Gert20161 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 DAMN I WAS JUST ABOUT TO WRITE THAT,FOR ONE HER NAME IS STILL ON THE APARTMENT,RLC NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT HER LEAVING THE PROJECT LIKE WITH NORA,NO MAINTENANCE MODE,THE GIRLS DIDN'T SEEM TOO WORRIED ABOUT HER LEAVING THAT MUCH SO IT COULD BE JUST TEMPORARY.LET'S KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED. :hi: :hi: :hi: :stirthepot: :stirthepot: :welcome: AND ON ANOTHER SIDE NOTE,I THINK THAT NEXT MONTH KRISTY SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE TO RETURN TO BARCELONA :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :welcome: :hi: I keep my fingers crossed , and go light a candle . really hope she comes back, my favorite girl. :welcome:
canito Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 yup and i was one of them stndcld but life goes on i miss irma everything mickey said is on point and true.she did everything for these girls she was the life of this apt.
canito Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 mickey they are both the same as for which one is the biggest thieves.
StnCld316 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 WHO DO YOU GUYS THINK IS A BIGGER THIEF,RLC OR THE CABLE COMPANY? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: It has to be RLC. How long have most been around and seen this type of scenario over and over again. When Layla showed up, it was obvious someone was going to be leaving. Ilona arrived on Nov.18 so she been there almost 2 months. Anna arrived on Dec.19. So if another girl shows up then likely either Ilona or Anna will depart next.
corboblanc Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 The way to save money is to get rid of the "useless" apartments ....................and there are many where absolutely nothing happens ! Both of the Lesbian apartments could go , along with a few of the others that never change : Leora and Paul and Maya and Stefan, where hardly a sound is heard !! (except an occasional moan from Leora masturbating !) That would save them money and bandwidth . Katka and Lenka should never even have been started ; yet they are a Premium apartment - WHY ? Or we could all tune into Carina and watch her thighs grow ...........LOL ( now that's interesting (NOT) ! "premium" ne veut pas dire "meilleurs"!! c'est juste un "lot" d'appartements supplémentaires pour ceux qui peuvent payer plus. nous savons tous que dans cet appartement, les filles vont et viennent, parfois pour la durée autorisée par leur visa, mais parfois moins, si elles ont décidées d'aller visiter une autre capitale européenne. irma s'envole peut-être aujourd'hui pour milan, Rome, paris ou Amsterdam!!! "premium" does not mean "better" !! it's just a "lot" of additional apartments for those who can pay more. we all know that in this apartment, the girls come and go, sometimes for the time allowed by their visas, but sometimes less, if they have decided to visit another European capital. Irma was perhaps flies today to Milan, Rome, Paris or Amsterdam !!! ;) ;) ;)
rockin Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 And now Anna is going to see her new love more so we will see her a lot less :'(
rockin Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 By the way i don`t think rlc has anything to do with Irma`s leaving. I think it must have something to with her personally! Private things she must tend too.
corboblanc Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 And RLC is loving it all because they got a lot of people who shelled out $45 just to see these girls. Then they pull the plug on them. But you have to admit one thing. If this was still under Nora's stewardship. None of these girls would have been able to what they are doing over the last couple of weeks unless Nora was the center of attention. ce fut le phénomène inverse pour moi et beaucoup d'autres, qui ont délaissés cet appartement très vite après l'arrivée d'ilona, et surtout d'irma!!! la nudité 24h/24 et les prestations d'actrices lesbiennes de ces 4 jeunes exhibitionnistes, souvent vulgaires, et seulement présentent dans rlc pour chauffer les internautes excités, n'a aucun intérêt et dénature le concept de rlc!!! je respect le choix de beaucoup de membres de cc, d'avoir aimer le spectacle, mais cela n'est pas mon cas!!! vous avez raison qu'avec nora, cela n'était pas pareil!! nous avions encore affaire à des jeunes filles respectables et matures, dont la vie était mille fois plus intéressante que le vide absolu que nous partage actuellement les filles présentes dans l'appartement!!! it was the reverse for me and many others, who have abandoned the apartment soon after the arrival of ilona, and especially Irma !!! nudity 24h / 24 and the services of lesbians actresses of these 4 young exhibitionists, often vulgar, and only present in rlc excited to heat the Internet, has no interest and distorts the concept of rlc !!! I respect the choice of many in CC, having love the show, but this is not my case !!! you are right with nora, this was not the same !! we still had to deal with mature and respectable young girls, whose life was a thousand times more interesting than the absolute vacuum we currently shares the girls present in the apartment !!! :-\ :-\ :-\ :idk:
jay1220259 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 layla is a fucking waste of space.she should have went to dasha&demids place.
smurfy08 Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 Things have changed indeed since Nora's departure. When you are not sure if some events are planned or scripted, there is definitely something wrong on a site pretending to show "real life".
Barry Elephant Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 layla is a fucking waste of space.she should have went to dasha&demids place. not nice at all
Barry Elephant Posted January 13, 2016 Posted January 13, 2016 we are paying $0.12 per apartment per day this one had 4 girls - that's $0.03 each and we are talking about a rip off? what you get for your $45 per month is set out in the RLC terms and conditions. That's what you bought, nothing else.
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