binocular Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 I wonder if Sonia now regrets marrying Ivo. She seems thoroughly depressed in my view, and who would not be, just lounging around a grotty apartment basically doing nothing. Perhaps Sonia should get out more, even get a real job, just for her self esteem alone. Just my view on things.
Sherri Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 I don't understand why they don't get at least get a part time job just so they don't have to look at the same people every hour every day' plus they make a little extra cash. All they do is look at phone all day and lay around except for Ivo & Nick they have there lap tops
Amy3 Posted March 8, 2017 Posted March 8, 2017 Totally agree Russ! They are all making a huge mistake not trying to find other employment. This cannot last forever and when it ends what are they going to do? They could easily do something early in the day when the West is asleep and no one would miss them. Truth is they are all very, very lazy. Little do they know that there is a freight train headed their way. 1
golfer06 Posted March 9, 2017 Posted March 9, 2017 nick & lisa texting each other again. boy do they know how to keep the fire burning in their relationship. (looks like it went out a while ago).
Amy3 Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Stupid as usual! Lisa could be so hot if she tried! Nick can't be anything but a lazy, do nothing, loser.
grege Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Ou sont passe sonia et ivo pas vu depuis un moment?
ashleyxyz Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 On 3/8/2017 at 0:05 PM, Amy3 said: Totally agree Russ! They are all making a huge mistake not trying to find other employment. This cannot last forever and when it ends what are they going to do? They could easily do something early in the day when the West is asleep and no one would miss them. Truth is they are all very, very lazy. Little do they know that there is a freight train headed their way. I love this! 1
golfer06 Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 nick & lisa trying to get the excitement going at boro (and failing).
BenCoudon Posted March 13, 2017 Posted March 13, 2017 Well guys, you have to understand that we cannot have the butter and the money of the butter. Regardless which room I read, people are commenting on the fact that most tenants are lazy and not doing anything. We heard comments about Rustland playing video games all day. We recently read similar comments about Peter and Louie in VHTV. Same comments over and over about Paul, Stepan Lev and many others at RLC. Meanwhile, for the few that do have a job or are often away from their apartment, then people are complaining that the apartment is empty and there is nothing to watch. Well sorry but we can't have it both ways. For these people, letting the world watching them while they eat, fuck sleep or shower, this is their job. They are paid to do just that. And as they cannot fuck 22 hours a day, they are playing cards, video games, texting on their phone and all kind of other stuff they can do while we are watching. And, when they are partying a bit to much, we see them hung over (as we see Ivo on the couch today). And, concerning comments that a couple, facing each other, are both on their phone, no need to watch a voyeur site to see that. Just go outside of your own house and you will see that hundred times a day. This is where technology brought the world now a days. Simply go to a restaurant and look around, People are no longer talking, they are playing with their phone. I would not be surprise that lots of people are now writing on facebook while they fuck their spouse. What they will do when they leave is not our business. They had (a kind of) life before and they will have one once they quit (or are fired) from the voyeur site. And former tenant are not reporting back to the audience what they have been doing since they left. So we should simply enjoy the view when (on rare occasions) we see a good piece of ass and switch room when there is noting interesting to watch. 1
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