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Maria & Grisha Part #1


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3 minutes ago, sat11 said:

we live in the age of equality, that means if it is wrong for a guy to hit a women it should be wrong for a girl to hit a guy as well. 

like  thedber said where are all those people who where so upset for days all they talked abort was the violence  of rex asking him to be banned

I asked the same question when Jess attacked Sam. Everyone was mysteriously quiet when that happened. 

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10 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

I asked the same question when Jess attacked Sam. Everyone was mysteriously quiet when that happened. 

Thats Bs. Of course violence should not be tolerated regardless of the culprits gender.

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O convidado se foi!
As luzes apagadas finalmente.
Se tivéssemos e tivéssemos algo planejado para depois do evento, voltarmos a
este ponto para a prancheta .

Fim da noite aqui! Veja como será amanhã com os cérebros mais legais e no controle das coisas.
Lamentando tudo isso embora.

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the men will allways be more forgiving since the girl has something that they want. also as in the case of maria especially she is so much smaller than grisha. also it seems to have happened rarely with those couples. and not during sex which should be about liking to be with somebody. rex is still an asshole. but at least the poll showed that the majority of viewers who cared about the subject don't like his behavior. since he's not getting banned let's see if he can control himself a little better. my main problem with him is the slapping & hair pulling without regard for possible head & neck injuries. otherwise if they like rough sex, fine. but he could seriously injure dana. i hope that doesn't happen. maria probably won't seriously hurt grisha unless she has a weapon. but you are right. she should not act that way & was totally in the wrong.

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2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Os homens sempre serão mais indulgentes desde que a menina tem algo que eles querem. Também como no caso de maria especialmente ela é muito menor do que grisha. Também parece ter acontecido raramente com esses casais. E não durante o sexo que deve ser cerca de gostar de estar com alguém. Rex ainda é um idiota. Mas pelo menos a pesquisa mostrou que a maioria dos telespectadores que se preocupam com o assunto não gostam de seu comportamento. Já que ele não está sendo banido vamos ver se ele pode se controlar um pouco melhor. O meu principal problema com ele é o slapping & puxar o cabelo sem consideração para possíveis lesões de cabeça e pescoço. Caso contrário, se eles gostam de sexo áspero, tudo bem. Mas ele poderia ferir gravemente dana. Espero que isso não aconteça. Maria provavelmente não vai machucar gravemente a grisha a menos que ela tenha uma arma. Mas você está certo.

Exactly my point. The risk of accidents with this behavior is very great there (Rex and Danna).

For Maria to see that her "aggression" was somehow motivated by something Grisha did or told her. They have already arrived from the street in this "weather".

She puts Grisha in the shower and therefore indicates a "polluted" behavior in some way or reason.

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