clivebb Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 3 hours ago, raziel65 said: Il faut pas tout prendre au 1er degré . Je ne pense pas qu'il soit en train de pleuré chez eux. En tout cas merci a ceux qui partage photo et vidéo. çà ce voit que tu connais pas corbeau et les autres détraqués qu'il y a ici,ils supportent pas qu'un mec debarque dans l'appart,même chose pour les autres apparts de filles,ils me font tous pitiés
clivebb Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 2 hours ago, MrBox said: This guy like Kristy. ... She has fun and deserves attention. .... So please, stop this "boys not welcome" nonsense. you have understand all,many members here don't accept the presence of the boys in the all girls/girls appartments ,it's just stupid,these girls have the liberty for the boyfriend come here,it's their life not the life of the members ! 1
corboblanc Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 il y a 9 minutes, clivebb a dit : tu essai de t'en sortir sous le coup de l'humour mais j'y crois pas une seconde mec !je crois juste à ta débilité une fois de plus. je peux juste constater que rlc a encore gagné une fois de plus car tu t'es réabonné pour une 18ème fois malgré tes banns,je savais bien que tu n'allais pas résisté bien longtemps, il suffit juste que 2 gamines de 18 ans arrivent et corbeau prend sa carte de credit,suffit pas de grand chose quand même mais ferme ta gueule et va te pendre, au lieu de raconter des conneries!!!!
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Kami came home at approx.20:00 went into the kitchen,took her medication and left again.This place gets stranger and more mysterious by the minute. 1
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 I think Kami will be home later tonight because she could have easily picked up a clean set of clothes to take with her when she was at the apartment earlier tonight but did not.I think she and some guy went on a date last night and then spent the night at his apartment and all of today together doing something.Kami came home long enough to take her medication,then went out on date again.Kami has been wearing the same clothes since before 7:00pm yesterday.That is not normal for Kami to wear the same clothes for that long outside the apartment.Hopefully,they will spend tonight together at Kami's apartment.Anyway,that's my speculation.Or she could be with girlfriends having a good time. lol
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 Kristy is watching tv in the living room.That was how last night started out for her.I wonder if we'll have a repeat performance of last night? lol
Ridgerunner Posted August 14, 2016 Posted August 14, 2016 By the time Kristy's movie is over she will be deaf. lol
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