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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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Guest beaver67
1 minute ago, Noldus said:

He also heard the recording up in the room of Irma, but it was so low and much wiping, that it did not make any sense.

thanks Noldus

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This totally looks that tipically rlc day and night when someone it's leaving..Irma and llona spended more time togheter than the lately usual,all they all gone to bed early..only thing it's I didn't seen neither Irma neither llona paking the things..well think someone sayed Thursday or something Irma would leave or something..lets wait and see.

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Polya  PUSSY is out of commission for about the next 2 week or so. She made it official right in front of the camera. She has a infection in her pussy. Yes i seen her use the syringe to put the cream up in her pussy. These girls don't no what condoms do beside not get pregnant also to keep from getting some thing. It might get a little better in a few day where she can use her toy but i would not count on it. Lalay Was using the same stuff and putting cream up in her pussy

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nous assistons ce soir à une fermeture de vk multiple!!! on dirait que les filles ont décidées d'être plus discrètes!!! merci à tous les abrutis mort de faim, qui les emmerdent tous les jours!!!!

we are seeing tonight at multiple vk closing !!! it looks like the girls have decided to be more discreet !!! thank you to all starved morons who emmerdent them everyday !!!!:angry:

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Guest beaver67
51 minutes ago, Bonnie said:

Polya  PUSSY is out of commission for about the next 2 week or so. She made it official right in front of the camera. She has a infection in her pussy. Yes i seen her use the syringe to put the cream up in her pussy. These girls don't no what condoms do beside not get pregnant also to keep from getting some thing. It might get a little better in a few day where she can use her toy but i would not count on it. Lalay Was using the same stuff and putting cream up in her pussy

or it could be a dirty toy, or even maybe the lube they use- remember, 2 days after Irma used her "pink friend" she had an infection- It's possible- just saying

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2 minutes ago, beaver67 said:

or it could be a dirty toy, or even maybe the lube they use- remember, 2 days after Irma used her "pink friend" she had an infection- It's possible- just saying

If you don't clean your toys properly. Any crusty little critter left behind will come back and haunt you.

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Guest beaver67
27 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

If you don't clean your toys properly. Any crusty little critter left behind will come back and haunt you.

you got that right- they need to watch out for the crusty's :biggrin:

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Corboblanc my friend that's what I was trying to tell you over at the K&K thread,,,now you see why I said what I did right?,,,People constantly try to talk to these women on their social media pages,,or constantly announce their every single move and whereabouts on CC or elsewhere,,,All this will eventually creep these women out and make them begin to shut down their pages or make them private,,,even if they didn't care about the attention in the beginning after a while they start to worry when they see some of their fans start taking that shit a little bit too far.::)::):arrow::biggrin::biggrin:

1 hour ago, corboblanc said:

nous assistons ce soir à une fermeture de vk multiple!!! on dirait que les filles ont décidées d'être plus discrètes!!! merci à tous les abrutis mort de faim, qui les emmerdent tous les jours!!!!

we are seeing tonight at multiple vk closing !!! it looks like the girls have decided to be more discreet !!! thank you to all starved morons who emmerdent them everyday !!!!:angry:


4 hours ago, euromike69 said:

Word has it that Kamila is gonna close all her social media pages,,because she is sick and tired of having old ass stalker guys announcing on CC and elsewhere,whenever she takes a shit or a piss on a beach anywhere in the world,,and then go around broadcasting it on a daily basis on here and other places,,,,,it's beginning to freak her out.:biggrin::biggrin:



3 hours ago, corboblanc said:

kamila savait dès le départ qu'elle était identifiée, mais elle a refusé de se protéger!!! il lui suffisait simplement de prendre un simple surnom pour son vk, pour préserver sa véritable identité, mais elle n'a rien fait!!!! elle a donc pleinement acceptée d'être connue de tous le monde, ainsi que sa famille et toutes ses amies!!! les tentatives pour lui expliquer les risques qui pourraient survenir et la gêner dans sa vie future ont toutes échouées!!! aujourd'hui, kamila doit accepter sa nouvelle notoriété, et ce que cela occasionne pour sa vie future!!!

kamila knew from the start it was identified, but she refused to protect !!! he simply had to do was take a simple nickname for his vk to preserve his identity, but it did nothing !!!! she has fully accepted to be known to all the world, and his family and all his friends !!! attempts to explain the risks that may occur and interfere in his future life have all failed !!! today kamila must accept his new fame, and what it entails for its future life !!!


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Guest beaver67
5 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Corboblanc my friend that's what I was trying to tell you over at the K&K thread,,,now you see why I said what I did right?,,,People constantly try to talk to these women on their social media pages,,or constantly announce their every single move and whereabouts on CC or elsewhere,,,All this will eventually creep these women out and make them begin to shut down their pages or make them private,,,even if they didn't care about the attention in the beginning after a while they start to worry when they see some of their fans start taking that shit a little bit too far.::)::):arrow::biggrin::biggrin:




mikey check your PM please

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