heineken Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 Thanks Amy. I probably am giving them more credit than they deserve, especially since I can't stand Kenny. There's just something about him. It's not just the hiding. I think the reason Anna doesn't go about her business the way she did in VV is because she really does want them all to come to the conclusion themselves without being coaxed into it. And I'm fine with that if it comes across natural. The problem we have now is if they are ever to start something in front of the others, we all know it'll just be a show for views. That makes it less entertaining. I have seen Mia and Emma in very sexy lingerie in the house, but never in front of anyone that is not their boyfriend. If all of a sudden they start going all out, it'll seem forced. And the way Mia laughs so much during sex like she's a teenager hiding it from her parents, it'll make it worse. And what happens if they do it once and then they go back to the way they are now. That really does put them in a lose lose situation. 1
jabbath1987 Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 Really wonder what Mia and blanketboy are thinking why they here. Nothing interesting from them for days now
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 Heniken, Spielo, Amy, Golfer, Russ, BenCondon, Great that you are giving your opinion and not me above and not me .. I must say that the line of reasoning mixed in their post, reach the same goal over and that is also my opinion. Really the best semi-professionals (I have emphasized this as a "training school"). If no one takes the first step forward (and face the consequences), we will actually have considerable time on this "wall" (and as Amy has noted, time is something that has already been given too much). To all. Some have taken advantage of it and made strides (arguably) and others are still lagging behind. They already had it, so we saw yesterday their first ($ return). And I agree that whoever has to take the first step (and example) is precisely Alex and Anna, for being the most experienced there. I say this too because this "stalemate" is beginning to affect their relationship there. Do I have to say what I'm pointing to? The game (?), Returning to the beginning that can be also the Jenga. I even prefer it because the "nervousness" or "relaxation" factor will directly influence the speed of the final result (and it will really be something very voyeur to see there). When I say something intermediary between VV and RLC, I say precisely in the sense of this site to gather the still disgruntled payers to these two sites. I do not have any reference to VV but I also notice one foot in RLC that things have already begun there this year to turn to the other side of the wall and the double-sided mirror. ... If you have the "ball in the foot" at the moment, do not go forward, others will ... Our feelings . (Possibly many translation errors, but with a little patience I think the text can be understood in general) Google Tradutor para empresas:Google Toolkit de tradução para apps
Yury Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 6 hours ago, BenCoudon said: Except for the all girls apartments, RLC is a sole couple per apartment. They have guests from time to time but overall, each couple lives alone in their bubble. VV has introduced the concept of multi couples per apartment. And, in most cases, those couples were clearly not shy to be naked in front of others. On multiple occasions, we have seen couples having sex side by side or in the same room. From what I can see and read, for VHTV, this is currently a 4 couple apartment and they are all too shy to even remove their T-shirt in front of others. What is the purpose to stack 2 couples in the same bedroom if they either hide under a blanket to have sex or simply take turns in the bedroom. Even ALex is acting like a prude virgin mary. I would have thought that he was sent there to shake the place and show them how to live naked in such environment If you compare to the previous voro, they have a large jaccuzy in there. We have seen up to 7 people in the voro jaccuzy. I am told that it is even rare that one cople goes in there. And they all make sure they lock the door. It doesn't take a ph'd to figure out what the viewers want to see. Play strip poker games, get naked and don't be shy to have sex in front of the other couples. And very few would be mad if they switch partners You'll laugh, but Anna stops Alex, when he tries to undress in front of other tenants. Emma said she would not undress and walk around in his underwear in front of the other guys in the apartment. She scolded Peter for what he goes in front of the other girls in tight shorts and his cock strongly bulges out. Their friends are not willing to do it, too. They take turns getting fucked in the living room in front of a free camera. At the same time, they constantly monitor whether the door is closed and react to every rustle in the hall, for fear that someone will enter in the living room at the time when they are naked. Alex spoke to them about this at the meeting and only Peter said that he was ready for more. I'm afraid that you will not see in the near future not only sex two couples in one room, but also strip poker as well. At the meeting, they said that them need specific instructions on what to do. They do what them says Anna (eg sex in the living room by turns in order to attract new subscribers). And they constantly repeat that it is their job. So we can not talk about the natural behavior of tenants. 2
Yury Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 4 hours ago, heineken said: Thanks Yury for the translations tonight. I want to say what is going on in this apartment is not all Anna's fault. I believe she's in a situation where she doesn't want to tell the rest of the tenants what to do but also knows they need improvement. She wants them to try to figure it out for themselves. I think the only other person that wants to really try to make it work is Peter. But he can't tell Emma what to do or else she'll get pissed like she has when he hangs out with Alex and Anna too much. So he's in a tough spot because I can't see Emma doing anything different anytime soon. I also believe the guest couple (wish we had names) will follow whatever everyone else does. I don't think they'll shy away from nudity or anything else in front of the rest of the house, but they also won't be the first to do it. If nudity and sex is what gets them viewers then Anna needs to wait till everyone's in the living room watching tv. Then she needs to drop her pants, pull out the dildo and start masturbating in front of everyone. Or she can whip Alex's dick out and start sucking in front of everyone. Either way, we'll find out real quick if the rest of the house will go along or need to leave. It sounds like they all need money, so they have to try something new to stay in these cozy lives their living. Although I agree that Alex and Lina do a far better job casting, I still think this is the most interesting house on VH because of all the craziness that happens there. We really never know what's going to happen next. I think you are very close to the truth. 1
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 4 minutes ago, Yury said: You'll laugh, but Anna stops Alex, when he tries to undress in front of other tenants. Emma said she would not undress and walk around in his underwear in front of the other guys in the apartment. She scolded Peter for what he goes in front of the other girls in tight shorts and his cock strongly bulges out. Their friends are not willing to do it, too. They take turns getting fucked in the living room in front of a free camera. At the same time, they constantly monitor whether the door is closed and react to every rustle in the hall, for fear that someone will enter in the living room at the time when they are naked. Alex spoke to them about this at the meeting and only Peter said that he was ready for more. I'm afraid that you will not see in the near future not only sex two couples in one room, but also strip poker as well. At the meeting, they said that them need specific instructions on what to do. They do what them says Anna (eg sex in the living room by turns in order to attract new subscribers). So we can not talk about the natural behavior of tenants. ... If you have the "ball in the foot" at the moment, do not go forward, others will ... And if you lose it, take it up again and make a greater effort. Much bigger. My feeling here
Yury Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 6 minutes ago, thedbear said: ... If you have the "ball in the foot" at the moment, do not go forward, others will ... And if you lose it, take it up again and make a greater effort. Much bigger. My feeling here They need much more time than we have them give. Emma said: "Maybe after two months ..."
