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4 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Quando as meninas batem é quente, mas quando os homens fazem isso, é lamentável. Acho que tem sido assim desde o início dos tempos. 

Should not admit it, but you're right. Especially when in public what is the case.

Women in this act, seek to exploit and further elevate their sexuality and men only relieve their tensions.

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8 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Should not admit it, but you're right. Especially when in public what is the case.

Women in this act, seek to exploit and further elevate their sexuality and men only relieve their tensions.

 What? You don't think women rub one out just for the sake of getting off the same way guys do? People tend to project their own meaning and bias's behind certain acts, but it in no way reflects the actual truth. People masturbate when they are horny, or in the case of voyeur sites, women sometimes masturbate to attract more viewers. But it's not fair to praise one act while demonizing another act just because you prefer to see one and not the other. 

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3 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

 O que? Você não acha que as mulheres esfregar um só para o bem de sair da mesma maneira que os caras fazem? As pessoas tendem a projetar seu próprio significado e preconceito por trás de certos atos, mas de modo algum reflete a verdade real. As pessoas se masturbam quando estão excitadas, ou no caso de sites voyeur, as mulheres às vezes se masturbam para atrair mais espectadores. Mas não é justo elogiar um ato enquanto demonização outro ato apenas porque você prefere ver um e não o outro. 

The case in question.
Angie had her "reward" even coming out, had.
And Mick until this moment (I do not know outside) is still in the "dry" (so to speak).
For my part I would never do this on cam, even more so here knowing what it involves.

And yes I agree that women do this to attract attention and when no one is seeing or that they with only the focus is potentially to what I quoted.
With or without fantasies for both sexes.

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