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Leora & Paul - General Chat For This Apartment (2016)

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I also heard if they eat a certain amount of potato chips and wash with a certain soap and wipe there ass with a certain toilet paper they get paid a bonus.."enter sarcasm here " the stupid things people come up with. 

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2 hours ago, l003sgh said:

And you know this how?

Some of us either pay attention to what is happening or read what people have posted before posting a comment, with that said, may I suggest you read all the archived posting's before you make further comments, and then, and only then they may just look like they came from someone who's had some sort of basic education

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2 hours ago, l003sgh said:

And you know this how?

I am not at liberty to discuss my information gathering capabilities at this time. I don't want to jeopardize my agents or the confidential relationship I have developed with Scooter. Suffice to say, I pay Scooter a doggy biscuit every-time she blabs about her masters. :biggrin:



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3 hours ago, l003sgh said:

And you know this how?

Because he can read words, Words are what people write when they want to express something, and when people get older some of them can read joined up words also, the marvelous thing about words is that they don't self destruct when they have been read. So when someone named Juli wrote on this forum that she was frightened of the dark, all the grown ups then understood why she slept in the living room with the light on. Well that's the end of tonight's bedtime story little fellow, if you behave yourself and play nice with the other kids we might do this again........Toodles!

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And I was right about the Area 51 studios, too!

Actually, someone who is no longer here (or is laying low) informed me via PM of her sleeping preferences about a year-and-a-half ago, and said member had proven to be correct about many things that did come to pass in that apartment. So this is nothing new. If it was because of fighting, then they would have broken up long ago.

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4 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

Do you know I am sure I have seen that exact phrase before from a newbie recently - maybe one who got banned.

We just do, OK. If we didn't we would work out from observation but we do know. Almost every night in winter but in summer she sleeps a little more in the bed.

Wow...you people are scary!

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12 minutes ago, l003sgh said:

Wow...you people are scary!

We were scary on Halloween. I can see your still wearing your costume, like the invisible man, how`s that going? Relax 100 3sgh, a lot of us have our favorites, so, you must understand, how we feel. Who`s your favorite?

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