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Tula - Split 4


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29 minutes ago, binocular said:

Buffering worse than ever for me even at 11:30pm. Got to be a major server problem !!

VV have transfered and invested all the money in VH well now they have no money for get a better server :biggrin:

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4 hours ago, clivebb said:

VV have transfered and invested all the money in VH well now they have no money for get a better server :biggrin:

I think it's more likely that they ran out of money from the sudden drop in vewership and subscribers. VV didn't need to create VH, they already had the #2 brand in the voyeur world. Anyone who subscribed to VH would have subscribed to VV if they had listed to their customers and did what VH has done. Honestly, I think VV got bored and comfortable. With the rapid success of VH and the loss of VV subscribers, the money just isn't there anymore to maintain the infrastructure.

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On 24/2/2017 at 11:24 PM, clivebb said:

i have just send an email to the vv support about this all buffering,let's see if i get an answer or not but i have not many expectations with this support,if i get no answer it will be normal

well 3 days ago they have asked me to send a screencap of this buffering and what browser i use and since this contact with the support i have no answer...

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30 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

the surprising thing is that they answered you in the 1st place. they must have been high or something.

i got the answer 24 h later after my email but now it's 48 h i have no news and the buffering continue every evenings and nights

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I love VV's useless tweets

Oh Sonia

Its weekend enjoy Bad Boys !!

Sexy time in Tulaa

Be cool its friday !!

and a host of other nonsense ramblings.

Either they have HUGE sub base outside of camcaps world or plain stupid to continue running Sofia,Voro or Tver.

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