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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

yes, the same guys who share your private documents, because you ask them to much nicer way tonight !!!! all is well here, why come you stir shit ?? !! what is your goal !!! if some times shared on this forum bothers your moral truths, why not ignore ?? !!!!:huh:

You sent me one video of adele maybe 3 months ago So you don't remember your post of tonight:


"you're absolutely right !!! if you want to look, we can talk about how the girls earn their living? just to care !!! ok, I proposed, that's all !!!!:sleepy::biggrin:"

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Corbo a fait un trait d'humour par rapport a ce qui s'est passé  hier car il n' y avait pas grand chose sur ce thread à dire ce soir

il n'y avait rien de méchant dans son commentaire

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1 minute ago, Dreamer24 said:

Im not that new to RLC,but i am to CC's and i dont comment that much, but Mike you do make a hell of alot of sense from what ive read that you post. Some comments tho aren't. I try to put my head in gear before i show my ass lol.

One of my biggest problems lately is that some of us work,,so we can't be on RLC or CC 24/7,,so when we get home,,we need to know what took place or what we missed,,,but if I get home,,and all I see is page after page of people talking about Elisa drinking or Elisa's period/infection,,then I have no idea what other things that happened that I may have missed,,it's no longer informative to come on here,,I can never know what I missed while I was at work.

And if people keep on saying the same thing everyday,,we also cannot get any information from that either.

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à l’instant, kzsjzkdjs a dit :

Vous me avez envoyé une vidéo de adele peut-être il y a 3 mois Donc, vous ne vous souvenez pas de votre poste de ce soir:


"vous n'êtes absolument raison !!! si vous voulez regarder , nous pouvons parler de la façon dont les filles gagnent leur vie ? juste pour prendre soin !!! ok , j'ai proposé , c'est tout !!!!:sleepy::biggrin: "

abruti!!!! tout le monde à compris que c'était de l'humour!!!! halo??? il y a quelqu'un????? combien de bière ce soir???? ououuuuHHHHH halo????? tout va bien, les hommes en blancs arrivent, restez calme!!!!

fool!!!! everyone understood that it was of humor !!!! halo??? there is someone????? how much beer tonight ???? ououuuuHHHHH halo ????? Hopefully, the white men arrive, stay calm !!!!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

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1 minute ago, daily said:

Corbo a fait un trait d'humour par rapport a ce qui s'est passé  hier car il n' y avait pas grand chose sur ce thread à dire ce soir ce soir

il n'y avait rien de méchant dans son commentaire

I didn't recall anything being nasty in his commentary from tonight.

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il y a 3 minutes, daily a dit :

Corbo un fait non trait d'humour par rapport a Ce Qui se est passé de voiture hier il n 'y Avait pas grand chose à fil this dire soir ce soir sur this

il N'y Avait rien de méchant DANS SON commentaire

ce n'est pas grave, kz doit être complètement saoul ce soir!!!!

it does not matter, kz must be drunk tonight !!!!:biggrin:

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Too many threads and posts to sift through so I'll ask instead... Do we know if Rita prefer men or women? Has she said anything about boyfriends? I'm sure there must have been something said about it but I can't recall.

(and please, no replies about her being the wife of someone here, it's already been said daily for at least a year)

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