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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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9 hours ago, Sergio said:

maybe the fact that even these girls do not do auto-eroticism, is much simpler than we think, have sex when they are out

Most likely scenario. I cant see too many guys volunteering to be instant amateur porn stars, no matter how bad they need to get their leg over. It's happened once or twice, but even with the sex goddesses living here and at Barca 2, it was very rare. As noted when Lima went out during the afternoon last week, knickers on when she left, commando when she came back home.

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A lot of to-ing and fro-ing lately about peoples expectations and reasons for watching (these girls in particular). I'm more curious about the people in there themselves. Does anyone know where they all went last night? They all dressed alike (in black), suggesting they may have gone to a themed party, either at a house or a club, and all left and returned together. Yet this morning thinks look very different. The almost virginally saint-like Lara is up and her usual perky self, probably the result of not having touched a drop of grog. The other two, on the other hand, cant seem to wake up, they stir, try to sit or stand up, but end up collapsing and falling back to sleep again. Only my opinion, but I've seen this before both in Sydney and on the Gold Coast. I think they were slipped a rufee (or a Date Rape Drug). Melissa was up and exercising at some stupid time of the night, Lima, who's tolerance for booze is well documented, went up to get changed and suddenly just "zonked out" on the bed, like she couldn't move  - probably because she really couldn't. I think they were followed back to the apartment by someone who obviously wasn't banking on a big sign on the door telling them to "Smile - you're On Candid Camera". They're going to eventually wake up with headaches the likes of which they've never experienced before. Not so fun times ahead. Happy watching.

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4 hours ago, Pookus said:

Una gran cantidad de ING-y venidas últimamente sobre las expectativas de los pueblos y las razones para la observación (estas niñas en particular). Estoy más curiosidad por la gente de allí en sí. ¿Alguien sabe donde todos se fueron anoche? Todos ellos vestían igual (en negro), lo que sugiere que pueden haber ido a una fiesta temática, ya sea en una casa o en un club, y todos se fueron y volvieron juntos. Sin embargo, esta mañana piensa un aspecto muy diferente. El Lara casi virginal saint-como es y su ser gallardo habitual, probablemente el resultado de no haber tocado una gota de grog. Los otros dos, por el contrario, no puede parecer a despertar, se revuelven, trate de sentarse o ponerse de pie, pero terminan por colapsar y caer de nuevo a dormir de nuevo. Sólo mi opinión, pero he visto esto antes, tanto en Sydney y en la Gold Coast. Creo que se deslizaron un rufee (o una Violación de Drogas Fecha). Melissa estaba de pie y hacer ejercicio en algún momento estúpida de la noche, Lima, que es la tolerancia por la bebida está bien documentada, subió para cambiarse y de repente sólo "zonked a cabo" en la cama, como si no pudiera moverse - probablemente porque ella realmente no podía. Creo que se siguieron de nuevo al apartamento por alguien que, obviamente, no se confía en un gran cartel en la puerta diciéndoles que "Smile - estás en cámara indiscreta". Ellos van a despertar con el tiempo con dolores de cabeza a los gustos de los cuales nunca han experimentado antes. No tan divertidas tiempos venideros. Feliz viendo.

In yesterday afternoon the girls were in a club, you can check on any page of parties in Barcelona, is very common people usually go to hang out and not collected too late, because the next day people have get up early to go to work, college, or what they do.
The girls, is my opinion, they learn more and more of what is spoken in forums like this, whether they directly visit, which I would not agree because that would influence their behavior (and I think very negatively) or third parties who report what is commenting. I think it would almost be worse.
The fact is that Melisa and Lara, were visiting, and talking on chat pages long time, especially Mel.
In fact this morning, I say that again be a long time talking on the social network, and does not like people already have an idea of one of those contacts with whom she's talking.
Do not ask me if it's your kid, or an acquaintance, or who the hell is, but it is one of the most contacts with Mel speaks.
Perhaps as Polya, we learned that the boy is in Barcelona,?
If she is a Polya two parties that it is not far behind ... so far, little breast and no sauce. I guess that will be a thing of RLC.
We had a lot of sauce and, for so little actual chicken. As they say "old chicken makes good soup always"

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As I said with other girls, if it turns out that your guy to bring Barcelona, and forget to put on a show inside the house ... for me and you can go to hell.
And as in his day did not agree with that course of action, I'm too old to change now.

And not continuous because this issue, warms me and start to pull at the mouth, and I can escape things that I should not say.

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