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Anna & Alex - Part 1

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i'm not used to having a seperate toilet room but i guess it's common for them. but they shouldn't spend too much time there as they will lose viewers. i personally don't want to see alex's dick unless it is in a female orafice.

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2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Eu não estou acostumado a ter um quarto separado de WC, mas eu acho que é comum para eles. Mas eles não devem gastar muito tempo lá como eles vão perder telespectadores. Eu pessoalmente não quero ver dick alex, a menos que seja em um orafice feminino.

It's not a room, it's where the toilets are.
I think this is the reason (not justified I make clear here) of Alex use the sink of the part where the shower and shower is for what we already know.

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