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9 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Eu 100% concordo com tudo o que você disse. Eu estava prestes a dizer que eu não acho que Mick deve sair se ele é capaz de encontrar as meninas por conta própria e trazê-los de volta. Ele absolutamente deveria parar de perseguir Angie, mas como sat11 disse, ele não quebrou nenhuma regra e ele é geniunely um cara legal. Ele deveria ter mais oportunidade de provar a si mesmo.

As I said in my first topic after the occurrence and reinforcing more above, bring an extra girl able to move everyone there and to Mick, "wash the honor".
You can even intersperse again with the previous guest pleasing to Angie.
Shots traded equally and will again balance the scales.

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i think angie should be the one too leave he is trying really hard but she keeps pushing him away so she is going against what she signed up for poor mike has done nothing wrong too be treated this way is wrong its nasty there is many things i could say but i wont vhtv please sort this its painful to watch thanks thats my lil rant over now oooooppppppsssss

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1 hour ago, sat11 said:

let me be the devil advocate, he breaks no rules he is trying to  do what is required of him she is the one refusing to play the game, why does he need to lose his place instead of getting another girl for him. but hay its all about sex sex sex and more sex we can see a girl doing little for weeks but a guy in two days we want him out.  thats what is killing VV  listening to people too much till it turned to a sex show now with out sex its abandoned. 

i've only watched this site for a couple of days but you are right. what is stopping them from bringing in more people? if they don't like the cams they can stay home. but some of them may want to have some fun as happened at anna & alex's party.

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25 minutes ago, suckier44 said:

i think angie should be the one too leave he is trying really hard but she keeps pushing him away so she is going against what she signed up for poor mike has done nothing wrong too be treated this way is wrong its nasty there is many things i could say but i wont vhtv please sort this its painful to watch thanks thats my lil rant over now oooooppppppsssss

angie should not leave but she should be clear with mick that she doesn't want to have sex with him & she should bring ove rsomeone that she does like & have some fun. he should do the same. better for everyone including us.

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i think angie should be the one too leave he is trying really hard but she keeps pushing him away so she is going against what she signed up for poor mike has done nothing wrong too be treated this way is wrong its nasty there is many things i could say but i wont vhtv please sort this its painful to watch thanks thats my lil rant over now oooooppppppsssss

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sorry for resending my last one again pressed it by mistake sorry about that yes golf that would be more fun if they both got some other person in each but right now she aint been fair too vhtv or us she seems nice but she should be honest with him that would sort it out straight away 

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2 hours ago, sat11 said:

let me be the devil advocate, he breaks no rules he is trying to  do what is required of him she is the one refusing to play the game, why does he need to lose his place instead of getting another girl for him. but hay its all about sex sex sex and more sex we can see a girl doing little for weeks but a guy in two days we want him out.  thats what is killing VV  listening to people too much till it turned to a sex show now with out sex its abandoned. 

you can't force angie to fuck with mick if she don't want,clearly she is not interested by mick so i prefer see mick left for see some fun in this bedroom with the guy of the other night,the guys come on VH in rlc mode are very naive

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37 minutes ago, clivebb said:

you can't force angie to fuck with mick if she don't want,clearly she is not interested by mick so i prefer see mick left for see some fun in this bedroom with the guy of the other night,the guys come on VH in rlc mode are very naive

So if she wants to be with that guy let her go be with him. Mick is not naive he is trying to be nice to her even after seeing her with the other guy. This dude is just trying to get the dynamic in the house fixed, leave Mick alone and if you want to see sex I've heard that PornHub may have some nice videos for you.

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2 minutes ago, JoshieUndead said:

Então, se ela quer ficar com esse cara, deixe-a ir com ele. Mick não é ingênuo, ele está tentando ser gentil com ela mesmo depois de vê-la com o outro cara. Este cara está apenas tentando obter a dinâmica na casa fixa, deixar Mick sozinho e se você quiser ver sexo, eu ouvi que PornHub pode ter alguns vídeos agradáveis para você.


51 minutes ago, clivebb said:

Você não pode forçar a angie a foder com mick se ela não quiser, claramente ela não está interessada por mick então eu prefiro ver mick à esquerda para ver algum divertimento neste quarto com o cara da outra noite, os caras vêm em VH No modo rlc são muito ingênuos

Just to respond on behalf of the "ingenuity of RLC", also premium with acquisition in the second week that this type of association was created.

The only difference found here for a good part of the "couples" we see there is that here the "non-standard" actions are practiced in the eyes of all.

In RLC, camouflaged on balconies, blind spots or as it is becoming evident in external visits or outings with other guests or acquaintances who previously or frequently see gifts there.

I hope that here in VH, be attentive to these "deviations" and while still in its beginning of the site treat this theme with responsibility and seriousness to who subscribes it.

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Before you rebuff me, I complete my line of thinking.
Both here and there, the apartments and the people that occupy them exist thanks to our signatures.

It's no fun, they're used as "furtive" meeting points or a base point for outside fun.
Nothing funny, let's sponsor the "fun" of others (renters or guests).

Still stop to think and you will see that I did not escape the purpose addressed in this topic of the apartment ELMA.

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