Noldus Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 1054 Jes awake (Lima has been awake for a while)
Noldus Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 11 minutes ago, Oldstalker said: For Noldus 1035Lima awake and came downstairs to drain her beans soaking overnight and so on. 1045 she's gone back to bed again texting on her phone despite bright sunlight! Thanks!
vortios Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 Hace 6 horas, BBsq69 dijo: El estado Pensando Acerca de Nicole y Si Lo HACE EL USO de yesca o este sitios en Todo El Mundo Donde la gente this buscando una cogida sin ningún Compromiso un Continuación, no es exactamente Lo Que podriamos Esperar Una Sola Chica Que Llega un Un país Extranjero párrafo Una Pocos meses podrian Hacer? Una chica atractiva Lleva de nuevo un chico un su habitación y lo folla Delante de las Cámaras para Nosotros, ¿Qué más Se Puede Pedir? Las Personas Que Llaman una SUS Nombres y juzgarla Sobre Una Que la base n iban un Juzgar un Un tipo en Dębe No Solo Estar viendo RLC Punto Final con la mayor claridad que estan esperando ESTOS Lugares estan Llenos de pequeños ángeles que lindos Si Es Realmente afortunado Podria masturbarse párrafo Nosotros Pero el sexo con un hombre Que Apenas Conocen de alguna manera es Una gran puta crimen. Pues no lo es, y por mi parte, Hablando Como un hombre, me alegro de Ello. Sólo era un chico deseo Que en mis 20 años de Ahora Con todas las AES Aplicaciones Porque le estoy Diciendo Que tendria Mucho Más divertido desde el lugar de hice CUANDO ESTABA buscando el amor. ¡Poder femenino! I miss the words of many of you, who in many cases I appreciate, as they have demonstrated throughout me participation in the forum, are people and have their head in their place. But I can not agree with this or any other statements you make here.No one here cares about the integrity of the girls? I understand that young girls do nonsense, like bringing unknown houses (boys of a night) but people already with years of experience, in some cases even being parents, do not see the danger that entails? I know that now my little comments serve the girls and less to RLC that I should control that. Of course, they will not agree with me either, but I wanted to make this reflection, because in addition to wanting to party (I the first), I also have the head to see that things can be done in a way that the integrity of people is not in danger. I said, it should be prohibited to introduce people from the street in the houses ... Especially now, that RLC has shown me that it will not do anything ... then think, if they put a rapist or an abuser at home, what would happen? If the images were recorded, but the rape or the beating to a girl there is no one who took it ... Unfortunately we live in a very violent world, and those things are taken into account? The girls, or the boys of today, like us at their age, are quite irresponsible, and we have been lucky not to have more consequences, because the stupid things we have done, at least in my case, have been monumental. Finally, and it's just a graphic case for you to know what I'm talking about and do not call me an exaggeration. And they can look it up on the Internet. 1
Noldus Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 Just now, Noldus said: 1157 Nicole awake She takes a "Danaya" this morning too ;)
MrBox Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 31 minutes ago, vortios said: ... I said, it should be prohibited to introduce people from the street in the houses ... Especially now, that RLC has shown me that it will not do anything ... then think, if they put a rapist or an abuser at home, what would happen? If the images were recorded, but the rape or the beating to a girl there is no one who took it ... Unfortunately we live in a very violent world, and those things are taken into account? ... It is clear to you that these girls are grown up and know how they want to live? ... They do not have to be protected from the world. ... Whats next? Should RLC ask the girls to not go outside, because they could have an accident? Boys in this apartment are not any more dangerous than in the normal life. Its actually way more secure in the apartments, due to the cameras and the other girls. If RLC would suppress the reality (like guests) they could close the apartments immediately. ... Girls have interaction with guys. Its the most normal thing in the world. 41 minutes ago, vortios said: ...No one here cares about the integrity of the girls?... It is clear to you that these girls are grown up and know how they want to live? The girls integrity is fine. ... Openness is nothing to be ashamed of. ... Wake up. ... People today are more open in general. ... Let the girls have their life and do not try to make them feel bad because they do not behave as you like. 3
BBsq69 Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 2 hours ago, vortios said: I miss the words of many of you, who in many cases I appreciate, as they have demonstrated throughout me participation in the forum, are people and have their head in their place. But I can not agree with this or any other statements you make here.No one here cares about the integrity of the girls? I understand that young girls do nonsense, like bringing unknown houses (boys of a night) but people already with years of experience, in some cases even being parents, do not see the danger that entails? I know that now my little comments serve the girls and less to RLC that I should control that. Of course, they will not agree with me either, but I wanted to make this reflection, because in addition to wanting to party (I the first), I also have the head to see that things can be done in a way that the integrity of people is not in danger. I said, it should be prohibited to introduce people from the street in the houses ... Especially now, that RLC has shown me that it will not do anything ... then think, if they put a rapist or an abuser at home, what would happen? If the images were recorded, but the rape or the beating to a girl there is no one who took it ... Unfortunately we live in a very violent world, and those things are taken into account? The girls, or the boys of today, like us at their age, are quite irresponsible, and we have been lucky not to have more consequences, because the stupid things we have done, at least in my case, have been monumental. Finally, and it's just a graphic case for you to know what I'm talking about and do not call me an exaggeration. And they can look it up on the Internet. I would say this to you, vortios: 1. These girls are adults and can make their own decisions 2. In most cases they are not naive. I am sure most of the Barcelona girls know about the adult entertainment industry 3. I find it difficult to believe that Spain is a more dangerous place than the Ukraine 4. Violence is more often carried out by somebody people know rather than a stranger. Don't tell me some of these girls aren't already in unhealthy relationships. 