cassy Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Chip2020 We don't know that for sure.Maybe is thinking about accumulation of the money. Maybe bugs her mind how many time she should do that before she will achieve the final goal.(and I'm really hoping it's not another stupidity) I'm sure that some of her irresponsible action in past caused financial damage. But that just part of every person life. We do learn from our own mistakes. I'm watching her now. To me look exhausted and very tired.
Chip2020 Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 POP QUIZ! Is this a picture of: a) Carina b) Sabrina c) Butch d) I don't know, but I'm scared :lmao: Hey, I'm trying to lighten up this thread. Everybody needs to stop being so intense and have fun here. Who cares what Blue's motives are, what RLC is going to do with her, or whether she is a virtuous person or not. We would all be speculating anyway and there will be no resolution to these arguments coming anytime soon, so in the meantime, as Bobby McFerrin sings... Don't worry, be happy!
MrBox Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 Mr. Box, if you have such an issue with this apartment then just stop watching it. Your argument always comes down to the same result: "Stop viewing". :-\ ... I like a lot of the apartments in RLC and have decided to pay for it. ... That do not mean that i like all the developments and would not sometimes prefere other decision as they were made by RLC. ... I also like to discuss this and will not stop doing so, because you state the same recommendation endlessly. ... You need to have some arguments. Thinking that the apartment should be closed just because you have an issue with a non-resident doing cam shows is just selfish. Yes it is. At least to some extent. ... And why should i not be a bit selfish? ??? After all, I pay to see "Real Life" for fun and not as a charity. :) ... What is your opinion in replacing half of the apartments with homeless guys? ... Do you like the idea? ... Hmm. Maybe not? ??? ... I think, You simply liked the show of Blue. ... That is ok and also a bit selfish, because you use here situation to your advantage. ... Please accept, that i do not like this development, because I prefere the "Real" over the "Porn". That is all. I do not consider her current situation, because i simply do not know anything for real. And as for her communicating with viewers? Tenants have been communicating with members here on this forum long before Blue started doing so. Leora has had an account here. So has Angela. And both girls used to post on here. Do you know the story of the lemmings? ??? ... Just because one does it, do not mean that it is correct or good. ... And even hundreds doing the same do not change anything about it. ... It could still be wrong. And nobody forced any of the RLC members to run to her cam site to talk to her. Cam4 and RLC are two completely different sites. If members from RLC want to talk to her on Cam4 then that's their right and neither her nor viewers should be punished for it by having the apartment closed down. As you mentioned before, i am a bit selfish in this point but i do not intent to punish the residents or the viewers. I'm not a judge and do not need to make a decision. I just would like to see them replaced. That is all. BTW, this is also how the world works. Just stop watching this apartment if it bothers you that much. As i mentioned before, this is always your recommendation without giving any real argument to support it. ... If you have some real arguements, now, it is time to write them down so that we can have a serious discussion. ... I'm looking forward to it. :)
leomessy Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 WTF, is there anyone coming here for argument rather than finding sth fun?! BTW, blue has an account here, and stop being a jerk.
StnCld316 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 POP QUIZ! Is this a picture of: a) Carina b) Sabrina c) Butch d) I don't know, but I'm scared :lmao: That is Carina aka Butch. I nicknamed her KD Lang a long while ago.
mr1010 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 I will just "wade" in here to this discussion. Here is my take. Let blue or anyone else in these apartments do what they want. She is not even a tenant, we don't even pay for her, she can do what she wants. I don't care if she does it for money or for fun. What is that to us? I get what Mr. Box says though I don't agree with all of it. He was in VV like me, Cassy and Miscvoyeur. If they make the apartments too much of a show they risk becoming VV and dying. Too little show and we want them out (and so does RLC witness C & J and others unmemorable). Thread the needle, that is the ticket! Now what does that mean? Different things to different people. And it is true that Miscvoyeur tends to cut off debate by telling someone who expresses an opinion of dissatisfaction with one or two apartments that the person should leave. Why? They have 11 other apartments. And their viewpoint is still welcome. And Mr. Box was not disrespectful to anyone or the participants in the least. Don't worry, foamy, miscvoyeur, Mr. Box and I have had this disgreement in VV as well. Nothing personal meant. You know the old saying by a famous US Supreme Court Justice Byron White? He said about obscenity,"I know it when I see it". That describes our debates here. We all have a different I know it when I see it! The main thing is to have these honest, respectful debates where no one gets personal or offended.
tripod2 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Wow, hard to believe there are people that nag more than my wife...and that's saying something.
cassy Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 :doh: None of the apartment tenants use their real names. So what? As long as we know who we're talking about whenever we reference one of them, that's all that counts. You can hear them refer to each other sometimes by their real names, but I'd just as soon continue using their stage names. Leora's dog isn't even named "Scooter" people, that's a name we gave her. Her real name is Eva, but I'm going to still call her Scooter. Blue will always remain Blue and her friends will be Butch and Curly to me even though they both have their own stage names. :lmao: This name is somewhat known to me. So you made a video about a month ago (don't remember must be even more) , when the dog fell from the couch. It was pretty funny to watch. But poor Scooter after fall down on the floor was quite scared and disoriented for some time.
cassy Posted March 6, 2016 Posted March 6, 2016 Pixie with blue hair and Toy soldiers (Martika). It's kind a good combination for the start of show.:) This time i'm only interested in her progress. Probably this will be last show that I've watched. It's getting old very fast. She need open laptop to clean up the fan and put her laptop else where. On bed it's probably picking even more dust then on a solid wood surface. Total: 162 / Goal: 1500 Last known score.
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