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Maria & Grisha Part #1


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2 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Maria is not uncomfortable or shy in front of any guy. Lately she was having a bath with Grisha and one of Alinas strange guest came in. She posed for him naked let him take photos and even make a vid. Maybe she feels no shame because shes so comfortable with her body and thinks its just natural being naked. 

do you have a time on that

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1 minute ago, sr71gn said:

Does anyone know what all just went on--Did she do either one of those other guys or both?

Nope. She got wasted to the point that she could barely stand up. She had sex with no one before she passed out with Grisha.

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I think she knows him well off cam and she was drunk, so what we think is that she was trying to show the guy how to be with a girl. It seemed that she was counseling him about something. Perhaps he has issues letting himself loose around women. Other then that, who knows, but he left alone and nothing else happened.

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