5. And did you know that a high percentage of that violence is carried out by women. I am talking about within relationships but never gets dealt with even when reported to the police 6. No one here cares about the integrity of the girls? is not a phrase that would go down well in the UK. it would be considered sexist. However I do understand your concerns and you and others are perfectly within your rights to worry. I worried about Belle and the things she did and Caro at the party going out in the state she did and the fact that none of them, men or women, stopped her, although one might argue that Polya's BF was in a similar state a few nights earlier but again relationships are considered, maybe wrongly, a different situation. But these are not our daughters and must be allowed to live their lives which they know better than we do. I think RLC's lack of reaction in violent situations is odd simply from a commercial point of view most organisations like for instance Big Brother react (and in my opinion overreact like RLC have in banning Happy Juice which is something I doubt the police care about one iota) to any violence or incorrect language (not talking about swearing here although that's frowned upon in live coverage for some bizarre reason). When actual violence happens it should be dealt with and I will be the first to complain (and I have) but until then the participants should be free to invite who they want and go out with whoever they choose. So as I said continue to worry and say you are worried but these are adult girls living their lives. I sincerely hope nothing gets lost in translation here. We come from different cultures which might explain our different attitudes. You must be aware of how UK girls behave abroad ... and at home ... but it is a statement of freedom and equality from them. I admit they do seem more vulnerable than men but this is the world they want to live in. And actually for reasons I will not go into on the board or even via PM I know the consequences of violence very well ... and more I will not say. 4
vortios Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 1. Estas chicas son adultos y pueden tomar sus propias decisiones Mientras que las personas trabajan, y que están trabajando para RLC, (parecerse a Jess tiene que cumplir unos horarios y días de emisión, pero no pagan ...) y ... Por supuesto que no pueden hacer lo que les gusta! Es increíble, desde mi modesta opinión, que, con el tiempo que llevas aquí, y todavía piensan y dicen que estas chicas, más o menos vienen tres meses de vacaciones pagadas. 2. En la mayoría de los casos no son ingenuos. Estoy seguro de que la mayoría de las chicas de Barcelona saber acerca de la industria del entretenimiento para adultos Que las personas son inteligentes, no significa que no se cometen errores, por eso me puse el ejemplo de las chicas de la policía ... y mejor preparados de los que, no creo que estas chicas son. Nadie, ni siquiera nosotros, está a salvo de cometer errores. 3. Me resulta difícil creer que España es un lugar más peligroso que Ucrania Por supuesto que no!, Pero no se mueven en ambientes españoles, pero su círculo de la atmósfera, que es con la gente de Europa del Este, el único caso claro que he conocido, es Sia, que los muchachos son españoles. (Por desgracia, no todas las niñas dominan Inglés). La barrera del idioma es un problema. 4. La violencia se lleva a cabo con mayor frecuencia por la gente Alguien conoce en lugar de un extraño. No me diga que algunas de estas chicas no están ya en las relaciones no saludables. No quiero que esto se convierta en una disquisición sobre "violencia de género", como se le conoce en España. Te podría contar la cantidad de trabajo que tenemos en la oficina en ese tema. La violencia contra las mujeres es un azote para la sociedad occidental. Por un millón de razones, no es el tema de esta página tampoco. Pero no hay un perfil definido y heterogénea de un asaltante, un ladrón o un violador. 5. Y sabía usted que un alto porcentaje de que la violencia se lleva a cabo por las mujeres. Estoy hablando de dentro de las relaciones, pero nunca se pone tratado con incluso cuando informó a la policía Por supuesto, no voy a discutir sobre quién sobre el cual se ejercita la violencia. Nunca me defiendo el físico maltratada (por lo general son los hombres) y el abusador psicológico (que son por lo general más mujeres), pero eso es sólo mi opinión. 6. Aquí nadie se preocupa por la integridad de las niñas? No es una frase que pasaría a bien en el Reino Unido. sería considerado sexista. Del mismo modo que yo estoy en contra de todo tipo de violencia, más si se ejerce contra las mujeres, es lo que estamos hablando, también estoy en contra de que el feminismo trata de cambiar mi tipo de lenguaje para adaptarse a ellos. You have played a very bleeding issue in Catalonia, and it is the number of English young people who come to the coast on vacation. As you well know, their parties in a gigantic proportion come to get drunk and have their first sexual experiences. This causes that every year there are thousands of denunciations of young British girls, for rape of boys, in a percentage that smacks 100% of cases are English boys. And I add, as many or more that are not denounced. But I repeat, I do not want to bore anyone, since it is not the issue. Finally, I would simply say that although this issue brings much controversy, I intended to put a touch of attention for the derive that is taking over all B1. My reflection was, who is stupid enough to take a stranger to his home? I at least remember in my youth, and after undeciding myself, that the girls, never allowed to go to their homes, they were always the ones that were visiting, and I do not think they thought we were more dangerous than today's kids in day. By the way, I understand that each one has a way of seeing life, and thinks according to the society in which she has lived. For me a behavior may be strange or counterproductive, and be perfectly acceptable for her and for the society in which she lives. 2
