MrBox Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 4 hours ago, miscvoyeur said: It's not worth it. There are no apartments in RLC worth the price tag. That being said, I'm not fundamentally unhappy with what goes on in these apartments. I'm merely just not impressed with it either. Back in the day RLC used to be about legitimate couples and CC was more analyzing couples and relationship dynamics. That is what I liked and miss. I used to hate these apartments, B1 and B2, because they're nothing but just pandering to the T&A crowd. From a business standpoint, it makes sense. As a voyeur more into couples, it's just uninspiring. But over the months, I've come to appreciate (for lack of a better word) these apartments for 3 reasons: they are different from the rest of apartments, I'm generally not happy with any of the more recent couples, and the Barcelona threads are where most of the activity takes place so every so often I like to participate. Not too often however as I tend to disagree with over 90% of what's being said and people tend to take these girls WAAAY too seriously. Even with as many apartments as never before, RLC missed to grow in terms of showing the personality of residents. December was the month as the most boring cam show i ever saw has lead the thumbnails list of apartments almost without any competitor. One of the reasons for this were certainly the lack of exciting content in the other apartments. The growing number of couple apartments has no effect, if almost all of them are like hollywood movies staring after the happy end. If there is almost no development or any excitement, even the most likeable couple will get boring to watch over some month (up to about a year). The barcelona apartments work differently as the couple apartments, due to the constant change of the cast. There is always something new to see and it is fun to watch how the girls get used to the new situation and interact with people they newer saw before. Unfortunately, most of the time, the casting in this apartments lack the openess of the couple apartments. Due to this, the barcelona apartments worked over very long periods of time only because of the imagination of the viwers but not because of real content. People hoped to see something happen, but got almost always disappointed. ... Lets face it. The real life of girls flown through half-Europe to stay somewere without connection to people they know often is focused on there smartphones. The most recent and one of the best examples for this is maybe Michelle. Even if she is in the apartment for some time, we saw certainly most of her real personality in the time with her guest. Without any doubt and very easy to see, the best phases for the apartments in barcelona were the times with K&K, Lola (the parties) and Irma there. Every of this times were not about the normal everyday life of the people, but certainly still about the real personality of the residents. The openess to overcome restriction and brake out of self-made borders is the key to make barcelona fun to watch. The shows or parties act as some kind of catalyst that actually help the girls to get involved and make something happen. For me, this works as long as the residents remain honest. If the girls have real fun and get excited, it is fun to watch. Irma is the master of this kind of openness. ... However, the limit of this events is reached quickly, if the residents keep everything on an teasing level or regret there openness and leave early. If RLC like to walk this way they need girls that are open minded and like the excitment. I think, the best long term solution for RLC could be somewere in between. Apartments like the one of K&K could be the mix of both worlds. I think, Barcelona at home with style and an open minded cast is the key to keep RLC fun to watch when Irma will be gone again. 3
BBsq69 Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 2 minutes ago, MrBox said: Even with as many apartments as never before, RLC missed to grow in terms of showing the personality of residents. December was the month as the most boring cam show i ever saw has lead the thumbnails list of apartments almost without any competitor. One of the reasons for this were certainly the lack of exciting content in the other apartments. The growing number of couple apartments has no effect, if almost all of them are like hollywood movies staring after the happy end. If there is almost no development or any excitement, even the most likeable couple will get boring to watch over some month (up to about a year). The barcelona apartments work differently as the couple apartments, due to the constant change of the cast. There is always something new to see and it is fun to watch how the girls get used to the new situation and interact with people they newer saw before. Unfortunately, most of the time, the casting in this apartments lack the openess of the couple apartments. Due to this, the barcelona apartments worked over very long periods of time only because of the imagination of the viwers but not because of real content. People hoped to see something happen, but got almost always disappointed. ... Lets face it. The real life of girls flown through half-Europe to stay somewere without connection to people they know often is focused on there smartphones. The most recent and one of the best examples for this is maybe Michelle. Even if she is in the apartment for some time, we saw certainly most of her real personality in the time with her guest. Without any doubt and very easy to see, the best phases for the apartments in barcelona were the times with K&K, Lola (the parties) and Irma there. Every of this times were not about the normal everyday life of the people, but certainly still about the real personality of the residents. The openess to overcome restriction and brake out of self-made borders is the key to make barcelona fun to watch. The shows or parties act as some kind of catalyst that actually help the girls to get involved and make something happen. For me, this works as long as the residents remain honest. If the girls have real fun and get excited, it is fun to watch. Irma is the master of this kind of openness. ... However, the limit of this events is reached quickly, if the residents keep everything on an teasing level or regret there openness and leave early. If RLC like to walk this way they need girls that are open minded and like the excitment. I think, the best long term solution for RLC could be somewere in between. Apartments like the one of K&K could be the mix of both worlds. I think, Barcelona at home with style and an open minded cast is the key to keep RLC fun to watch when Irma will be gone again. Personality, openness, real life drama - you need My Belle back particularly from her first month. In the last half of her stay she was carrying the whole of Barcelona until B1 started to get going again.
