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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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Guest Squirrel

The most "tuned in" couple IMHO is Maya/Stepan...they just seem to gel really well. N&K as well, although they have a less passionate kind of relationship....

Agreed 100%.

But I'm sure you'll also admit that Leora and Paul are the most intriguing, mysterious, and perplexing of the couples.

Right now they're in their "playful" mood stage. I prefer that to the strange emotional outburst mode of operation. I suspect that they are also "playful" with their RLC & Camcaps viewers. I simply don't quite understand their relationship, or who they are as individuals...too bad Agent Dog is stuck in Barcelona and Meerkat is not filing reports with us...

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Meerkat has been checking in with me. Now that Lora is preggo, she's moody, hot, cold, sick, etc...

So MeerKat has been staying clear of her mood swings and hides in the hall or the bedroom.

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