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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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35 minutes ago, F219 said:

Agree.  I am not anti-Milena like some of you guys, I did enjoy watching her.  She didn't get a fair break with Belle because everybody loves Belle.  I think they were both wrong.

Finally someone agree's with me your right she didn't get a fair break and the fight or argument with Jasmin over food was one sided also. True we had Kitek with his translations tell us the conversation between Rebecca and Jasmin but that's only Jasmin's side of the story. In any argument there are 2 sides of the story we only heard Jasmins side we didn't hear Melina's side and the truth is probably somewhere in the middle but everyone read Kitek's translation and blamed Milina for everything.

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1 minute ago, legrandrobert said:

say what you want, but Milena didn't show any respect for Lara.  Who in their right mind starts a photo shoot at midnight up to 8:00 am the next morning ?   3 days in a row ??

Only for Blondes. Their time of day is backwards.

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2 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Why didn't they do the photo shoot at his apt. ?? and the way she seems to always tell Lima what to do (bossing around)  No she has to go and the sooner the better so Lara can come back, bring in Danaya.

Firstly Robert how did any of the photo shoots bother Lara she was in bed every time they never stopped her doing anything and second we don't know how Melina speaks to Lima we don't understand the language and in my view Lima is a follower not a leader so she is the type of person that will just go along with what is happening at the time. And whenever i have seen them together they get along fine so who are we to tell them how to act with one another.

I understand your opinion you don't like her that's fine we can't like everyone in this world but you must respect other peoples opinion too.

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