corboblanc Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 il y a 3 minutes, MrBox a dit : Même avec autant d'appartements comme jamais auparavant, RLC manqué de croître en termes de montrer la personnalité des résidents. Décembre a été le mois comme le montrent à came le plus ennuyeux i jamais vu a conduit la liste des miniatures d'appartements presque sans concurrent. Une des raisons à cela étaient certainement le manque de contenu passionnant dans les autres appartements. Le nombre croissant de quelques appartements n'a pas d'effet, si la quasi-totalité d'entre eux sont comme des films hollywood fixes après la fin heureuse. S'il n'y a presque pas de développement ou de toute excitation, même le couple le plus sympathique va devenir ennuyeux pour surveiller quelque mois (jusqu'à environ un an). Les appartements barcelone fonctionnent différemment que les quelques appartements, en raison de l'évolution constante de la distribution. Il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à voir et il est amusant de voir comment les filles se habituer à la nouvelle situation et d'interagir avec des gens qu'ils nouvelle scie avant. Malheureusement, la plupart du temps, la coulée dans cet appartement manquent de openess du couple appartements. Pour cette raison, les appartements barcelone ont travaillé sur de très longues périodes de temps seulement à cause de l'imagination des viwers mais pas à cause du contenu réel. Les gens espéraient voir quelque chose se produire, mais se sont presque toujours déçus. ... Avouons-le. La vraie vie des filles effectuées par le biais de la moitié-Europe de rester somewere sans connexion à des gens qu'ils connaissent souvent se concentre sur là smartphones. Le plus récent et l'un des meilleurs exemples de ceci est peut-être Michelle. Même si elle est dans l'appartement pendant un certain temps, nous avons vu certainement la plupart de sa vraie personnalité dans le temps avec son invité. Sans aucun doute et très facile à voir, les meilleures phases pour les appartements à Barcelone ont été les fois avec K & K, Lola (les parties) et Irma là. Chaque de ces moments étaient pas sur la vie quotidienne normale des personnes, mais certainement encore sur la personnalité réelle des résidents. Le openess pour surmonter la restriction et le frein sur les frontières de self-made est la clé pour faire barcelona amusant à regarder. Les spectacles ou les parties agissent comme une sorte de catalyseur qui en fait aider les filles à se impliquer et de faire bouger les choses. Pour moi, cela fonctionne aussi longtemps que les résidents restent honnêtes. Si les filles ont du plaisir réel et excités, il est amusant à regarder. Irma est le maître de ce type d'ouverture. ... Cependant, la limite de ces événements est atteint rapidement, si les résidents gardent tout sur un niveau de taquineries ou regrettent l'ouverture et il partent tôt. Si RLC aiment marcher de cette façon dont ils ont besoin des filles qui sont ouverts d'esprit et comme le excitment. Je pense que la meilleure solution à long terme pour RLC pourrait être somewere entre les deux. Apartments comme celui de K & K pourrait être le mélange des deux mondes. Je pense que, Barcelone à la maison avec style et un casting ouvert d'esprit est la clé pour garder RLC amusant à regarder quand Irma aura disparu à nouveau. autrement dit, des actrices porno dans les 2 barca ( qui devrait s'appeler comme les espagnols le disent: barna: BAR-celo-NA), et des couple normaux dans les autres appartements!!! c'est ce qui est en train d'arriver!!!! In other words, porn actresses in the 2 barca (which should be called as the Spaniards say: barna: BAR-celo-NA), and normal couples in other apartments !!! This is what is happening !!!! 1
BBsq69 Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 Absolutely disgraceful hiding. Earlier Nicole was eating sausages with her beautiful back towards us. How dare she deny us the pleasure of seeing her stick those long pink meaty objects in her mouth. Shame on you Nicole! 4
Zinc Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 4 minutes ago, MrBox said: Even with as many apartments as never before, RLC missed to grow in terms of showing the personality of residents. December was the month as the most boring cam show i ever saw has lead the thumbnails list of apartments almost without any competitor. One of the reasons for this were certainly the lack of exciting content in the other apartments. The growing number of couple apartments has no effect, if almost all of them are like hollywood movies staring after the happy end. If there is almost no development or any excitement, even the most likeable couple will get boring to watch over some month (up to about a year). The barcelona apartments work differently as the couple apartments, due to the constant change of the cast. There is always something new to see and it is fun to watch how the girls get used to the new situation and interact with people they newer saw before. Unfortunately, most of the time, the casting in this apartments lack the openess of the couple apartments. Due to this, the barcelona apartments worked over very long periods of time only because of the imagination of the viwers but not because of real content. People hoped to see something happen, but got almost always disappointed. ... Lets face it. The real life of girls flown through half-Europe to stay somewere without connection to people they know often is focused on there smartphones. The most recent and one of the best examples for this is maybe Michelle. Even if she is in the apartment for some time, we saw certainly most of her real personality in the time with her guest. Without any doubt and very easy to see, the best phases for the apartments in barcelona were the times with K&K, Lola (the parties) and Irma there. Every of this times were not about the normal everyday life of the people, but certainly still about the real personality of the residents. The openess to overcome restriction and brake out of self-made borders is the key to make barcelona fun to watch. The shows or parties act as some kind of catalyst that actually help the girls to get involved and make something happen. For me, this works as long as the residents remain honest. If the girls have real fun and get excited, it is fun to watch. Irma is the master of this kind of openness. ... However, the limit of this events is reached quickly, if the residents keep everything on an teasing level or regret there openness and leave early. If RLC like to walk this way they need girls that are open minded and like the excitment. I think, the best long term solution for RLC could be somewere in between. Apartments like the one of K&K could be the mix of both worlds. I think, Barcelona at home with style and an open minded cast is the key to keep RLC fun to watch when Irma will be gone again. Wow MrBox...i always thought u were some kind of double agent working for RLC here ..i felt u supported them without any reason at times...but here u are pretty much accurate...both RLC and ppl need to realize that the normal couple apartments will and should stay the same... but Barca are supposed to be just teasing and same old massage and baths will not work...girls have to be naughty and go all the way...and if that required some pill magic so be it...the viewers have to be mature enough to accept it....i also believe the management of RLC keeps on changing...these are not natural cycles where apartments get exciting and then boring...i think the management also changes...
