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Barcelona Apt. #1 ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos January to March 2017

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

Harley as Belle said tonight to Alex regarding his assertion that popcorn had 0 calories.

"You believe what you want to believe"

I have told you the truth in this particular case. People do have genuine friends you know. Ones that they met through work, but became friends. Can you understand that concept. I would say I have about 50 but not many so close as Belle and Irma.


I have no clue what was said BB, I only go on what someone tells me or what I read on this forum!

Yes I know that people have genuine friends but I'm sick of tired or reading about how Irma and Belle are going to hook up, it gets old reading the same shit over and over again.  Speak about the true shit that is seen and not what you think might be happening.  Tonight I was told that Belle wasn't right when she got home and there were signs that she was not a good girl tonight......I will leave it at that!!

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11 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I have no clue what was said BB, I only go on what someone tells me or what I read on this forum!

Yes I know that people have genuine friends but I'm sick of tired or reading about how Irma and Belle are going to hook up, it gets old reading the same shit over and over again.  Speak about the true shit that is seen and not what you think might be happening.  Tonight I was told that Belle wasn't right when she got home and there were signs that she was not a good girl tonight......I will leave it at that!!

I'm fixing to go lights out so I thought before I did that I would say this last thing to make myself more clear.  For those of you that are lacking brain cells and bought the replay, go back and pay attention to Belle when she came home tonight.  I don't know how long replay is good for other than what you all say and it sounds like it's only good for 24hr blocks.  If that is the case, then I suggest to those of you that always think the girls can do no wrong, to go back and watch the replay and pay attention to the first 5 minutes or so.  I think in that time frame from what I was told and showed, you will see what tonight was all about!  Goodnight all!!!

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25 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I have no clue what was said BB, I only go on what someone tells me or what I read on this forum!

Yes I know that people have genuine friends but I'm sick of tired or reading about how Irma and Belle are going to hook up, it gets old reading the same shit over and over again.  Speak about the true shit that is seen and not what you think might be happening.  Tonight I was told that Belle wasn't right when she got home and there were signs that she was not a good girl tonight......I will leave it at that!!

Once again Harvey


AND I don't have to tell you how I know but someone so determined not to believe something makes me wonder what it takes for you to believe anything.

Sorry but I am now losing patience.

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31 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I'm fixing to go lights out so I thought before I did that I would say this last thing to make myself more clear.  For those of you that are lacking brain cells and bought the replay, go back and pay attention to Belle when she came home tonight.  I don't know how long replay is good for other than what you all say and it sounds like it's only good for 24hr blocks.  If that is the case, then I suggest to those of you that always think the girls can do no wrong, to go back and watch the replay and pay attention to the first 5 minutes or so.  I think in that time frame from what I was told and showed, you will see what tonight was all about!  Goodnight all!!!

Oh no she has a ladder in her tights - that never happens to women! That's why they are so expensive ... LOL

She put her phone, handbag and keys down and brushed her hair

Went for a crap, removed her tights and skirt, examined herself as she always does.

That's 5 minutes already gone

She then cleaned off her make up. Checked her stomach for some reason but she's apparently on some kind of diet which she spoke about tonight. Any white dots you think you see on her are actually on the mirror by the way.

And after 8 minutes went for a miserable shower.

So mystery man, where is any evidence of her doing anything and as she's a single girl could you describe what she did wrong? She went to a party didn't stay more than an hour and whatever she got up to is her own business. For a girl who's already taken a huge snort of cocaine and more than one in that bathroom and dildoed 4 or 5 girls (counting pending and it all looked fine to me) in this very flat, what exactly are you now suddenly going to judge as being a bad girl - a ladder in her tights! Did she take drugs at a party - horror of horrors - or can you see evidence that her hair and dress are covered in semen. Don't be cryptic, what can you see? 

You Harley know damn well I am not under any illusions about of these girls and to suggest I am strikes me that you don't know me at all, but i'm willing to listen. However next time just come right out and say it or at the very least PM me and I'll see if I can help you. 

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Shock Horror, soap fans, I made an error earlier:

It is true Alex is not Belle's real father as Irma had an affair and Belle is her child by her Brazilian lover and now Belle wants to meet him.

There you go - explanation sorted. It wasn't real folks. They were playing 


having fun and obviously doing it too well for you to spot.

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Just now, BBsq69 said:

It is true Alex is not Belle's real father as Irma had an affair and Belle is her child by her Brazilian lover and now Belle wants to meet him.

So if Alex fucked Belle at his party - whatever you might want to believe - be relieved as it isn't incest just a stepfather having his way. LOL

And so I finally say goodnight.

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9 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I agree and also believe that she doesn't have a boyfriend!

then what is that ring she is always wearing on that chain now,she never wore it before,why have 2 phones girls only have 2 phones for a reason one for regular use one dedicated to either work or a lover,and the fact she is not participating in anything on camera anyways also points to a lover outside

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8 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

then what is that ring she is always wearing on that chain now,she never wore it before,why have 2 phones girls only have 2 phones for a reason one for regular use one dedicated to either work or a lover,and the fact she is not participating in anything on camera anyways also points to a lover outside

I've known a lot of people with 2 mobiles, one work (i.e. RLC and modelling assignments), one personal but I am looking at the style of the phone girl and have not heard any typical BF calls. Every time her whatever he was called last time in B2 Belle got very excited. If she has a n actual BF and she's still Belle which we saw glimpses of last night then I doubt if she has the self-possession to contain herself ... Idoubt it very much. At least I've killed the Brazil nonsense and so in 10 days has she mentioned a real BF? I don't know but I don't think so whereas all the others had or made or took obvious BF calls.

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