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They never bang like rabbits. The guy is so useless he can't manage more than three thrusts before he shoots his load. She has to move in slow motion to stop him coming instantly.

10 out of 10 though for spending more than 20 minutes licking her under the blanket. The poor twat must have been boiling and unable to breathe!!

She lays there hardly moving and never uttering a single moan. Her and Maya could have a world championship play off to see who can remain motionless and silent the longest!!! Yawn!!!!!!!!

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Ha.. van the man has never seen rabbits banging!! Three thrusts and the stamper (male) falls onto his side exhausted.

So when someone says 'they are going at it like rabbits' you know it only lasted a couple of minutes.

If, however someone says they are going at it like pigs...well thats a different story... a pigs orgasm can last up to 30 minutes, its dick is on average 30cm long and it can fuck 10 females (female pigs, of course) a day.

So when I am called a pig... well.. it just puts a smile on my face  ;)

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Dasha sex now bathroom

merci pour l'alerte, le rideau était magnifique, l'eau qui coule dessus est très sensuelle!!!! ;D ;D je vais être méchant, mais rlc, svp, virez ce couple!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

thank you for the warning, the curtain was beautiful, flowing water is very sensual top !!!! ; D; D I'll be mean, but rlc, please, turn this couple !!!!!! > :(> :(> :(

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merci pour l'alerte, le rideau était magnifique, l'eau qui coule dessus est très sensuelle!!!! ;D ;D je vais être méchant, mais rlc, svp, virez ce couple!!!!!! >:( >:( >:(

thank you for the warning, the curtain was beautiful, flowing water is very sensual top !!!! ; D; D I'll be mean, but rlc, please, turn this couple !!!!!! > :(> :(> :(

Oui, virez-les ! Ils ne baisent pas !!!!!

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