive space?   Other than some apparent screaming by Kristy and moaning by grunge boy,  can you see anything?   Of Kristy that is,  I could care less about the loser she was letting fuck her!!

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22 minutes ago, playa999uk said:

You are welcome


Harley Quit lying,,you know you downloaded that video,,,and already beat the shit out of your little dick already like 20 times lmaoo!!!:biggrin::biggrin:

Anyway Playa,,I wanna see how long before RLC gives you the Hammer,,,I'll start the countdown clock right now,,because I was always curious to see just how many people they have working on CC,,and just how fast they analyze a video,,and issue an account ban.,,Let the timer begin.:biggrin::biggrin:


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