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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 hours ago, corboblanc said:

le corps et le visage de lima est rempli de bouton, je me demande quelle allergie provoque cela en si peu de temps!!!:huh: il faut vraiment qu'elle consulte un médecin!!! 

The body and the face of lima is filled with button, I wonder what allergy causes this in such a short time !!!:huh:She really needs to see a doctor !!!

MOSQUITOES - she got badly bitten one night last week.

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il y a 24 minutes, Oldstalker a dit :

MOUSTIQUES - elle a obtenu mal mordu une nuit la semaine dernière.

désolé mais ce n'ai certainement pas des moustiques!!! le corps de lima est recouvert de boutons des pieds à la tête, et hier elle tentait de percer ceux de sont visage!!! si c'était des moustiques, il en aurai fallu des centaines, et en plus cela gratte!!!! cette éruption est une allergie à quelque chose. ils sont apparus après sa nuit sexe avec le mec!!!!

Sorry but it certainly does not have mosquitoes !!! The body of lima is covered with buttons from the feet to the head, and yesterday it was trying to pierce those of are face !!! If it was mosquitoes, it would have taken hundreds, and in addition it scratch !!!! This rash is an allergy to something. They appeared after her night sex with the guy !!!!

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Then that is something new monsieur corboblanc; she had a number of bites, particularly on her arms and face before the boyfriend arrived, but if she has broken out all over then that is new. My apologies.

Encore M corboblanc ca c'est quelque chose de nouvelle. Elle a eu des ??boubous?? especialement sur les bras et la visageavant sa copine est arrivée, mais si elle a beaucoup de nouvelles blessures ca c'est vraiment nouveau. Mes apologies.

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I've been wondering if Michelle is going to visit this apartment - she has yet to remove the plastic air transport cover from her case , let alone unpack!  

And I've also been wondering about the document on her bed - could it be a set of 'house rules' from RLC perhaps?  

I wouldn't be surprised if she took her stuff and moved in with Belle in B2.

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3 minutes ago, Pelham15 said:

I've been wondering if Michelle is going to visit this apartment - she has yet to remove the plastic air transport cover from her case , let alone unpack!  

And I've also been wondering about the document on her bed - could it be a set of 'house rules' from RLC perhaps?  

I wouldn't be surprised if she took her stuff and moved in with Belle in B2.

She is hungover at the moment in Belle's bed so she probably does not feel like it just yet.

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