BBsq69 Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 16 minutes ago, Zinc said: Jessica seems fun and happy with Irma..Nicole is really hot but has a bf so she cant really be naughty...ideally I want to see Anna/Irma reunion Is it possible you have mixed these 2 girls up? Jessica has the BF but has been pretty flirty with the last 2 blokes, but Nicole is being as naughty as hell! Or do you mean in a girl on girl way? 1
Zinc Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 1 minute ago, BBsq69 said: Is it possible you have mixed these 2 girls up? Jessica has the BF but has been pretty flirty with the last 2 blokes, but Nicole is being as naughty as hell! Or do you mean in a girl on girl way? We have seen Nicole bating and having sex with her bf but thats it...that is pretty much the same category as Nora or K&K these days...i mean all these girls are probably suited for couple apartments but not for Barca...i dont know if Jessica has a bf...she was pretty open to both the guys...she reminds me a little of Anna...who learned a lot from Irma and slowly opened up.... Personally i am hoping for Nora/irma to get naughty....on thursday night i expected something hot but it only ended up into a shower...dont know why Irma is also holding back...Nora really wanted fun....
MrBox Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 24 minutes ago, Zinc said: OK some things that i have noticed....others may disagree with me but here goes!!! 1. Nora looks way more relaxed this time now and friendly as compared to being uptight as before...however i dont understand her flirty attitude with Irma...on one hand she seems to be someone with a steady bf therefore she doesnt involve in any thing too naughty like last night...on the other hand she is flirting with Irma...but overall i believe unless Irma responds she will continue to be a timepass... 2. Irma is not as sexually aggressive as she was back in 2015...the way she flirted or looked to have something sexual, was not seen later when she returned last year and now...but still credit to her...she has made the environment more lively and somewhat fun...dont understand who both barca 1 and 2 both got naughty on her 1st night...still hope Irma stays for full 3 months..i hope during this time, Anna and Caro return (my two other fav barca girls)..i think their three months gap is done...lets see who goes...Jessica seems fun and happy with Irma..Nicole is really hot but has a bf so she cant really be naughty...ideally I want to see Anna/Irma reunion 3. Danaya and Karol just remind me of K&K back when they were at Barca....just teasing eachother.... Lotta ppl here have commented that RLC wants more of such stuff..probably passed as a negative comment but I really hope so....after that magic pills controversy RLC had pretty much become DEAD...well...welcome back Irma.. There are two think i dislike about barcelona currently: 1) The missing of real action (only one girl out of seven is a very bad ratio). ... ... Especially B2 is a complete disappointment in this point. 2) The fake cam shows of Jessica. I hoped they would be over, but it seems she is starting again. ... 1
lucasfrench59 Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 Nicole Took several 50 euro notes from his closet
Zinc Posted January 7, 2017 Posted January 7, 2017 2 minutes ago, MrBox said: There are two think i dislike about barcelona currently: 1) The missing of real action (only one girl out of seven is a very bad ratio). ... ... Especially B2 is a complete disappointment in this point. 2) The fake cam shows of Jessica. I hoped they would be over, but it seems she is starting again. ... u r right....that is why i want Anna and Caro back....and ppl may hate me for it...but also Beardo...loool if i am not wrong...there was no drinking in Barca 1 yest...they just had tea or coffee.....very awkward for a birthday celebration.... also correct me if i am wrong...barca doesnt have a history of two girls in staying in the same room, getting hot...Anna and Belle never really did anything wild in their room when they shared...Caro and Anna were wild outside but when they entered their room in Barca 2...they just i think Irma/nora would do nothing except probably a massage night...which i hope gets naughty..otherwise thursday was perfect...Nora flirting with Irma and noone in the apartment...
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