Noldus Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Layla has cooked dinner for all three. Is there a vodka bottle that is hidden behind the plant?
daily Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 J 'ai adoré le petit regard discret de Danaya sous la jupe de Layla :D I loved the discreet little Danaya look under the skirt of Layla :D
corboblanc Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 génération téléphone portable et internet!!! c'est dramatique de passer 90% de sa vie quotidienne, enfermé à regarder des conneries sur un appareil électronique!!! surtout quand on est jeune et jolie!!! toute leur vie devrait être pareil!!! à 50 ans on se retourne sur sa vie, et on calcule les années de temps perdu, à regarder cet appareil!!!! generation mobile phone and internet !!! it is dramatic to spend 90% of his daily life, locked up watching crap on an electronic device !!! especially when one is young and pretty !!! all their lives should be like !!! 50 years we turn over his life, and calculate the years of lost time, watching this unit !!!! :'( :'( :'( :idk:
bookmaster8 Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 They need a rule. When you sit and eat. Forget the fucking phones. Their lives are not that fucking important. Unfortunately, that's today's culture. They are not unique. In another generation, there may not be any actual human interaction at all. lol.
mr1010 Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Layla now leaving? Under Maintenance for third time in four days! This place is one big revolving door! Danaya looks cute, great body. She seems more forward than anyone since Irma (that was what 2 weeks ago?). But, wasted on Ilona or Layla. StnCld is right. The more things change, the more they remain the same.
mr1010 Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Mikey, bigsky, guys, stop fighting! I appreciate the pics from all you guys. It isn't a fucking contest to see who gets the most or best pictures!!!! Just enjoy the site. These constant arguments just take away from the enjoyment of this site (such as it is). I see Layla, where is Danaya? And what is with all the fucking Under Maintenance" stuff?
Frankster Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 This is why I once called Laylas "ass" for an old ass, looks too much like this (You might not be able to unsee what's in the link): This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up
marco Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Definitivamente parece que layla tambien nos deja :doh:
Hope85 Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 WAIT AM I SEEING THINGS HERE OR DID TWO PEOPLE JUST POST THE EXACT SAME PHOTOS AND PLASTERED THEIR NAMES ALL OVER THEM,AS IF IT'S THEIR OWN PHOTOS?,,,,,,,,YOU GUYS ALWAYS HEAR HOPE85 BITCHING ABOUT PEOPLE STEALING HIS WORK,,,,,I GUESS HIS OWN BITCHING ABOUT STEALING DOESN'T APPLY TO HIMSELF :wtf: :wtf: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :bang head: :bang head: :bang head: Sigues teniendo la boca muy grande compañero [glow=red,2,300]euromike69[/glow]... .... yo tengo el video de donde saqué las capturas ..otra cosa es que hayamos coincidido en las mejores, cuando yo las publiqué no había visto las que ya habían puesto. :smoke:
le furet Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 elle vive dans leur chambre ont dirait des enfants lol :smoke:
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