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 And if you lose it, take it up again and make a greater effort. Much bigger.
Yury Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 A few days ago, Peter the night talking with his friend. A friend said that in the relations between tenants is already beginning to occur tensions. It bothers him. He said that they did not intend to stay long in the apartment. He also said that if they and Peter with Emma come out of the project (to be kicked out), they will not live together, but will rent an apartment separate from the Peter and Emma, or go home. He believes that a large number of residents in one apartment will inevitably lead to quarrels between tenants.
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 2 minutes ago, Yury said: Alguns dias atrás, Peter a noite falando com seu amigo. Um amigo disse que nas relações entre inquilinos já está começando a ocorrer tensões. Isso o incomoda. Disse que não pretendiam ficar muito tempo no apartamento. Ele também disse que se eles e Peter com Emma sair do projeto (para ser expulso), eles não vão viver juntos, mas vai alugar um apartamento separado do Peter e Emma, ou ir para casa. Ele acredita que um grande número de residentes em um apartamento inevitavelmente levará a brigas entre inquilinos. If they insist on being "strange" with each other, surely this will happen. The "fights" are easy to understand, Resistance. Break it or take the first step in this direction (someone) and things start to line up there. They are in pairs. Confidence in this and everything else is facilitated. This morning I saw something that kind of signals like a beacon on the horizon. "Pink" couple and "Kenny" couple in the room of the last, talking for a considerable time. I do not know about what, but the simple act already shows a kind of breakthrough in the relationship between them. Even if they were to criticize all of the apartment and perpectives of the project itself.
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 5 hours ago, heineken said: Isso é verdade sobre a nudez na frente de qualquer outra pessoa. Mas você tem Emma dar a Peter um blowjob sob as cobertas uma noite. Em seguida, no dia seguinte, eles estão fodendo no sofá da sala, em plena luz do dia. Eu sei que ninguém estava em casa na época, mas alguém poderia ainda ter entrado neles se eles chegassem em casa mais cedo. O ponto é todos os dias parece ser um dia diferente naquela casa. Você não sabe o que você receberá. Talvez o casal foursome vai voltar quando todo mundo está lá. Isso abalaria a casa um pouco. I could not have positioned myself better. Just one detail that is what I'm looking for right now. The doors are closed. Even between Anna and Alex. Opening them would already be a half step.
thedbear Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 5 hours ago, heineken said: Graças Amy. Eu provavelmente estou dando-lhes mais crédito do que merecem, especialmente desde que eu não suporto Kenny. Há apenas algo sobre ele. Não é apenas o esconderijo. Penso que a razão Anna não ir sobre seu negócio do jeito que ela fez em VV é porque ela realmente quer que todos eles para vir para o si conclusão sem ser persuadido a ele. E eu estou bem com isso se ele se depara natural. O problema que temos agora é se eles estão sempre começar algo na frente dos outros, todos nós sabemos que será apenas um show para vistas. Isso torna menos divertido. Eu vi Mia e Emma em lingerie muito sexy na casa, mas nunca na frente de ninguém que não é seu namorado. Se, de repente, eles começam a ir todos para fora, ele vai parecer forçada. E a maneira como Mia ri muito durante o sexo como ela é uma adolescente escondendo de seus pais, ele vai torná-lo pior. E o que acontece se eles fazem isso uma vez e, em seguida, eles vão voltar para a forma como eles estão agora. Isso realmente não colocá-los em uma situação de perda perder. That's why I suggested that Anna and Alex take the first kick at the door. It is clear that what is expected is that everyone withdraws from the first moment. Or we can have surprises (?). The fact that while this does not gain "normality effect", we will still have locks there. And it does not have to be done in gratuitous cam exclusively. The effect of the act is propagated here in the forum and in the own VH twitter. Our feedback is what motivated others to join the site or not. Also.
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