vortios Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 1 hour ago, MrBox said: It is clear to you that these girls are grown up and know how they want to live? ... They do not have to be protected from the world. ... Whats next? Should RLC ask the girls to not go outside, because they could have an accident? Boys in this apartment are not any more dangerous than in the normal life. Its actually way more secure in the apartments, due to the cameras and the other girls. If RLC would suppress the reality (like guests) they could close the apartments immediately. ... Girls have interaction with guys. Its the most normal thing in the world. It is clear to you that these girls are grown up and know how they want to live? The girls integrity is fine. ... Openness is nothing to be ashamed of. ... Wake up. ... People today are more open in general. ... Let the girls have their life and do not try to make them feel bad because they do not behave as you like. Of course I respect the decisions that girls make about their sex life, that's not the purpose of my comment. As for "concern" take it with great caution, since I am not responsible for any of them. Their well-being does not correspond to me, but to the company that hired them.I made a reflection out loud, if you want to call it that. On the other hand, do not be afraid if someone makes a comment about the sexual life of the girls, neither of them, nor the own RLC, will move a bit his way of acting, because here say what we say about them. If you think girls are going to have less sex life because I can or anyone can say something (I know you do not) it's giving me an importance that I do not have.
BBsq69 Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 Well vortios, I am sure we could conduct this discussion further but I think we have both made our cases well. I would add the most of the British girls are not coming to Spain to lose their virginity - that's already happened - it is more likely the boys and UK people behave like this all over the world, it is just the way we have become. On feminism, don't get me started. It is way over the top here on social media and the feminazis as we call them will hound anybody, man or woman, who they deem has said the wrong thing until they are sacked. It really is terrible bullying. Mind you a lot of the feminists do have to put up with horrendous verbal abuse and threats themselves but that is twitter and I'm afraid the best way of avoiding it is to stay off it. Facebook you have control of your audience, twitter you open yourself to the dregs of humanity. 1
vlkvlk111 Posted December 16, 2016 Posted December 16, 2016 1 hour ago, BBsq69 said: I would say this to you, vortios: 1. These girls are adults and can make their own decisions 2. In most cases they are not naive. I am sure most of the Barcelona girls know about the adult entertainment industry 3. I find it difficult to believe that Spain is a more dangerous place than the Ukraine 4. Violence is more often carried out by somebody people know rather than a stranger. Don't tell me some of these girls aren't already in unhealthy relationships. 5. And did you know that a high percentage of that violence is carried out by women. I am talking about within relationships but never gets dealt with even when reported to the police 6. No one here cares about the integrity of the girls? is not a phrase that would go down well in the UK. it would be considered sexist. However I do understand your concerns and you and others are perfectly within your rights to worry. I worried about Belle and the things she did and Caro at the party going out in the start she did and the fact that none of them men or women stopped her, although one might argue that Polya's BF was in a similar state a few nights earlier but again relationships are considered, maybe wrongly, a different situation. But these are not are daughters and must be allowed to live their lives which they know better than we do. I think RLC's lack of reaction in violent situations is odd simply from a commercial point of view most organisations like for instance Big Brother react (and in my opinion overreact like RLC have in banning Happy Juice which is something I doubt the police care about one iota) to any violence or incorrect language (not talking about swearing here although that's frowned upon in live coverage for some bizarre reason). When actual violence happens it should be dealt with and I will be the first to complain (and I have) but until then the participants should be free to invite who they want and go out with whoever they choose. So as I said continue to worry and say you are worried but these are adult girls living their lives. I sincerely hope nothing gets lost in translation here. We come from different cultures which might explain our different attitudes. You must be aware of how UK girls behave abroad ... and at home ... but it is a statement of freedom and equality from them. I admit they do seem more vulnerable than men but this is the world they want to live in. And actually for reasons I will not go into on the board or even via PM I know the consequences of violence very well ... and more I will not say. Absolutely brilliant post. It it's indeed a cultural thing, many of the posters who are the most "vocal" about controlling the girl s "bad" behaviour seem to come from Mediterranean Europe countries like Spain or Italy, where the shift from a male dominated society to women empowerment is a bit slower than in the UK or northern Europe. Ultimately, unless they break the law or breach their contractual obligations with RLC, we should recognize the tenant's right to live as they please. Also lets be realistic : even if we bend the arm of RLC and RLC introduces freedom limiting rules written by thepatronizing surrogate fathers on the forums : - it won't prevent the girls to do what they do in real life and take the risks they take - they will just do it outside of the cameras. These apartments, with people watching 24/7 are way safer than anything outside. 4
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