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Kitty & Smith ~ General Chat For This Apartment October 23,2016. to November 30,2016.

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4 minutes ago, idily94 said:

Dalším White Knight právě objevil! Tak děsivé...

Oni si vybrali RLC, se rozhodli vystavit svůj život. Je naprosto zřejmé, že lidé, kteří je sledují budou komentovat to, co vidí. A když vidím 2 lidé neustále křičí na sebe každý den pláče, já nepovažuji žádnou bod zdravý vztah. A bohužel to není poprvé, kdy vidíme tento druh situace.



yes she's crying but certainly not all the time! always criticize and do not even know what exactly happened. if you knew why she was crying, but you still just as hysterically criticize but what Smith had verbally hurts is okay?

2 minutes ago, gregormad said:


yes she's crying but certainly not all the time! always criticize and do not even know what exactly happened. if you knew why she was crying, but you still just as hysterically criticize but what Smith had verbally hurts is okay?

I talk about the couple as a whole, not about her or him in particular. I don't know the story between them, and none of us will probably ever know exactly. But whatever the reasons of their conflits, one thing is clear : when you are arguing so often, something is definitely wrong in the relationship. And i repeat myself, in this case, taking distance with RLC is probably the best decision.

6 minutes ago, idily94 said:

Mluvím o páru jako celek, ne o ní, nebo ho zvlášť. Nevím příběh mezi nimi, a nikdo z nás se pravděpodobně nikdy přesně vědět. Ale ať už z důvodů jejich conflits, jedna věc je jasná: když se hádají tak často, něco, co je ve vztahu rozhodně špatně. A já opakuji, v tomto případě, přičemž vzdálenost s RLC je pravděpodobně nejlepší rozhodnutí.

yes you have a great truth. But what do you say when you are in the morning, then immediately turn right and everything you vyříkají and apologize to one another? Yet when the young couple quarrel, and then everything was all they say it's okay right?
1 minute ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Paul obdržela více urážky a kritiky, stejné pro Hector, který byl nazýván manželka šlehač. Lev se nazývá alkoholik líný figurína. Barca děvčata byla nammed pornoherečky, prostitutka a dokonce i mechanickému děvky.

I přesto předpokládat mé předchozí zprávy o Kitty. A pokud zjistí, klid mimo RLC budu rád za ně



well Say what you want, I just wanted to tell you that that Kitty had you all very much and this hurt her.


Just now, gregormad said:

well Say what you want, I just wanted to tell you that that Kitty had you all very much and this hurt her.


I am very sorry if she is hurt about some messages. I like her and if she is hurt i apologize. But RLC is not a place for her and if she has relationship issues with Smith. Whoever is  responsable, it is not  fun to watch a couple fighting every day

I wish them a sucessful continuation outside RLC



I want them to stay everyone keeps saying they should leave they are a hot couple the best on RLC and no one should ever be hurt from comments just forget about them read the positive ones. They are a great couple. Kitty and Smith is hot and the best i have seen fucking here. Please don't leave.

5 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

I am very sorry if she is hurt about some messages. I like her and if she is hurt i apologize. But RLC is not a place for her and if she has relationship issues with Smith. Whoever is  responsable, it is not  fun to watch a couple fighting every day

I wish them a sucessful continuation outside RLC


Kitty is very happy at the moment. that you love her. I was very pleased. not just a problem in relation to some argument with some important matters need to be a little older and their frequent disagreements retreats. What do you think? You should have seen them happy again? but without these disagreements? :)

I apologize if my comment upset Kitty In any which way but I was defending Smith, who gets the blame alot on here. I do hope both Smith and Kitty find Happiness.

33 minutes ago, gregormad said:

well Say what you want, I just wanted to tell you that that Kitty had you all very much and this hurt her.


Stop trying to make us feel responsible of their own issues. It will not work (at least not on me). And once again, i didn't target anyone in particular, and i don't agree with the people who want to chose between Kitty or Smith as guilty. Just trying to have a global vision about what i saw.

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I would go along with anyone siding with either Smith or Kitty in how the arguments and fighting started and continued-----However not unless that person understood the language

and actually heard all that was said-the rest is all speculation on who is to blame.....

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If part of the problem is the comments of some, it just needs that Kitty do the part of things, some members often write of great anything and finally who we are to judge her or Smith on what they do
For their good, they would have to stop looking at what we think of them and they take advantage of the RLC adventure
In any case, we can not please everyone and there will always be to criticize
I am sure that we are much to appreciate you, may be a little too much for some which makes slip some remarks
Please excuse our indifference towards you and come back when it is time for you


si une partie du problème est les commentaires de certain, il faut juste que Kitty fasse la part des choses, certains membres écrivent souvent du grand n'importe quoi et finalement qui nous sommes pour la juger elle ou Smith sur ce qu'ils font
Pour leurs bien, il faudrait qu'ils arrêtent de regarder ce que nous pensont d'eux et qu'ils profitent de l'aventure RLC
De toutes façon, on ne peut pas plaire a tout le monde et il y en aura toujours pour critiquer 
Je suis sur que nous sommes beaucoup à vous apprécier, peut être un peu trop pour certains ce qui fait déraper certains propos 
Veuillez excuser notre indélicatesse a votre égard et revenez quand ce sera le moment pour vous 

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