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Sofia - Split 2


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If anyone ever wondered whether the residents read our posts, here is a short clip showing Bella & Nastya looking at the pictures I posted last night of Jacky's bf's scratches.

B & N Reading Camcaps.mp4

Yes Bella, your fans would like to see more of the passion you showed when you first arrived. Oh, and please dump the Belgian chocolate. Anyone that talks to you the way he did does not deserve you.

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So I got a thumbs up on my post for changing my Facebook status to "In Relationship" with Nastya, lol. Not sure who gave me that one but thanks. I'm now taken sorry all you other women out there, your out of luck thanks to the power of thumbs up. So where it says name of person you are "In Relationship" I guess I put down Nastya but if we get married will that change to Nastya2Play, lmao.

I noticed Nastya tossing and turning in her sleep, smiling once in awhile, must be dreaming of me as usual. Dreaming of the mystery man she yearns so much for. Ha ha, I am way to funny. I am wearing her down bit by bit she will want me someday if I keep using the power of suggestion, lol. Ah the power of my imagination runs wild sometimes. I call it the "If Only Syndrome" it's not contagious don't worry. 

Yes my business computer is still down for a couple of more days peoples so you are stuck with me and my jibber jabber.

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I've pretty much always supported Bella through the good and bad. I have stuck up for her many, many times. I still think she has the best curves on VV. I enjoy watching her and love her accent when she speaks English, just wish she would feel a little more comfortable to show a tidbit more skin. Really it's a compliment as there is a lot of wiggle and jiggle that is very, very sexy. Just let loose have fun, and enjoy this time.

It's not all the time a girl walks into an apartment and you just stop and say wow. Well for me Nastya is the one that made me stop and say wow. From the moment I saw her smile and dance "fully clothed" I might add, I knew I was going to like this one. What more can I say she is just prefect.

It's funny because every once in awhile they will look towards the camera and you know they read your comment by the priceless facial expressions.

I am going to spare you guys and stop with my comments. I'm pretty sure everyone is sick of them by now. I just wanted to have fun, make the forum fun and throw my 2 cents on some of the things I saw, maybe make a difference, that's all. To Bella and Nastya if you do read this, you guys are awesome, I really do mean it and I will still be watching. Peace out peeps.

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Nastya skyping with Tula (Jacky and Petra) I think Nastya is a friend of Jacky and or Petra and VV brought her to Sofia beacause they can not find good locals in Bulgaria. If thats the case Nastya has to leave the EU in january because her Schengen visa expires then

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